Random Questions

I have USAA but you have to have a qualifying relative - any chance you have a draft era antecedent?

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I don’t think my parents have USAA. My dad would definitely be eligible, though, I should probably double check :slight_smile:

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If I want to paint whiskers and a nose on my face so I can be one of Bruno’s rats* for Halloween, what kind of makeup do I need? Will I stain my face if i use the eyeliner I already own?

*My coworkers are doing Encanto characters and I do not want to be a Halloween grinch but also do not want to buy/source/create an Antonio costume and that is the only other character left.


Helllllp where do I put all of these photos on my phone!! I’m out of space!!


I used to move them to my computer and then an external hard drive. Now I just back them up to google photos and pay $1.99 per month for extra google storage. I tell myself that one day I will move them all to a hard drive so I can stop paying for the google storage, but haven’t done it yet.

A snafu with phone vs computer vs google storage is how I ended up deleting all of my phone pictures from D1’s first year of life. Thankfully we still have the ones from DH’s phone :woman_facepalming:


I hate this so much, especially on iphone because I have no idea how to get things off of it. We don’t post to FB so essentially my phone is a black hole where pictures go to never be seen again.


Exactly what’s happening to me lol

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I think eyeliner will be fine. I’ve never had staining. If your regular cleanser isn’t getting it off, you can use lotion or baby oil, or more obviously, makeup remover. I’m just not sure you have that. :slight_smile:


Google photos works on iPhone! It’s what I use.

ETA also Chatbooks monthlies are awesome

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I want some new ringer/alarm sounds for reminders about trash day, time to get Kiddo ready for school, and taking Kiddo to taekwondo. What would be some fun sounds or songs to use? Or even fun reminder sounds in general.

I do the chatbooks but then I cannot bring myself to delete the photos!!!


That’s why I also back up to google photos and pay for $21/yr for storage haha. I hack them all up, then delete.


I think this is the way I have to go. I can’t stomach the thought of losing them so $21/yr is nothing for a priceless peace of mind


It’s also an insane amount of storage honestly, husband and I are both on it with 10-20 years of pictures and files and email apiece and we’re only just reaching capacity for this storage level.


Oh you can do a family subscription? I should look into this.


Yes. Somehow :joy: don’t ask me to remember how I set it up

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I have Dropbox. I use it for business-y stuff (writing backups etc.) so I pay for it with my business account, but it’s also set up to automatically back up photos from my phone.


I looked and it seems like “Google One” (which I pay for, for photo storage and phone backup) lets you have up to 5 accounts in the same “family”!


Yes! Google One is what we have.

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We have Google One too. We pay for about $30 yearly for 100 gigabytes shared across our personal and business accounts.