Random Questions

I had no jaw pain after mine so uhhh…might be worth asking about.


Your jaw is unlike other people’s jaws.
Mine hurts for days after the dentist.
Have you ever had TMJ problems?


I do have jaw issues and TMJ(D) problems and pain, but my jaw wasn’t affected by the endoscopy (last month actually) - or didn’t seem any worse after at least.

I’m sorry if that is a useless data point, but it seems worth calling about I think.


Hey itchy people, what do you do for eczema flares?


Moisturizer and cover (esp for hands, if you can wear thin gloves inside) after any water experience. Change hand soaps.

Limit exposure to wind, layers esp important for legs (pants are bad by themselves)

Catch it as early as possible and keep medication until gone, not just mostly better

Wash towels on hot and look at your detergents just in case your skin has decided to switch brand allegiance without warning


Explain this to me!

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Hot water kills off more bacteria an mites and stuff. It’s less important if you use the dryer, though.


Sometimes eczema and fungal / mold issues intersect and make each other worse. Towels struggle to dry in our bathroom, so washing more frequently on hot seems to help when I am having flares.


Ty so much! Also, when is a flare over? When skin looks normal or when itching stops?


for me it’s when the skin is smooth again and doesn’t redden more that the healthy skin under hot water.


If you wash dishes, wear gloves

Stay hydrated generally

Sometimes new shampoo/conditioner/face wash is the culprit for me (bc I apply with hands)

Colder showers while I’m healing up (I usually like it v hot)

Good luck!! I’m now facing this with my little dude and I feel so bad I’ve given the struggle to him :pensive:


I am not responsible for dishes in our household because of a particularly bad flare a few years ago. Also, care in what I cook. Cooked eggplant juice is a problem, peeling roasted peppers, cutting tomato. I know one food youtuber who wears the blue gloves for all food prep.


I don’t usually do the dishes either for this reason. Or I just dry. But I keep gloves around on the off-chance I need to, and they’re also good for cleaning! (My eczema is pretty concentrated on my hands.)


How do I give money to my uncle that hosts Thanksgiving?

I am unfamiliar with how to gift up a generation and my parents were so stealthy about contributing to my mom’s siste/BIL that I never observed it as a kid (aside from non money contributions like booze for the drinks table). There’s a high likelihood my uncle will refuse the gift (Midwestern). I think maybe grocery gift card instead of cash would be more acceptable, plus then he won’t know the amount which may also minimize the odds of refusal. Maybe I get a “happy Thanksgiving” card and put it in that?

My uncle is also set on the menu and makes a TON of food even though the crowd has gotten smaller over the years as people have married off or moved across the country, so his November grocery spend must be bonkers.


I just got stealth gifted money by a midwesterner. They gave me a card while I was swamped with kid chaos and didn’t open it until later in the day to find a grocery store gift card. (My scenario, they feel bad they pulled out of a meal train for me when we’d drop stuff off pretty regularly when they were newly PP. But their baby is only 3 months older than ours and they have a small sibling age gap. I feel bad if they felt obligated ANYWAY). I was impressed by the stealth. Bday card for the big girl “oh and this is for you guys!” Slipped into cup holder of our wagon, me none the wiser.

So maybe put it in a thank you card “oh your hands are full I’ll just set this over here. We’re just so grateful that you always host us! We’ll put the wine over on the booze table?” Boom, decoy wine :joy:


I wouldn’t recommend this method but we had family friends who would always insist on paying for dinner. So afterward when we went to their house for snacks my parents would give my sister $50 to hide in the bathroom :joy:


My mom used to stick cash in my grandma’s couch :rofl:


I’ve had friends leave a gift bag for a hostess gift at the house so when I was cleaning up I found it as a thank you (because I tell them not to bring anything - they don’t listen and it’s very sweet).


Has anyone purchased a refurbished phone (or other item) from a site like this?


I’m extremely intrigued