Random Questions

I find TunnelBear endearing.


I would start with a lesson, personally! I went a couple times before having lessons, and it was really frustrating. Just one hour long lesson helped so much and made the experience a lot more enjoyable.

I super duper recommend the Tennessee Pass nordic center in Leadville, I had a few lessons there and loved it. And it’s just so beautiful. Closer to you there is a nordic center at Eldora as well!


Oddly enough, these are the three I was considering. Looks like NordVPN may have a strike against it; customer service is important to me. I like to get service, not get serviced. (That’s an oblique reference to George Carlin, btw.)

Aren’t they out of Sweden? (EDIT: No, it was founded in Canada. I obviously had it confused with another VPN.)
I ran across the name but am not sure why it didn’t make the top 3 under consideration. Now that NordVPN has been blemished, I’ll check them out.

The main reason for the VPN is to be able to access the internet regularly when traveling. In other words, to avoid region blocks. We intend to use it for smartphones as well as laptops. A secondary reason is for general security purposes.

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REI might have some classes! We took an “into to snowshoeing” class and they had all of the gear and a guide and it was great! Idk if they do xcountry skiing but it could be worth a look.


Colorado Mountain Club has different ski courses, although it looks like they’ve probably already started for this season: Skiing — The Colorado Mountain Club (cmc.org)

I’ve taken multiple CMC courses and highly recommend them!


I do not recommend the method my parents did to us, which was just to rent skis and we all went out on a trail. We were skilled at downhill skiing but it was a completely different ballgame. So the classes others have recommended sound good!


Devil’s Thumb, outside Winter Park if you are willing to make the drive. They offer lessons and rentals and the terrain is not too steep.

Eldora with a lesson / rental for less of a drive. Once you get off of the small oval at the bottom the trails are a lot steeper then at Devil’s Thumb.


I got an email invitation from a very local Nextdoor community, and they know my first name. It doesn’t say who is inviting me to join or how they got my email address and name, and I have never inquired about or had anything to do with Nextdoor until this email came. It has a link with a “unique invite code to join”. I don’t trust it. I never trust unsolicited offers/invitations/etc.

Does anyone have experience with Nextdoor? Does this sound legit to you?


No but I got one of those letters a few years ago. It kinda creeped me out tbh. I sure as hell wasn’t gonna scan their invite code either.


Yes, creepy is a good way to describe it. Nextdoor seems like a legitimate website based on a quick search, but I don’t appreciate unsolicited offers.

I let a door-to-door salesman in once because I wanted the “free estimate” for a price point. I fully expected the hard sell, and this guy did not disappoint. (ETA: I’m proud to report that he went home without making a sale that night.)

I don’t expect anything like that from Nextdoor, but it is creepy that they know that my email address corresponds to someone with my name who lives on the street I do. It makes me wonder what else they know about me. Spooky.


Someone you know probably gave Nextdoor access to their contacts and you got sent them email from there. Nextdoor is real and very limitedly useful for the sort of local information that is hard to get elsewhere, especially if you aren’t on Facebook. Lots of lost pet, does anyone know a good handyman, here is a photo of my garden type posts plus a whole lot of bored older folks complaining about anything in their neighborhood.


If you ever want to unsubscribe from next door emails you need to actually unsubscribe from 140 individual lists. They have a million different “emails” and if you click the unsubscribe link in any one of them it only unsubscribes you from the one not all of them.

I recommend deleting the email and never thinking about Nextdoor again. I hate the app and it is people just complaining about their neighbors and neighborhood.

Sorry Nextdoor lovers, maybe your experience was different but it was not useful for me in my area.


Your experience matches mine.


Thanks. I get enough spam as it is; I don’t need any more. That email is a goner. :+1:


The past 2 times I’ve gone on there in the last year or so have been to post about found cats. I think before then was because I was nosey about something being built and the county development pages gave very little info.


So I have this tshirt from a museum that I absolutely love, but the shirt color makes me look like death. I generally dgaf and mostly don’t even notice much about fashion, but this is bad. Dyeing the shirt seems like too much of a pita (plus it’s a cotton/poly blend); is there something I can wear under/over it to have a different color close to my face?


There are dyes formulated for polyester. What color is it?

You could try soaking in dilute bleach to fade the color.

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A necklace? A knit blazer or denim jacket?

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Cut out the relevant graphic and sew onto something else?


It’s a pale ivory-ish color, so I guess it would take polyester bleach ok. I just don’t wanna. Also can’t know ahead of time how the design would behave in dye, but mostly don’t wanna.