Random Questions

I’ve used eyeliner as face paint before. It doesn’t stain your face any more than it does your eyelids. :wink:


Where are people buying glasses these days? I had an eye exam yesterday at my regular place, and I think I’m over buying glasses in person at the optometrist. WITH my insurance it’s always at least $500. I drove over to Costco after my appointment and ordered a pair for under $200, but since I wear glasses every single day it would be nice to have a few more pairs and I don’t want to spend that much on all of them. Any online places that people would recommend?


I got good wear from my Zenni glasses but it was like five years ago that I ordered them.

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Zenni for me, most recently this summer.

ETA that is, I got new ones because my prescription changed, not because there was anything wrong with the old ones, also from Zenni. Have been wearing theirs for 15 or so years now.

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Firmoo, which someone here recommended. The shipping is slow, but paying a little more for the expedited shipping ($15 I think) is worth it. Kiddo’s last pair were $70 before shipping costs if I remember right. At the eye doctor I don’t know if they even had frames under $70, much less work lenses.


Target. I am suspicious of online glasses.

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This concussion recovery center: snake oil or legit? https://hopebraincenter.com/

Idk man they claim to address like…every possible problem. But the website itself looks legit? Confusing!!


I’ve done Bon Look, but in person. Nice frames, good lenses. I’ve done walmart. And clearly, but at an in person popup. Clearly and Walmart I think are fine for back up pairs (I mainly wear contacts)


I recall we once did a time tracking challenge on this site, maybe using something from Laura Van der Kam. Is that an annual challenge? Is that coming up anytime soon?


I remember that happening and I don’t think it’s a regular thing.

Calling in @anomalily , time tracker extraordinaire.

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We did it in March and called it the March of time, but it was March 2020
Which turned out to be a super weird month for tracking time.

We haven’t done it since but I would be up for doing it again.


If I leave leaves in my grass all winter, will the grass die? I do not have a mulching mower.

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It depends on how thick the leaf pile is. A thin layer, fine. Six inches plus, yeah the grass might die. Somewhat depends on the type of leaf too. Oak leaves take a while to break down, for example


I did this many times. It was fine but I also didn’t have or care about having the best lawn in the neighborhood.


Depends on the leaves too - our maples have fragile leaves that break down quickly, while the cottonwood leaves are big and tough and do impact the grass.


Let me know if you want to borrow our electric mower to mulch the leaves!


Oak leaves also tend to come with acorns which are pains in the ass. No, not still annoyed that we (sibling and I) used to have to rake and shovel literal bucketloads of the damn things every fall (we had enough that they were projectile weapons for a mower), only for parent to decide that it was too much trouble after the two of us had left for college :slight_smile:


You can just mow over the leaves with a regular mower.


That’s what we used to do!

Cottonwood leaves also don’t break down well and will probably kill your lawn if they’re there all winter.