Random Questions

I’d request a negative test. Ideally, two negative tests - one the day before so she can plan to come over and then one just before she leaves her house to double check.

Our daycare, which is probably more Covid-cautious compared to most, still requires a negative test to return, and daily testing for contact.

You have a very little baby so I’d err on the side of being more cautious compared to if you had a 9 month old. My feelings are that CDC guidelines have to weigh the costs of people being out of work/not having daycare for extended periods, which I completely understand, but may not be conservative enough for optional activities.


Yes to all of this!


Yeah I told her the full 11 days recommended for if visiting people for whom a COVID infection could be serious.

The hilarious thing is she asked me after asking my husband, who gave a less conservative answer which would allow her to visit tomorrow. I think she was hoping I would say tonight was fine. This is what you get for asking mom when you don’t like Dad’s answer.


Does anyone have a Kindle Paperwhite? I have these questions:
-Does it charge on micro USB or USB-C?
-Do you still have the option to download books via USB cable or can you only download them wirelessly? See, if I sync wirelessly, I lose all my emotional support expired library loans…


I think it’s USB-C; I hope someone else can confirm. I don’t really know the difference.

Mine can definitely download books by plugging into the computer but it’s a few years old. I also have to figure out anew how to do that every time…


I drove bonus kid home from school today and she had questions.

Are unicorns born with their horns?
If so, how does the mother survive the pregnancy?
Are they biologically similar to narwhals?
Are narwhals born with horns?

Of these, only the final question can be answered. Baby narwhals are hornless. Which is a huge relief to gestating narwhals everywhere.


There was a memorable Star Trek episode in which a human mom nearly died trying to birth a baby with a spiky forehead.


Good questions!
I think other animals with horns (like goats) are born without them. Google says rhinoceroses are not born with horns either.


Baby elephants have tusks though.





I imagine modified teeth would be more likely at birth versus true horns.


Mine is micro, but I don’t know if there are different generations?

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Mine is micro, and yes can download through computer instead of wirelessly. The latest version on Amazon looks like it is usb-c. I bet you’d still be able to download through the computer though since the website interface doesn’t change between versions.

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Mine was purchased in Dec 2021 and it is USB-C. I have never tried to connect to a computer so no idea on that front.


Mine was old and the little kind of usb not c. It used to load books from my computer to the cord to the book and let me email PDFs.

A few syncs ago it stopped accepting anything except mobi. It even did dumb shit like claim PDFs I created I did not have rights to. At that point calibre could not defeat it. It kept all of my old files but nothing new. Except kindle purchases or kindle unlimited.

I am sure better sailors than I have navigated work arounds, but Amazon appears to be trying to make it hard


Hmm, I only use mine for Kindle books. It’s a second gen push button type and seems pretty rock solid if I can find a functional micro USB data cord (which I finally did on the 4th try) so maybe I should just keep it. Hard AF to find your place again if it’s lost, though.

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Mine is also old. Mini USB. Let’s me load via cable or Wi-Fi, but I haven’t tested the former recently- I just use Libby lol. I think mine is about 6-7 years old now?

If you ever need spares lol, my husband has ummmm 9? I think? (Although he agrees, data micro USBs are hard to find now) Anker still makes them last we checked, but also a huge part of his job is tracking down weird cables for things :joy: so if you ever need help getting more, hit us up. Other people have cable bins. We have a cable cupboard. And his company literally has a cable ROOM. It’s wild.


OMG a cable room, that is what my husband would want with all his heart (he’s a sys admin and spent some time in desktop support, so getting rid of cables is impossible for him). So far we’ve kept it to a bin and a drawer though.


Has anyone listened to a really good audiobook recently that they recommend? Or have a favorite, even if it wasn’t recent? I have a free audible book and a 12 hour drive and looking for something good to listen to!