Random Questions

face cloth
ginger chews and/or mints
cheerios or other dry cereal (miniwheats or chex is good here too) or pretzels
pen (there are always forms and nothing to write with)
oversized cardigan that you can use as a blanket or wrap


Oh oh. Tea bags! In flight tea is always :face_vomiting:


I have these in knee high and have been happy with them for, ew, five years?
I guess I should buy new compression socks at some point.

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power cables and adaptors


If you are going to wear a mask, wear one that has head straps rather than ear straps to prevent ear fatigue for that period of time.

I wore one of those classy face diaper n95 masks for my flight. That was 8 hours and just fine.


Good call, glasses plus headphones plus mask straps is just a recipe for soreness. I managed to wear one on my 12 hour flight to Greece. I’m not sure if I’m up to it on a 24 hour flight. Maybe for awake time? Is some time better than nothing or am I kidding myself. Hmmm.


I operate under a risk mitigation ideal. Aka some is always better than none, but risk cannot be eliminated . So just reduce what you can. And exposure quantity does seem to matter. Its not a zero sum game. :slight_smile: I’ve done some things with a mask on this trip and some without. We all do our best. :man_shrugging:


I like that way of thinking! Not trying to make anyone feel any type of way or engage in a masking debate, sorry if it came across that way!


:smiley: :man_dancing::man_dancing:


But only if the dress has pockets. I’ve been wearing an oversized hoodie dress that has a kangaroo pocket over leggings with side pockets to travel in and it’s great. I can be the weirdo with my hood scrunched over my face with just my mask sticking out so I can sleep. Throw a big scarf in your bag that can serve as blanket/fashion/pillow.

I refuse to fly anywhere without pockets on my person so I can take phone with me to the bathroom (handy as a flashlight for navigating dark airplane aisles, gives you something to look at while awkwardly waiting right outside the door of the bathroom, plus good old toilet scrolling).

Kleenex has some wipes that I travel with. They come individually wrapped and are not drying. It feels so refreshing to get my face wiped up and then give myself a quick pits wipe down. I also throw them into my bag during my trip if I come across a bathroom without paper or need to clean my hands up real quick. A small thing of lotion is good too since planes are so drying, eye drops too.

If you have room for a little hairbrush and extra hair ties/claw clips…whatever you prefer for hair management, toss those in too. I had my hair tie snap on me 30 minutes into a 10hour flight and got so frustrated with my hair getting everywhere on me until I could get to my checked bag where all my other hair stuff was.

I bought a little pill organizer that I take with me filled with my normal meds, but also a basic NSAID, some gas pills, imodium, cough meds, Omeprazole, and pain medication. Means I can address discomfort right when it happens and not be trying to figure out a pharmacy somewhere.

For the flight, I always try to download some stuff to watch and plenty of music in addition to the books on my kindle. If you don’t have Wi-Fi on board, you have no streaming and sometimes the movie selections suck. I require a variety of snacks, in both the salty and sweet categories. Cheezits, cashews, cereal, little packs of mini Oreos, gum, those grownup lunchables with the cured meat/olives/crackers and cheese are handy in case the served meal is inedible.


These sound great–can you link?


This is also how I plan snacks! Many many snacks will be had.


They seem to be discontinued :sob::sob::sob: I bought my pack of 50 right before COVID and still have some left.

Looks like wet ones has some as well, but I’ve never tried them to be able to vouch.


I do tissues. Water tissue then lotion for face. Hand sanitizer (in the bathroom) for pits.

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Yes compression socks! I haven’t worn them on a long flight yet but my feet were swollen for an entire week in India and after I got back I bought some.

Bernadette tell me more about this foot sling?

I recommend warmer layers because those long flights get really, really cold. And bring your own water bottle because otherwise you go through so much plastic :frowning:


It looks like the exact model I have isn’t available, but this is what I have: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01M35M87O?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title

If your feet don’t touch the floor while sitting on flights, it’s really a game changer.


I may have to try this when I fly. The dangle is so dreadful. Do you think the basic idea would work with those little tiny tables they have on Frontier?


It’s the worst! I’m not totally sure, I haven’t tried it on Frontier. You’d be welcome to borrow and try any time but the first week ish of June, if you want.

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Excellent, I am not flying until July! I will take you up on it.

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Interesting! My feet do touch the floor even though I am short (5’2"). Maybe it wouldn’t be that helpful. I don’t really want to bring an additional thing.