Random Questions

I didn’t know Mercury Stardust has a book. I met them personally before I learned about their online fame!


You guys are all awesome!! Thank you all so much for thoughtful responses and resources :heart::heart: i wish I had been able to respond better but 4.5 hours of meetings destroyed me today.


Hey all y’all gardening people. I have a small space in the front yard to grow some flowers. What’s some good annuals that can withstand direct sun and don’t need a lot of maintenance. I’m looking for something bright and cheerful as well.

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For set and forget I like sunflowers, nasturtium and calendula but your climate may vary.


Zinnias! So easy, so cheerful!

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Another vote for zinnias.

Anyone in Colorado grow zinnias? They are really pretty but don’t feel like I ever see them in yards so do they not do well here?


I have a recipe that calls for butter flavored shortening. Can I use butter instead?

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Maybe. Butter has a higher moisture. I would, but there could be issues

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I don’t want to buy special shortening if I don’t have to. I have regular but i think the flavor will be missing. Maybe I will try it.

Our neighbor does, and they are just gorgeous! That said, they’re clearly serious gardeners, so I’m not sure how heavy the lift is.


What is the recipe for? I just made banana bread with my Mom’s old recipe which calls for shortening. I used butter instead (at a 1 to 1 ratio) and it turned out fabulously.


Peanut butter cookies

ETA looks like other pb cookies do use butter so I found the odd one.


I would risk it personally. This was one opinion I found via Google:
Cookies made with butter or margarine may be softer and spread a little more. Cookies made with butter are usually crispier than chewy cookies made with shortening, but the flavor is richer with butter. So a one-to-one butter swap will work great if you need a shortening substitute for cookies.


I grew them in Utah. They do need water but handles the heat and sun fine.

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I’ve grown zinnias is Florida and Ohio. They are pretty resilient.

So I have this light in the dining room and just noticed that a thin silver-colored cord is fraying in one spot. What is this cord? Should I be concerned?


That’s the grounding wire. You’re fine.


Thank you!!

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How does one place a shower chair?
I’m looking to get one to help with recovery during an upcoming surgery but all of the shower chairs I see absolutely would not fit in my shower tub at all, not even close - they’re way too wide.
Are you supposed to sit in it facing 90° from the showerhead?