Random Questions

Ooo, not 3D printed but the Friends of the Library book sale is before then and the last day of the sale everything is ten cents.

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Denver folks! I need help. My friend is eloping there in a couple months and my family has been invited to attend. We will be on the ground in Denver for 3 days.We will have my 3 year old with us but will likely have babysitting available for at least one fancy adults only dinner.

Does anyone have ideas for a cool place to do a (very small) elopement ceremony with 4 adults and a kid? Anyone know of a good photographer who could take a mini session of my friends looking fabulous?

I’m also taking recommendations for places we should eat.

Last question is will we need a rental car? Kiddo is still in a car seat so we won’t be doing ubers…public transit or renting are the only options I’m considering.

(There is also a chance we’ll have some time without my friends and could possibly plan a ln OMD meetup but we may want to just focus on them)

@Bernadette @BiblioFeroz @Economista @ginja_ninja (let me know if anyone wants their names removed from this)


I highly recommend my friend Kim for photos. She is reasonably priced and a lot of fun. If you poke around on her website my family is on there a few times! https://www.kwdesignsphotography.com/


Excited for you! My vote is definitely yes for rental car, unless you’re very confident that you’ll only be going to things along RTD (our commuter rail) or in walking distance. Doable but would limit the group for elopement options!


Thanks! We are behind on booking an Airbnb, any neighborhood recommendations? Downtown vs Cherry Hill I think is what we are considering (I have never been to Denver but my friends who are eloping there have visited for work a few times)

Favorite restaurants in those areas? (Kid friendly and not)

ETA I think it’s cherry creek, not hill…can you tell I havineen to Denver? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Do you have commitments that will be close to downtown? If you don’t, I’d say stay somewhere else. Cherry Creek is great, especially if you want to rent a house, walk to restaurants and parks, that kind of trip. I’d also add Washington Park and the highlands to your list, if you’re thinning about centrally located neighborhoods.

If you want me to vibes check the location of any listings, feel free to send them my way!

For restaurants, I’m probably the most helpful if you have a specific cuisine/experience you want or location. Otherwise I will just sent you 20 places I like and it won’t be useful!


I need help in the next hour (lol). I present at 1:10 ET.

I have to share a fun fact at work. About anything. Things covered in the past by various people:

  • Parasites
  • Cats
  • Farts
  • Hoof doctors
  • LOTR costumes

It needs to be like 5 mins long.



Hmm -

Wombats - cubic poops and how that works

Weird / fun facts (130)

20 cool facts from QI (see the shuttlecock one)

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Hmmm. Ocean acidification and coral reef bleaching and the ocean as a carbon sink is fascinating, important, and could easily take 5 min. I’m not sure my definition of “fun” is the same as other people’s though :joy:

Oh! Or take an info from a Vox hidden chapters video, like about the history of Central Park in NYC.


Thank you guys, it’s probably a tirade on YouTube Kids or Wombat Poop.


If wombat poop -

Parrot fish poop sand.

Sloths poop once a week-ish.


Sorry I’m late to this party! I agree on bringing your kiddo’s car seat and renting a car.

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I have a Fitbit inspire 2 that is actually still going strong, but my big problem with it is that I cannot read it outside in the sun. Does anyone know if the newer models of Fitbit are easier to read in the sun?

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I’ve just bought a Fitbit Charge 6 to replace the Alta HR that died last summer, and the biggest difference is how clear the screen is. I haven’t been able to try it in really bright sunshine yet (it’s February in Scotland :cloud_with_rain:) but I think it’s going to be much more usable.

It’s definitely a major leap forward with the screen technology which means they can fit in so much more readable information. Also very customisable - I’m still working my way through the various front screen options.

Tomorrow is supposed to be properly sunny so I will report back :sunny:


X Posted from my journal…

Question for android users - I am not sure if the location sharing is … difficult? with Android phones or if I’m doing it wrong. We all have Samsung Galaxy phones. how do I make the location sharing happen with the phones? I kinda have it, but it’s clunky, and I feel like I’ve probably done it wrong.

(Please ELI5)

Edit - I am trying to use Samsung Smart Things and that may be the issue - I have a tag on the kids bikes and the dog and the car keys and now J2’s backpack, and the idea was that I could see all the tags plus phones on one map

Edit Edit - I really thought that with Galaxy phones, and galaxy tags, that this should be seamless, but apparently, I thought wrong.

It sounds like google maps for phones, and smart things for tags is the way that we are going to go


Husband and I are cross platform so we location share through google maps, that may work better?

Oooh sorry, that I don’t know.

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I also was using a Fitbit Inspire 2, and just replaced it with an Inspire 3 in January. It’s much brighter but my Inspire 2 screen was so dim I could barely even read it inside so not sure how to compare to a functional Inspire 2.


Is it possible that you had dim screen turned on on your inspire 2? I had it turned on for years. Didn’t even know it was a setting.


No I checked that. My screen was also barely functional - had to swipe a whole bunch of times for anything to move. Still synced up to my phone great though!