Random Questions

I’ve put everything tomato shaped down and hoped for the best, with good results.

Unless you walk around the basement barefoot in the dark.


I have heard that if you can see a white star-shape on the bottom of the tomato that they will ripen off of the vine. So - pick all of them. Any that don’t ripen can be dealt with later.


Well, it’s dark now so they will have to take their chances. It’s actually only a freeze watch. There aren’t that many anyway!


I just read this thread and came to the same conclusion about my tomatoes too :sweat_smile: It’s too dark and windy to save them now.


Green tomatoes are good in stews and stir fries. If they freeze and you get to them before they thaw (much), they can go straight into the freezer.

ETA you can also make pie with green tomatoes.

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And mincemeat and chutney.

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I’m planning to make chutney but my tomatoes will probably all ripen before I get to it. Lol

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There’s a bagel place in town that offers pickled green tomato as an egg sandwich topping whenever tomatoes aren’t in season. Yum!

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I used Rover dot com to board Ares last week while we were away, and I have got the request from Rover for “Review & Tip.” I paid what I thought was an appropriate daily rate for him, but - do you tip your dog sitter extra?


I tipped the cat sitters on rover.

Last year $10 for a week, $5 for a weekend, and then I think $30 for the last minute trip to England because of great communication and making my life easy at a hard time.

I think I did $10 for the cottage week this year, but maybe $20? I also took into account that she came for a free playdate, sent 20 pics a day and made key pick up and return easy.


Yes, I tipped (but I live in tip-happy-America, may not be expected elsewhere!). I only did $10 though, which was not 20% or anything.
I don’t tip when I hire a neighbor kid, but I know on Rover they are not getting the full hourly rate (they have a service fee)


yeah, I know I paid a service fee for booking through Rover, and when I picked him up the dog sitter suggested next time we go private, so I figured he was also loosing a cut.


LOL we also got daily pics, BUT, being in the states had no data to receive the MMS messages and the campground wifi barely loaded them on email (not the sitters fault at all, just, funny anecdote)


Yep! We were going into town regularly from the cottage so I would get about 3 days at once. I did want to compensate for coming to meet me beforehand and dropping the keys back off. Which is less if you are going there.


We always book rover through the app because of the insurance both ways. Our rover doesn’t want to book privately.

We also don’t tip but we are already paying $60/day for our dog to stay there.


Does anyone in Colorado have a preferred insurance company? Or any insurance company they’ve had really bad interactions with?

We’re currently with Allstate, and our car insurance is going up $200 for the next 6 month period, so I’m going to shop around for both car and house insurance.

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I have Farmers. I haven’t had any issues. I went through a broker that sells Farmers as one of his offerings and his rate was much cheaper than when I tried to get a quote myself online. My mortgage broker recommended that I check with him. The first time I did he couldn’t beat the rates I had from Geico, but the second time he did. He is based out of the Springs but I live in Denver metro and haven’t had any issues being in a different part of the state. Let me know if you want his contact info!


Ooh, I didn’t even think of an insurance broker.

How does that work, exactly? Do they charge you an extra fee, do they get kickbacks from the insurance companies?

I think we’ve talked in-person to our insurance agent twice in the last 8 years, so yes please, I’d like your Colorado Springs contact, just in case :slight_smile:

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You do not pay a fee. They must get kickbacks from the insurers. I’ll pm you.


Yeah. I kinda wondered about that too, the insurance issue.

Luckily, we rarely need a dog sitter - if it’s a day or two Sunshine is happy to visit him a few times daily, and if it is longer, usually he goes to Grandma’s house. This time, his dog-cousin was already going to Grandma’s, and two dogs is one dog too many for Grandma.

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