Random Questions

Why is the milk jug shaped like that

Do you mean US style 1 gallon jugs?

I assume it’s the trade off of function, packability (squared sides), strength, cost (using as little material as possible)


Ok I’ve been dealing with this problem for a few weeks now and it’s driving me crazy.

When I’m driving I will get the urge to pee so bad. Even if I went to the bathroom just before I left. It’s like my muscles start clenching up and I feel like if I relax them even just a little I will piss all over myself. Then once I get to a bathroom, I don’t pee that much. I don’t get up in the night needing to pee. And if I’m focused on something it doesn’t bother me. I think this is anxiety based. This happened during college, when they made Tues/Thurs classes 1 hr and 15 mins long my brain was like ‘what if I need to pee during that time?’ And boom, I would have to get up and go to the bathroom 2 or 3 times during class. This lasted for months until I finally was able to convince myself it was fine and I wasn’t gonna pee myself in class.

Now it’s started back up again. But when I’m driving or riding in the car. A few weeks ago I noticed like a spasming or pulsing down there while I was driving. And since then this problem has been flaring up. I don’t see any blood in my pee nor does it burn or anything. It’s most likely all in my head because thinking about it makes it worse.

And if I feel the slightest bit of moisture down there, like sweat, my brain will just start screaming at me to clench up, feeling like I;m about to pee.

Has anyone else dealt with this? It is driving me out of my fucking mind. Also I have clients I need to drive to and I really don’t want to be dealing with this while I’m driving an hour or more. It’s bad enough during my 35-minute commute to work.


Brains can be really rude sometimes. That is so frustrating!!

Would it help to wear a pad or period underwear? Sometimes just having something to be like “sorry brain, we already took care of that!” can divert it.

Other ideas:
Breathing exercises? Mindful clenching/unclenching of those muscles while you’re home?
What’s helped for your anxiety in the past? Doctor, therapist, meds, cathartic screaming in the woods?


I’m sorry, this sounds so frustrating! Maybe try audiobooks/a deep thinky podcast that gets you thinking about something else?


Or, if it feels safe to you, find someone you can call at the times you’re on the road and have a chat?

Last time it really was just mind over matter I think. It’s been 11 years since I graduated college so my memory’s a little hazy. But it definitely wasn’t medical and I didn’t see a therapist so I’m guessing I just argued my brain and muscles into submission.

I need to practice clenching and relaxing those muscles just so I can reassure myself I won’t pee when I do it.


I do listen to the radio if I’m not talking to anyone. It helps the drive go by faster and honestly a silent car is so boring. I do call Mom on the way home from work and we do spend most of the drive talking. But sometimes even talking to her doesn’t take my mind off it enough.

I’m just gonna have to deal with this for awhile I guess. Maybe I should look into period underwear or something. I don’t wanna feel like I’m wearing a diaper though.


FWIW I have some super comfortable period underwear that doesn’t feel diaper-y at all. For me though in situations like this, it has helped to give myself permission. It sounds like your brain is sending/receiving the unintended message that there is no bathroom, there may never be another bathroom, and oh god, what if you explode? In my case, giving myself permission to stop anytime (even if inconvenient or whatever), for a period of time, has helped the message to get through that there is no ‘bathroom scarcity’ to worry about. I’m sorry you’re dealing with it though, and I hope it doesn’t last too much longer.


Any brands you recommend? Or just pop down to the local Walmart?

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I recommend bambody brand on Amazon! Totally feel like normal underwear just slightly thicker and I wear them anytime I am worried about potential leakage of any kind.


Thinx has a separate line for pee leaks, although I haven’t tried it. Period undies aren’t great for pee IME, although better than nothing.

Pelvic floor PT could be an option that could help, or you could do some low key bladder retraining on your own. I really struggle with mind over bladder, so I feel you!


I like these too, and some that I got on etsy. It doesn’t seem to matter much if they have good reviews. They’ve all gotten so much better than they used to be.


Anyone have a mint mobile promo code or referral they want to share? DH is going to give it a whirl.

ETA: got one, thanks!

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Okay, question for the crowd. Is it weird to drink plain hot water? Like tea. But without the tea.

  • What? That’s weird
  • Nah it’s totally normal / I’m not surprised

0 voters

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Like. I’ve heard of it. But if I saw someone doing it I’d think it’s unusual. Not with judgement, it wouldn’t feel like “you are a stone cold weirdo”. More like “huh I really expected a tea bag to go in there first”

ETA partially I think it depends on definition/flavor of “weird” here.


ETA not English/NA standard, pan Asian normal, not weird in any case


This is exactly what I was thinking - my dad learned it from his colleagues at his large Chinese company. I had never heard of it before then, but I love it now lol


Same here, normal to me because of Chinese friends


My grandmother did this. She called it crystal tea.