Random Questions

This is a good point! I’d definitely choose the west side of Mexico at this time of year.


One of my coworkers went there recently and he loved it so much he didn’t want to come back to the States! So that was going to be my recommendation as well.


We are looking at subletting an apartment from friends-of-a-friend while they are out of the country from June-January. Part of the deal is that we would care for their two cats during that time, in exchange for them covering 1/3 of the rent. They would also pay for all the cat food/litter/other expenses.

So far everyone seems to be on the same page and happy with the agreement, but what things should we make sure to discuss? I’ve never lived with cats so I’m not sure if there are things I’m not considering!

Things that have already been brought up;

  • the landlord is aware of and fine with the arrangement
  • they already have someone who comes to feed the cats when they travel, and would arrange for them to keep coming whenever we’re out of town
  • the cats are young and healthy

What are you responsibilities if a cat gets sick/injured?
What if a cat gets out/lost?


Thank you guys! Stuff to go on.

Make sure they have a credit card listed at the vet and that you are noted as taking care of the cats for the time period so that way there isn’t any confusion/delays in case treatment were needed.

Get it all in writing, all the details about how utilities will be handled, parking, rent, expectations on both sides…etc


I don’t know for sure but I am fairly confident that vets here are all cash-only lol. But yes all good thoughts! Everything will definitely be in writing


I would try to set up some kind of price limit for “we can spend this at the vet without asking.” If a cat needs surgery or something then they will probably want to be consulted, but if it’s antibiotics or imaging or something do they want prior approval or can you just do it and let them know later?

Especially important if they’re going to be in a different time zone!


even if the cats are young & healthy, I’d want some kinds of care directives and a heuristic you can use if the vet needs an answer right away.

will they want regular cat photos & videos (like dog walkers and daycares do these days)?


Onetime we went out of town and boarded the dog at the vet. We said that we would probably not have cell signal and they did have a form authorizing what treatments we authorized and up to how much $.

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Sayulita was nice, but even avoiding tap water, I got some kind of stomach thing that ruined my last few days there. Also limited grocery options in town.

No recs on where to rent, except recommend not using airbnb.


I have a $20 gift card for Nintendo switch, what indie game should I get?


Does anybody know how to clean the inside of the omni plus toaster oven/air fryer combo? Specifically the coils in the roof of it?

There’s built up grease all over them and I need to clean them, but I’m not sure what to use on the heating coils. Should I use oven cleaner?

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In a Buy Nothing pledge fail, I ordered some clothes from Quince to fill in some wardrobe gaps. One item was a particular hit in terms of the fit-- the cropped sweater works great for me. I was about to remove the tags when to my dismay I noticed a one of them says “dry clean only.”

I will not dry clean it, not ever. That is just not compatible with my life style. I have many other woolen items that I successfully hand wash. Would it be a mistake to keep this and plan to hand wash it with great care? It is a blend of baby alpaca wool, extrafine merino wool, and nylon 12 gauge.


Yes, I would hand wash that. In fact, by next winter I would put it in a net bag and wash it in the machine in the hand wash cycle.

I dry clean nothing. I have seen jeans with “dry clean only” tags. No.


Same here. Don’t put your wool in the dryer. Other than that, those labels get ignored.


Normally I would say yes, hand wash it, but that texture is really particular. I would spot wet a bit of the sweater and see how it dries before hand washing.


The thing about alpaca is that it doesn’t have a lot of bounce - it doesn’t hold its shape. You’d have to block it carefully, and I don’t think that dry cleaning will necessarily solve that.

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Quince’s alpaca is notoriously sheddy and pilly. I think that combined with that particular texture, regardless of whether you dry clean or hand wash, isn’t going to look nice for very long. If it had a different texture I would probably keep it and just hand wash and deal with the shedding and pilling but I feel like all three aspects together just make it an annoying sweater to own.

(I say this as someone who wears the Quince $50 cashmere sweaters almost every day and they definitely stretch out more than other sweaters that I have, so need a lot of blocking to get back into shape every time I hand wash them and they need to be depilled pretty often, but I put up with all that because they are really soft and wearing a cashmere sweater makes me feel fancy. So if that sweater were cashmere in the same texture I would absolutely keep it and hand wash.)


What do you use to depill them? I have one of their cashmere sweaters and it started pilling before I even washed it.