Random Questions

Brown rice is a demon to cook with in blended dishes IMO. White rice is much more forgiving.


And you tried a new thing - also a good. You just happened to hit a hard mode item.


It was your first time. Nobody does things right the first time.


Yep, the rare times I cook brown rice is by itself and I try to allow 1.5x however long I think it should take. And maybe make it ahead of anything else.

Basically I will put baby in the corner if baby is brown rice.


A hard mode item was the last thing I needed after the weekend I’ve had. Oh well tomorrow’s dinner is something easy at least.


Maybe I should’ve used the Uncle Ben’s rice in the 90-second pack after I cooked it. Like I do in that turkey casserole I make. Although I only cook that like 15 minutes not 50. That rice would probably turn out gummy if I cooked it that long in the oven.


Brown rice is the hardest! And casseroles are still iffy.

A sneaky way to make it work for non parboiled rice in casseroles is to bring the rice to the boil in a ton of water, drain it, then stir it into the casserole with a 2:1 or close to it liquid to rice ratio.

Also you can get brown “minute” rice (5min) and I bet it would work in a casserole but I’ve onmy ever used minute rice camping


Id prefer not to throw them out :woman_shrugging: But this made me think of something I might be able to rig to hold them level. :woman_shrugging: Honestly they are NOT to my style, at all, and metal legs would be better, and I am not sure how easily also I will be able to reattach them, but I’ll see how I feel. Now that I have to buy whole new tree and and an electric fence.


Yes, it takes sooo much longer in a blended dish. My mom made a lot of jambalaya growing up, and makes it with brown rice and she bakes it for 90+ min to get the rice to cook all the way through. It takes me 2 hrs now at 3K ft altitude and it literally never became perfectly cooked when I lived at 7K ft haha


That casserole with chicken and soup and rice in the oven needs white rice. BTDT.

But there is such a thing as quick cook brown rice.


Slightly off topic but this discussion reminds me of the first time DH had “real” rice. He had grown up only eating minute rice and continued with that when he became an adult and cooked for himself. Early in our dating adventure I made a meal with real brown rice on the stove top and it took like, 45 minutes from start to finish and the whole time his mind was blown and he thought I was crazy because why would you take 45 minutes to cook something that you can cook for one minute. :joy: I still stand by my point that minute rice has a much different texture and taste than real rice.


I grew up with minute rice, too. It does taste different.


I’ve never had “minute rice” exactly but I buy the Trader Joe’s version now. I find their brown rice is really good as long as I cook it in a pot for about 8-10 minutes.

My mom (we’re Chinese) always has the biggest look of horror whenever she sees the rice in my freezer :joy:.


Haha pick me! I grew up with minute rice. I was always amaaaaazed at how much better the rice was when we lived in Mexico and then as an adult I realized that’s just cuz it wasn’t minute rice :joy: I like the texture of normal rice way more.


I only use brown rice now, but I cook giant batches and freeze what a didn’t need right away most of the time. Plus I use a rice cooker.


:joy::joy::joy: my MIL went OFF when she saw our camping minute rice box. My mum just assumed it was for camping.


I hadn’t even thought about it for camping, but now I will!


We use the boil in bag rice and those foil Indian food pouches (we buy ours at Trader Joe’s) which makes for a super easy camping meal. You can heat both the rice and the pouch in the same pot.


This is my current food allergy survival meal, too. I take one of those Costco rice pouches and Costco taste of India pouches with me whenever we visit family for meals etc where I might not be able to eat anything there. Saved my bacon a few times!


For the last week (after a short but quite bad flu-ey thing), I’ve been having these weird like…palpitations but in just random places in my torso? I’m feeling my stomach, or high up in my chest, go floop-floop-floop now and then?

Has anyone had these/ know what they’re called? I don’t know what to google to determine whether I should go to the Dr (and if I did go I suspect I would do a terrible job at getting it across).