Random Questions

Everyone’s body is so different: if it doesn’t sound more comfortable to you, it probably wouldn’t be. I am 5’3” but long torsoed.


Hi angels.
I had a rough week and one one day this week when a bit under the weather I feel asleep in my favorite wool sweater and had weird night sweats in it overnight. :-1:t3:
The collar is all weird now! One side is rolled under and one side is rolled over and it’s stretched out :frowning:

I could most certainly google it, but I thought I would ask here because y’all are so wonderful – does anyone know how I can kind of reshape the collar again? Can I iron wool? Do I dampen and reshape? Any ideas welcome!


reshaping wool holds best when it gets thoroughly soaked first, not just dampened (also called blocking).


Ok thanks. My initial thought was to soak it, then clip it fully with clothespins to hopefully reshape it. I wish I could turn back time and NOT fall asleep in it sorta ill will sick sweats! : (


But soak it for longer than you would think, like most of a day.


Don’t hang, that will stretch it out. Soak in cool water (handle gently), press much of the water out by wrapping in a towel (I find rolling it and stepping on the towel roll works best), then lay/smooth/shape flat.


I’m going to be in Glasgow for a few days in August. We will not have a car.

Suggestions for must sees? we like architecture, yarn shops, quirky stores, book stores, birds and plants.

We can get to Glasgow via Edinburgh (this is during the festival, which likely makes it pricy, but also lots of stuff happening), London (we have been 4-5 times before, enjoyed it but also not new for us), Amsterdam (good yarn shop, bikes, architecture?) Again, any reactions or recos?

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I would avoid Edinburgh this summer. The Scottish Government has introduced a short term let licencing scheme that will affect the amount of self catering accommodation available. The scheme is run by individual local councils and Edinburgh have taken a particularly anti short term let approach that is being challenged in the courts.
No one knows how much accommodation has been lost - a conservative estimate is 50% but potentially up to 90%. Lots of talk about how the festivals will be affected due to lack of accommodation for performers as well as visitors. This is going to make prices even more astronomical than usual, with an added risk of ‘illegal’ bookings that might suddenly disappear.

(Even our little two room B&B has been affected by this legislation and DH got so irate he actually wrote to our MP, might not change much but it made him feel better!)


What is this in my optometrist’s waiting room? Directly below a TV. Is this like a remnant of a kid’s play area/holding area?? Lol idk


Huh! It’s so small it feels too small for kids? But the carpet…Idk!


A lot of medical offices have raised desks? Maybe they renovated it after? Or maybe they had an eye scanner there? Seems small for kids, but how many kids would be there at a time?


If you’re misbehaving they have a place to put you :joy:


…now I really want to move one of the regular adult chairs into that spot :rofl:

dang it why didn’t I think of that a couple hours ago lol


I’m attending a wedding soon of a young cousin. I will probably be giving a good sized gift and because it’s been a long time since I attended a wedding where I was going to do so, I started googling and realized I was ancient.

I’m long distance and also not close to them, if it matters. Previously I would have shipped a gift from the registry directly to their address, and then shown up at the wedding with a card with a check in it. Now, the internet seems to tell me that I should give digitally instead of burdening them with a check, which…ok. Yes, I don’t want to be a dinosaur, and I’m not trying to make them download a banking app, learn to deposit a check, etc. I don’t want cash because that is also a hassle if they have to deposit it. So digital seems to be the way. Do I give it ahead of time? Do I still bring a card? It also kind of sucks because I assume that theknot (honeymoon fund/cash fund) or whoever is taking a cut, which burns me, but I guess that’s the Finance person in me talking and it’s not my business that they chose that medium and I need to respect it. Eh? And how does that work, do I give the full amount that I would have given as a guest to the registry instead? I don’t have their venmo or anything.

Any advice for how to go about this with etiquette and also the least hassle to them?


Do you know/have contact with any of their family? If so, could you ask them if they know what the couple would prefer?


How I would handle this- have my mom talk to the aunt and find out what they want :joy: otherwise I would bring a check, fuck it, YES I am a Dino but I’m giving you sweet sweet cash, just mobile deposit it, good lord :joy:


We usually bring a card + check to the wedding. We’ve always seen boxes for the cards that look full, so it’s not just us doing it.

In my circles it seems to be of those things that people on the internet say not to do, but still happens often.

That said we didn’t have a big wedding, so if someone here did and hated it, I will stop lol.


If they want my money they can take it in the form that I want to give it. Yes, I am very much a dinosaur.


Just for the lord of God, don’t give cash.

We had a family member generously give $2000 in cash on our wedding day and I was terrified for that card just hanging out loosey goosey in the card box.


Not really! I mean we are vaguely friendly, but it would be awkward to contact them just for this.

This might be the way. It’s my dad’s family, that’s why it’s weird. Dad has one brother, they aren’t close, he has two kids (not great divorce from their mom/married the AP), so they aren’t that close. It’s one of those kids. So…there’s a lot of space, and the kid is a dude person like 10 years younger than me and we kind of admire each other from a distance. But our lives are very different and have never been in the same ‘place’ at the same time. I just want to take this life event to be generous and supportive and show the love, you know?

I think a check it will be.

Anxiety just thinking about it!