Random Questions

Have you read Neil Gaiman’s book of Norse mythology? He reads it, and it’s great.


This sounds interesting, I will check it out, thank you!


So I haven’t listened myself but tonight I was highly highly recommended Stephen Fry’s books where he’s rewritten Greek mythology stories, and apparently in the audio books he reads it himself (of course!) with accents and voices and apparently it’s amazing.


Husband just listened to this and highly recommended it to me.


David Sedaris - not fiction, and not 12 hours, but hilarious.

This is actually the last audiobook I listened to. I don’t care much for audiobooks but it was good.

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Easy and delicious apple crisp recipe, please!

I got a big bag of free apples. I’m planning to make apple sauce with some of them but I think crisp is also a good idea!


I would go smitten kitchen on this probably, or even King Arthur Himself


Ooooh the King Arthur recipe looks good! The Smitten Kitchen is all “apples plus other fruits”. I think I’ll have to go buy some ingredients because it’s been so long since I baked, but hopefully it’s worth it!

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FWIW, I think you could do just apples, if you wanted! Crisps are pretty versatile.

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I really loved listening to Braiding Sweetgrass. It wasn’t the kind of book I thought I’d like but I ended up loving it. And the author reads it, which is usually not a draw for me, but this author has the best, warmest, most soothing, lovely voice ever. Listening to her was like taking a warm bath.


If you want more she’s been on a couple podcasts! Ologies is where I heard her I’m 90% sure.


Ooh, thanks!

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Okay does anyone understand this? Why is she holding a red stick and only has one shoe? Is this a reference I’m missing?

(From a book named “Today”)


A punk show?


My kids often have a random stick and only one shoe. Or none.


Mine too so I’m wondering if the answer is just “feral in the woods” because that’s the reality here :joy: it felt like a movie reference or something though that was just out of grasp.


I bet the artist knows that kid personally and included them as a secret easter egg gift to the kid’s family.


Does anyone have a definitive guide…for onions specifically or other veg?

I’m making a fave recipe that calls for 1 1/2 medium onion, chopped. Fine. But it occurred to me that I do NOT know how much chopped onion I should have?

I found this:

Small: < 5 oz
Medium: 5-8 oz
Large: 8-12 oz
Extra Large > 12 oz

And I found quantities for slices, rough chop, chop, and dice for the small onion, but not any of the others, their sizes for medium, etc. are all different then the first source.

I can do the math and will if I need to, but it seems to me that this is a total PITA and should be standardized – somewhere?

So, what do you use? Guess? (That’s what I’ve always done and I appreciate when recipes say things like, 2 medium onions, chopped, about ?C.)

I have small onions to use up, which is why this came up at all. I have 4 medium onions by the measurements above, but I bought those 3 days ago and they should be used after what I harvested a month ago…

I admit, I also haven’t looked in my copy of Joy of Cooking, my standard, go-to cooking reference. I will.

Just annoying!

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Do you find that you’re sensitive to “too much” or “too little” onion in dishes? I’ll be honest, I just kind of go with my gut about what an appropriate amount is, kind of like garlic and salt and pepper