Random Questions

That one is fancy? Definitely wider that the one I got. Mine is more normal-chair size. But also my shower is big so I don’t know. But I think it would fit in a typical bathtub/shower combo.

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I’ve seen plastic stools in showers that don’t have space for a while chair

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Those are designed to have one side in and one side out so you can sit down outside the tub and rotate/scoot in rather than trying to step in- a real advantage for people who are not steady on their feet. I’m guessing a second shower curtain helps to keep the bathroom dry.


That’s a transfer chair. It’s meant to be half in and half out, so you can sit on it and swing your legs (ha) into the tub, then scootch over. It’s for people who are really, really unsteady or have had knee/leg surgery.

Regular shower chairs are smaller. Also, there are a million of them at the thrift store and BN. Lots of times insurance pays for them.


If you search Amazon for “small shower chair for tub” you’ll get a lot of options.

Do you have grab bars? Those are probably more useful than a bench, though a stool is pretty nice. Do not get the ones that suction onto the tile. They will unsuction at the worst possible moment. If you can’t have them properly installed there are some that fot onto the side of the tub.


Thanks y’all! All the chairs I saw were wide like that so I was feeling super confused. I’ll figure it out! :slight_smile:


As others said, this is half in half out - the taller side is outside, the lower side inside the tub. My mom has used one of these for over a decade and it’s been pretty great for her. Their tub is also too narrow for a chair inside it so this works well in their bathroom. It’s intended for transfer use, obviously, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for a person who’s steady on their feet but still needs to sit to shower.

For post surgery showering, I’ve had good experience with just sticking outdoor furniture chairs in the shower.

You could probably put a call out to your community (via buy nothing or whatever you use to advertise the pet pantries) for a shower chair. I bet a neighbor has one hanging out in the attic or something.


My cats are currently healthy, minus their FIV+. They’re about 5 years old. I’m wondering if we should get pet insurance, or if we even can given the preexisting FIV. Would it be worth it?


I’ve never had FIV+ cats, so no experience there. But we choose to decline pet insurance and just have a robust pet budget/e-fund and self-insure. A lot of times, pet insurance has enough limitations on what it will pay for that it isn’t worth it. But I think this is one of those personal areas that works differently for different people.


I think at this age it may not be worth it, but you might get some quotes to see the cost vs. just saving a chunk of money each month. Anything related to FIV+ won’t be covered, but if there are no other pre-existing conditions they will cover those. I do think because of age + FIV+ it might end up being pricier and less worth it. I chose to get insurance for Oliver, but I got it at 4 months with no pre-ex conditions, and so it’s super cheap. It’s been a life saver with all of the issues he’s had this year and I couldn’t have saved up enough money quickly enough to cover everything that insurance has covered


I’d price it out for sure. I found Trupanion (recommended by vet) to be more expensive. We found Healthy Paws to be ok in terms of pricing and they have very good reviews.

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Does anyone have an iPhone 15? I can get one for free or I can pay $180 for the 15PRO and I’m debating which one to get.

I have the 15. I paid for it via credit card points. I like it!

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I have a 12pro now so my brain automatically thinks I should get the 15pro. Yet that’s silly when honestly it’s overkill for what I would ever need. And while my 12pro still works fine, why not get a free new model?

What color did you get? I haven’t seen them in person yet but I will get a case so I will probably be boring and get black.

The 15 is plenty fancy for me. I got the blue, which just looks like white. My case is a pretty greenish color and it looks nice with the phone.

I’m confused how the size compares between the 15 and 15 pro, but not having a gigantic phone was very important to me and the size of the 15 works for me.


What are these little things called? The plastic pieces that keep these bolts on? There is the same on the top and bottom of each long bolt. There’s no threading that I can see.

I would like to remove them so I can change the bolt set up but ihni how!!

These connect the loom treadles to the levers that raise and lower the headle frames. Patterns have different “tie up” designs that require changing how they are set up. From the wear on the wood I can see it was done in the past but I’m totally unsure how these littlr plastic tab things work



Joanne Noragon She is in her 80’s and living in a senior housing apartment and has her loom set up in her living room. She has been weaving most of her life, and has had most kinds of looms. She is delightful, her blog tends to be fun, if on the older woman side of topics outside of weaving. She also sells her work on her instagram. I think she would enjoy answering any and all of your questions. I’ve followed her blog for at least 10 years. She is the real deal.


So my loom appears to be a home built / custom loom which is charm! But it means the features are not necessarily common to other looms. Most people have ties that connect the shafts to the treadles. The bolts are unusual.


Embroidery question! I am learning to embroider and practicing with a kit that came from my MIL’s house and probably dates to the mid-80s.

The directions are vague and just say to do the stems with straight/outline stitch. It looks like this. Am I supposed to outline up one side and down the other? Is it supposed to be filled in somehow?