Random Questions

Partner says the stich probably IS the fill and stay within the lines. :slight_smile:
But she also says “probably. I don’t know.” So follow your heart hahaha


Google some embroidery stitches, or check out a library book. I took an embroidery class last year and there are several nice stitches for filling in those stems. You could choose depending on what you want them to look like.


It says straight stitches so I would probably just do stitches up the lines of the stem? But I’m confused that it seems to be a mix of cross-stitch and other kinds of stitches. Not that there are never X stitches in regular embroidery, but that there’s a lot of X stitches and also an area that appears to not be. I haven’t run into that personally.


It’s a pretty weird kit but it seemed like the most economical way to start! But I might move on to something more typical after this one napkin.


Was there a picture of the finished project with the kit? I would use that as a guide.


Nope, that would be too easy. If there was a photo, it is long gone!

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Husband wants to know if you can get a better/ closer picture of the plastic thingies holding the bolts in place. He’s also trying to remember a name of something he says they look like. Will update if he remembers more. I personally have no clue.


I feel like stem stitch would be great for the stems…


If the pattern has the design name and manufacturer, you might find an image on the internet

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I have definitely seen that thing in the drawers at Home Depot. If desperate go spend like half an hour rummaging around in there.

This is the best I can do

Another source called them capture clips or retainer clips and suggested yanking but I’m a touch apprehensive


I don’t think I’ve asked this here but trying to figure this out keeps breaking my brain. How do I plan a trip for a group when we don’t care about the destination aside from it being central to everyone?

Last year I met up with my mom, aunt, and two cousins for a girls weekend, a treat by my mom who basically did it as a way to spend a windfall to spend time together. It was awesome and we all want to do it again and like a dummy I volunteered to plan.

Known things:
5 people, separate sleep spaces preferred.
Florida, Clearwater/Tampa or maybe more inland if there’s something to see
Activity low - we were at Mt Dora last time and walked around down town a bit but really we just had a nice time chatting. But there should be a non zero level of stuff to do.
It would be nice to have a common area to hang out so renting something with a living room is preferable to several individual hotel rooms.
Late September maybe? But this is loose, just not October/November/December.

So, like… I started looking at vrbo, then I tried seeing other ways to rent a place then second guessed location and now arg. Brain explode. It would almost be easier with fewer options, it feels like. Help.


We rented a really nice condo on Clearwater Beach the last time we went to Florida, which was… 2019 guess. Clearwater is my favorite beach, and we pretty much just went to the beach. There’s lots of restaurants.

Also, Sanibel and I’m getting emails about rentals again so they must be up and running. I’m pretty sure I got places in both of those through VRBO.

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The top part does look like a E-style retaining ring but the bottom part I haven’t seen before.

Is there a groove there? If there is, a retaining ring should work in that application.

Could also be a crimp- on, those usually those would be metal.


There is a groove!!

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I’m wondering if I should just replace all of them with double threaded bolts with nuts. :rofl:

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lol not someone linking to McMaster-Carr! @Oro DM me if you need to buy something from there. For. Ahem. Reasons.


This is how I know you’re all my people :joy:


My kid got a t-shirt with Minecraft creepers on it from Target. It also says “lucky fern!” all over it. Anyone have any idea what “lucky fern” refers to?


Google suggest that some Minecraft ferns are large and some are small and some are lucky and some are not. Evidently, nothing terrible, but Minecraft makes my eyes glaze over.