Random Questions

Yeah, I’m adding it into my regimen for hormonal reasons, not as a diuretic. I’m on a very low dose but get soookoo sleepy as soon as I take it which I’m not loving. My doctor suggested trying it for at least a month to see if we’re getting the effects we’re hoping for so I’m going to stick with it until then and reassess. :crossed_fingers: I have luscious hair this month!

I wish something made me sleepy, I struggle to sleep. Of course I have to get up in the middle of the night to pee, but that was going on before. I do take one pill twice a day, so that morning sleepiness could be challenging. Does caffeine help? Though coffee is also a diuretic so that just adds on to that issue.


Has anyone used a home cell phone signal booster? Any recommendations, things to look for, etc? Husband has spotty signal in his office, which is an issue now that he’s running a business. But we’re seeing all kinds of things on a Google search with prices ranging from $20 to $1000 and no idea what we should be searching for.


Hmmm. Whenever we’ve had bad cell service, we just use the phone on wifi – cheaper than buying a new thing. Is that not an option for y’all?

I’m also interested. I have 1 bar at best in my house (but if I climb on my roof it’s 2-3). I normally use wifi calling, but we lose power often, and sometimes I need to make calls during an outage (or send texts letting people know powers out and I’m fine)…

Last year I looked around and it seemed like only the expensive ones were really worth it/were effective, but I didn’t come to any real conclusions, had analysis paralysis, and ended up doing nothing.

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Wifi calling keeps dropping for him - which it does not on my identical phone, but he thinks it is for him (and I think he’s right), and he’s frustrated.

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Oh that’s really really frustrating.

Yeah, cell boost sounds like a good idea (though I have no advice due to the aforementioned constant wifi calling!).

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How do people buy phones in 2024? I have been using the same iphone SE (like, the old one) since… at least 2018 :see_no_evil: It has been on its last legs for a while. I want to stick with iphone but I still want it to be one of the smaller ones. From a bit of research I think a refurbished 13 mini sounds like the best option for me. The only real requirements are unlocked and eSIM-compatible but not eSIM-only. So… suggestions of reputable sites to buy a refurbished phone from?


I just recently bought a new-to-me iPhone. I also had a 1st generation iPhone SE and loved the small size! I ended up going with the 13 Pro. I bought directly from Apple even though they didn’t have a huge selection because I liked the fact that the phones came with a new battery, new outer shell, and had a one year warranty. It was my first used phone so I was willing to pay a little more for the security of buying directly from Apple.

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I feel like I’ve seen refurbished phones online at most of the major retailers, i.e. Target, Best Buy, Amazon, Walmart. eBay also has a bunch more consumer protections than they used to.


Another option is a laser headband for hair growth. I haven’t tried one but Angie says they work and it only takes a couple minutes. Here’s her review, it’s from five years ago but I’m pretty sure she still uses it.

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Two different but related questions!

It is too hot in my house. Plan A was to just do what an HVAC company recommended by a family friend in the business told me to do, but they aren’t getting back to me. Plan B will be to figure out what exactly I need and then get quotes.

  1. I have a regular furnace. It’s old and should be replaced soon ish, but I’d rather allocate maintenance $ to more time sensitive projects right now. I don’t have to replace the furnace to just add AC, right? Plenty of people get AC and don’t replace furnaces?
  2. Is there a person who is, say, an HVAC YouTuber you’ve come across? I want to know enough to have more informed convos with sales people. Or a blog/facebook group? Open to whatever format!

I had AC added to an existing furnace.


A/c uses your ductwork but is a separate system. The only thing is that you do get a discount if you buy both at once.

I just replaced my a/c and it came in at about $7500 but there’s a tax credit because I got a more efficient system. We’ll see how that works out.


as far as I know, you can get AC without a furnace, but it could be that you can negotiate a pretty good deal with the HVAC company if they do both at once.

I would see about getting the AC quote first, and then asking them what it would be to do both, see if it is worth doing it for you.

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@Cranky @plainjane this is encouraging! I got two quotes for furnace + AC /!: they didn’t mention a discount, but I’ll ask about it when I get my next round of quotes.


And there’s always a discount for paying cash, IME.


We added AC only 2 years ago. The furnace was replaced in 2018 so there wasn’t any reason to replace it. At our house in the Springs we got a quote to install AC and they were willing to basically give us a new furnace for free, but we decided to do just the furnace because we couldn’t afford the AC part at the time.


Have you looked into a heat pump?

  • They can work with existing ducting
  • They can be both an AC and a furnace
  • There’s a federal tax credit of 30% up to a total of $2k
  • Colorado has a 10% credit up to $1500 for 2024 for air-source heat pumps, which I think is split between the installer and the homeowner (usually as a discount on installation)
  • Your energy provider might offer a rebate as well - we are getting an $1800 rebate from our electric company for ours
  • They’re much more energy efficient compared to traditional AC

We just had a heat pump system installed a few months ago and it’s working GREAT so far. We don’t have ducting, though, so we had to put in ductless mini-splits, which made it a lot more expensive.


It’s on my list! What resources did you use to look into it? I think one of the sales people I talked to is incentivized to push them, so I want to be more prepared next time I talk to someone.