Random Questions

I would pre-slice it, and then freeze it! Bread freezes so well, and if it’s pre-sliced you can just grab what you want for the day and either sit it out for an hour to thaw, or pop it in the toaster! I always freeze my bread because I find I can never make it through a loaf before it gets stale, even if I’m eating it every day


Yes, another vote for slicing the bread and freezing it. The only difference is that we most often microwave it rather than toasting (although we use the toaster occasionally). Its fantastic.


Thirding slicing and freezing it! If I’m reheating a half or whole loaf, I ike to reheat in the oven if I’m feeling fancy.

I do not personally understand but still respect this haha


Thanks y’all! She’s sliced and frozen now. :heavy_check_mark:


Thank you and everyone else! I feel better knowing it was once a real thing. And also that the librarians realize what a liability it is before the end of the book :laughing:


Does anyone have any recommendations for print on demand services for books of text, not photos? Preferably with a clothbound hardcover option. And pretty quick turnaround like printed and in hand within 2 weeks?


People who have taken long flights! I’m going from Chicago to Thailand at the end of February. I haven’t taken a flight longer than 12 hours before. What do I need to stay comfortable/sane? I am considering the following but please chime in if these things are dumb or if you have other ideas I haven’t considered

  • Neck pillow (I am thinking the one with the hoodie from Shark Tank because I don’t like eye masks)
  • Foot sling (I am short)
  • Compression socks
  • Ear plugs (do I need Loops? Or are regular foam plugs just fine?)
  • Kindle
  • Water bottle
  • Pack of cards
  • Switch
  • Noise-cancelling headphones (bluetooth)
  • Earbuds (corded)

Clothes with comfortable waistband, comfy bra.


SO excited for you! Will come back if I have more thoughts, but strong yes to both compression socks and the foot sling.


I was waffling about the foot sling so this is good to hear! If you’ve got a fave sock brand lemme know!

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100%, this is most of my wardrobe now post-baby lol

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NO waistband. Wear a baggy dress.


Oh! I am a fiend for hydration drinks and genuinely think they are great for flying. I’d bring something like Nuun tablets or liquid IV, and plan to buy a water bottle at the airport to mix them up (I know, finance and environment jail.) That way you don’t have to wash a water bottle somewhere with questionable water and carry two water bottles.


It doesn’t sound like you are traveling with the little guy (different advice if so), but woo, sounds amazing! I loved Thailand so much.

I’d add toothbrush and toothpaste, and face wipes or whatever face wash/cream product makes you feel fresh, and a change of underwear and socks at minimum/full change of clothes if you can fit them. Ebooks are vital but I like having games loaded up too. It’s probably overkill but I always pack a portable battery charger. You never know if you’ll be delayed somewhere without an available outlet or if your seat won’t have power.

Eta: just read switch. I’m old…didn’t recognize it. :woman_facepalming:


U smart!! This made me lol

Nope, he is staying back with his lovely grandparents. I think he would have -1,000 fun on this sort of flight

Last time I packed facewipes they made me dry the f out but I think I could find some that are better than my typical makeup remover ones if I’m thoughtful about it! And yes toothbrush in the carry on yes yes


Wow good counterpoint! I will consider this :thinking:


Oh hello Cetaphil makes wipes!


Also deodorant! I get sweaty on long flights. But also saving these recs because I am terrible at long flights.


I get sweaty period. I’m gonna have a very sweaty time in Thailand lol

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I’m always cold so pants are a must but I do love to fly in a dress and leggings.

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