Random Questions


If you’re not driving them, then you don’t need to worry about collision. However you won’t be covered if you’re driving them and have an accident.


Question for the librarians of OMD (and also everyone else). In a book I’m reading the main character is a librarian, and her library keeps library cards for each patron. The card, or cards if they’ve been coming for a long time, list every book that patron has ever checked out. They seem to be handwritten and the main character is word processing them, so clearly the setting is a while in the past.

Was this ever a thing? I’m familiar with cards listing the people who’ve checked out a particular book, and of course a card that patrons take with them that allow them to check books out, but not a list. I think she’s even described as getting them from a card catalog so it seems like a mash-up of all the uses of “card” in a library.


I remember something along these lines but not the specifics. I’m excited to see what the answer is!


I feel like when I was a kid they did this, but once the Patriot Act was passed libraries all over the country redesigned the system so that there was no way to track the history of what a person had checked out.


Yep. They can’t subpoena what we don’t have! But I don’t know how it was in the before times.


So I used blogspot to set up a private blog, and people are unable to comment. They start with this at the bottom of the post:

and when they try to sign in, get this:

In blogspot, I have tried every setting on this menu:

And it doesn’t matter, no one who I have given access to can comment.
Any ideas what I’m doing wrong?

ETA: I also have this set to allow comments:


Mr Darling remembers it! At least for his school library.

He says they’d stamp both the card from the book and your personal card that you took with you.


I don’t know specifically related to blogspot, but sometimes when you change settings re: security and permissions, users have to clear their cache in order to be able to take advantage of the new settings, because the cache stores the old info and credentials.

Note: clearing your cache deletes all your saved passwords (not in for example the password keeper, but ones you’ve set to be remembered at the individual website level).


Yeah I don’t want to make the readers do something like that.

I think I may have figured it out? I just asked someone to try again to make a comment. It has to do with embedded comments requiring the commenter to allow third party cookies (please don’t ask me to explain any of that). Instead I’ve chosen “Pop up window”, and “Full Page” also seemed to work during my testing, so :crossed_fingers: that I’ve got it.


What is this? I’ve never gotten one before. Do I have to put it on my taxes?

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Yes, there should be a place to put in 1099-G forms in whatever tax system you use. Last year you probably got a refund that includes interest owed on the refund. The IRS considers that interest as income and taxes it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

ETA, I just realized the interest amount is $0…but it’s a state tax refund so I think the IRS may still count the refund as taxable? Either way your tax software should be able to handle it easily.


It’s your state tax refund. You only need to include it on your taxes if you itemized deductions last year. No need to enter it if you took the standard deduction.


Maybe it’s because I messed up my return last year? I got too much back and had to do an amendment and paid it back right away.

Gonna try to do them correctly this year!

Is there an easy way to know what the benefits would be if I claimed my HSA deposit on my taxes? I have a post tax account that my work does not pay into so it’s just me.

So the question is whether it is worth doing or if I should just pay with a check since it’s all post tax dollars? Thus far I haven’t had a lot of medical expenses so I haven’t put much money into the account that I have. Like only $2500 over 8 years, so if it won’t save me much on taxes I might just stop using it.

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This sounds like a patron record, but like an old school paper version?
& Darlingpants and BiblioFeroz are right, the Patriot Act changed some things in libraries. I remember when there used to be a sign behind the circ desk that said " The FBI has not seized our records. Watch for removal of this sign" because you weren’t supposed to say if they had been there, but you could say that they hadn’t yet.


I love librarians


It will reduce your AGI dollar per dollar, which will reduce your taxable income. You’re basically paying your medical expenses on a pre-tax basis instead of an after-tax basis. You don’t have to itemize deductions to use this method to reduce your AGI. it can be very helpful if you get an ACA subsidy, because your subsidy amount is based on AGI as well.


Thanks. I don’t have an ACA subsidy. So reducing my AGI by say $2000 might increase my refund by a few hundred? That’s probably worth doing then. I did notice a spot to input HSA numbers on freetaxusa.com but I did not put money in last year so it doesn’t matter right now.


Hello random questions gang!
I have received an amazing still warm loaf of home made sourdough bread. :drooling_face:
Obviously, I’m eating an inappropriate amount of it today but tomorrow and half of Thursday I have to fast completely for a procedure (:-1:t3:).

What is the best way to store this loaf to keep it moist j delicious until Thursday afternoon?

Thank you in advance, I would love any suggestions!


I usually put bread in a plastic bag in the fridge (pre sliced for convenience) and then toast it later!