Random Questions

Yeah it thinks I’m sleeping when I’m nursing so clearly a flawed system.

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Cat people, what do you think about this?

It looks like Girl Cat did some over grooming behind her ears and started to lick some of the fur off. There are a couple pinpoint sized tiny scabs on one ear in that area.

Inside her ears looks fine. Normal, no discharge or ear wax. She is indoor only so highly doubt she would have picked up fleas, ticks, etc.

Normally I’d call her vet and get some advice but it is Sunday and we leave for vacation tomorrow morning. Is this a “tell the cat sitter to keep an eye on it” thing? A “go to the emergency vet so someone can look at it before we go” thing? It doesn’t look bad at all, but I hate to leave her with a mystery thing going on.


Argh, I am already a worry wart leaving her. Really wish this wasn’t happening the day before we have a flight out of the country.


Is she lethargic/not eating/otherwise “off”?

Has she had changes in environment that could cause allergies/dermatitis - new food, new laundry detergent, new med?

Agreed that bugs seems unlikely.

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She’s acting normally, eating normally, playing, etc. Howie reported that she was more demanding of attention than usual while he was working from home on Friday but that sounded like it was still in the range of her normal “let me help you by sitting in front of your monitor” activities.

No new food, detergent, etc.

The only unusual thing lately was a visit from my friend two weeks ago, but that didn’t seem to stress her out or anything (she came up to get petted, sat in friend’s lap, etc)


I sent pics and a description to my cousin who is a vet tech and she sounded pretty sure that it is allergies. She said they are seeing a lot of cats with allergies this year. She said it’s not an emergency, to keep an eye on it, and if it’s not better when we get back to ask the vet about a steroid shot.


Yeah, from what you said it doesn’t sound like an emergency. I’m glad it’s not!


Resident Vet said probably not a big deal and likely allergies. If you’re worried, he suggested daily photos of the area in question to make it easier to see if there has been any progression/ show to vet upon return.


Please thank your Resident Vet for me!


WTF is the actual definition of a “security” within an investment account. Is it an individual stock?

I’m trying to do an in-kind transfer from JP Morgan into Vanguard, and I’ve been instructed to put my account information in the “Securities” section of the paperwork rather than the “mutual fund” area, and I’m not sure why. The JP Morgan account has some ETFs, some funds, and maybe some individual stocks? I’m assuming they know what they’re doing, but I’d like to know if there’s a reason.

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Mutual funds are a type of security – a security is just a tradeable financial asset.

If it includes both ETFs and any individual stocks/bonds, that’s probably why they want it in the securities section. Because it sounds like the account has multiple types of securities in there, not just mutual funds.

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Ahh, that makes sense. Yes, the account has more than just mutual funds in it.

When I tried to Google the differences between Securities and Mutual funds, I just got a bunch of articles about the differences between Stocks and Mutual funds, and I was worried.

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Yeah google search is starting to suggest less-than-helpful stuff.


Jumping back to this. I was going through my Apple health info tonight and noticed that my watch is delivery still tracking my blood ox levels. I just bought it in November.

I think there’s been recent court action on it with stays being lifted and continued…I’m not tracking very closely though


I’ve been avoiding a watch update so it keeps working :joy: could that be a factor for you?


Nope I’m up to date!

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Recommendations requested:

Goal: Family vacation in Mexico, somewhere early September to end of October range

Criteria: ideally would have a no layover, sub 5 hour flight from PDX

Dreams: kid friendly, small kid status. I’m resort-curious although I’ve barely even ever stayed in hotels lol, so it seems intimidating to me.

5 of 8 adults going are fluent in Spanish so resort town status is less of a concern. Open to rented houses (what platforms are best?), hotels, resorts, etc.

Also help researching what disease precautions and vaccination needs for different areas? I don’t travel much, haven’t really at all since having kids, and corralling my family is an exhausting undertaking. Help and experiences super appreciated. Anything on google results is now a BS AI list that’s not worth its weight in electrons.


No recommendations for specific destinations. But for disease precautions/vaccinations here is the CDC page of recommendations for Mexico. If everyone going is up to date with routine vaccinations then the only other recommended (but not required) ones would probably be typhoid and hepatitis. According to this page malaria is only a concern in Chiapas and part of Chihuahua state so you probably won’t need to worry about that other than normal mosquito bite prevention (recommended anyways).

Other than that the main precaution to take would just be avoiding tap water (including for brushing teeth to be extra safe). Although if you’re at a resort this may not matter. The usual advice is also to avoid fruit that you don’t peel yourself, salads and other uncooked produce. Personally I have eaten all this in Mexico without a problem but your mileage may vary, especially for kids. Definitely recommend taking plenty of Imodium/pepto bismol/etc.

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I haven’t been there myself, but I’ve been hearing good things about Sayulita for a while. I have been to Puerto Vallarta, which is nearby and is lovely. But a bigger city, so I feel like a rental house in Sayulita would be more family-friendly. I think, possibly, @MonkeyJenga went there?


I know people will have great ideas for you! I’ve only stayed at AIs in Cancun that were not kid friendly, although I definitely want to see other places. One thing I would say is at that time of the year, you definitely want travel insurance if you end up on the Gulf coast due to hurricanes.