Random Questions

I used to upload everything to Flickr, with nice captions and everything for my travel photos. I was even on a paid plan. Then they made it free! Then they wanted to make it paid again and I was like “whatever, I’m using Google Photos”. And now I’m also running out of space (those phone photos are huge!) but I think I’m going to end up paying…

It’s only like $23 a year though, so at least it’s pretty cheap for what they give you. It’s one of the few things we actually decided to follow through with paying for, especially because we use Google Photos albums to share with family, and to upload to grandparents smart frames that we’ve given as Christmas gifts.


Yeah I’m sure I’ll end up spending $ somewhere, just not sure if it should be my own hardware (which then I have to check intermittently to make sure it’s not failing) or the cloud (which I’ll have to pay for indefinitely).


I just don’t like the feeling of them threatening me lol

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At least they give plenty of warning, and it’s based on usage not just access. Evernote completely pulled the rug out from under me and I’m still pissed about it.


This is how I’m feeling about the pending $2.99/mo to not get random ads in Amazon Prime Video :angry:


Yeah, we stopped using it entirely. That pissed me off, that’s a benefit I already pay for.


Unfortunately, I don’t think that physical local backups make a lot of sense…hard drives fail, so you have to rotate them out every 5-8 years probably, and if you want at least one disk that’s not located in the same place you are (e.g. in case of a house fire)…it’s a lot of hassle IMO.

Google Photos, Dropbox, or Sync would be my picks. Sync especially is good if you have, say, NSFW or even just naked baby photos - they offer encryption where Sync can’t decrypt your files, unlike Google or Dropbox.


I had everything backed up to an old hard drive, and then when I got a solid state external drive I moved everything there and it took forever! I think it may have crashed my computer a few times as well. Finally it got done, it’s mostly old photos and backups from when I had my photography business. It’s in our fire safe. But at some point my USB connection is going to be obsolete…

You can hold off paying for Google storage by going through your email and purging all your old attachments. I did that a couple of years back but I think now I’m just running out…

If I was less lazy I’d import all my photos to my computer, resize them, and load them back to Google Photos.

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Yeah we’re about to do physical backups for some of our wedding photos and key birth/first year photos of our girls. And it’s going to be a pain in the ass :joy:


More power to you if you can do it! I just don’t trust myself :joy: but I could see making an exception for really special photos like that!

PS I mention baby photos because of cases like this where automated scanning technology makes mistakes:


Has anyone done the Safeway/Albertsons membership? It is $99/year with at least $60 of monthly $5 coupons and rewards don’t expire. I’m wondering if it is worth it, because it seems like it is.

I normally don’t do grocery delivery but it is free with the membership so that might honestly be a huge time saver and relief? I mostly shop sale items there which aren’t usually fresh produce and we get most of our fresh produce through a farm share.


We have the advantage that husband already has to do this for work photos.


You win this time Google. Shakes fist


The biggest Qs I’ve seen on delivery are: are you expected to tip (ie Instacart you should; Walmart + it’s an employee and you can’t), and are prices different in store versus delivery

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We ended up paying for OneDrive because it was cheaper for more storage than Google. Spouse set up everything on our phones and computers to auto back up to one drive and we just delete stuff from Google. If I was in charge I would have paid more for Google because I don’t have the motivation to do any extra effort on this task


I have a vehicle insurance question. I have Geico insurance. I have 2 1990’s era Class A motor homes. There is a story of why, but that isn’t important now. I live in one in the summer up in the summer spot, and I’ll leave the other down in my winter spot. I also have a 2014 Mazda 3.

I have a storage unit that requires insurance on contents or they will charge their high priced insurance each month. I had liability insurance only on the motor homes because I mostly don’t drive them and I wouldn’t get anything for them if they were totaled. I used to use Mom’s full coverage RV insurance she had since my name was also on her 5th wheel. When it was sold after she passed I no longer had contents insurance, which caught up with me eventually. I called Geico and told them I need comprehensive on one of my motor homes to satisfy the storage unit folks. Didn’t cost much more, which I thought was odd but again, nothing I have would get a pay out from insurance. I just needed to give the storage unit folks a paper.

So, finally the question. I just paid my insurance for this 6 months. I noticed that the one I put ‘comprehensive’ on has a ‘no collision’ note. I will call and ask Geico directly but I like to have an idea of what I’ talking about going in. What is ‘comprehensive’ if no ‘collision’? I thought that included everything. I told the agent what my need is, so I am (naively?) assuming I got the coverage I need.

The office person at the storage unit is retiring in about 6 months so I need to have ducks in a row. He knows me and didn’t even look at the paper from what I could see, I just gave him something to file. I’m assuming the files will be gone over with great care once he leaves.

Any light that can be shown on this is appreciated. I will call Geico directly once I have a better handle on all this.

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I had a HyVee membership last year and really liked it. I never used the free delivery, but I liked having the option. The specials and discounts were pretty good. However I had bought the membership at a Black Friday deal price, and I didn’t renew it at full price. I might next winter, though?


Posted.in the wrong questions thread…