Random Questions

Some other channels I like:
Frugal fit mom (esp her eat down the freezer and shop with me type videos)
PBS eons, PBS fate and fabled, PBS terra, PBS other words (the channel may have been renamed storied? Idk it still comes up however you search it)
See Mindy Mom’s grocery challenges
The Financial Diet
Half as Interesting


I watch knitting, sewing, frugality and dumpster diving, so definitely niche. Lol


So, how do people buy cars on weekends when paying cash? Meeting an individual to look at one on Saturday, banks are closed, have no wish to carry wads of cash. Looks like the best bet may be two trips, one to see the vehicle on weekend and another to meet at a bank when one is open?


Understand the unwillingness to carry wads of cash…two trips is probably how I’d do it, but if you’re concerned about them not wanting to hold it for you possibly you could offer some amount of earnest money that you’re comfortable carrying ($100/$200?) with a contract that you’ll meet and pay the rest on <whatever day>? I can say that’s what a couple dealerships offered, although they were willing to take regular checks so the amount was a little more, I’m not sure an individual would be up for that.


Anyone know of a task management site that works on your phone’s browser? I do not want to download an app or make 10 other people dl an app just for this.

Simple needs - let ppl assign tasks to themselves and mark as completed. Reminders would be nice but not necessary.

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Google Docs and use comments/“assign to” feature?

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Maybe I need more info on what you are looking to do because.to me using a calendar would function for this. Tasks as events in the calendar, can invite other folks to said event/task.


Maybe a shared Google Keep note? Would need to have a Google account but most people do.


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Why do people delete their own posts so often on this forum? It happens here more than any other forum I’ve ever participated in.


Speaking for myself but probably others:

  1. Sometimes I post on someone else’s thread thinking it’s my own journal. So it’s an OOPS.
  2. Sometimes someone reaches out and I realize I posted something insensitive or I posted a real name or something
  3. Sometimes a mod comes in and handles that quietly.
  4. Sometimes I realize I was oversharing.
  5. (Added) Sometimes I also delete because I don’t have the emotional bandwidth to handle the conversation I began

This is me for 95% of things I’ve deleted. (But I don’t delete that often I suppose)


There are lots of post deletions on MMM (Mr Money Mustache) forum. Partly due to the different software if you want to stop following a thread. There’s a better way, but if folks can’t figure it out, they would delete all of their posts on the thread. The other users can’t see that, except for those posts that were quoted by someone else.


I’m usually trying to pull my foot out of my mouth, get off of someone’s toes, or realized I’ve shared too much of someone else’s story and I shouldn’t be putting stuff about them on the internet. Or something was up there briefly and removed to protect anonymity.


sometimes I realize what I posted didn’t contribute meaningfully to the conversation / build the type of community I think we can be for each other.


I think maybe the software here (aka the way you get email notifications/how long the ghost of the deleted post stays up) just makes it more visible that a post has been deleted than other forum software options.

But I also think that this forum feels really cozy and one can feel inspired to write something spur of the moment that you then realize is visible to anyone on the internet who wants to put 30 minutes into joining this forum and/or your thoughts aren’t that important or well thought out and you don’t want to spend a lot of time discussing or defending them after all.


Cats on a dry food only diet… does it matter if it’s fancy or not? He used to get wet 2x daily, and has been ignoring it for months except maybe twice a week. So I will buy tiny cans as treats, but stop pushing it


My 12yo overflowed a bathtub significantly on the main level of our house (took 2 bath towels to dry the floor).

In our finished basement, water was coming through:
-a light fixture
-a ceiling HVAC vent
-2 random bits of ceiling, which are now cracked and slightly deformed (not bulging)

This seems to me like probably a one-off freak accident. Is there anything special we should be doing to prevent a worsening of the damage and/or mold in the ceiling?


I’ve had this happen. If it’s a one-off and the area is dried it’s no big deal. Do you have a dehumidifier or are there windows nearby to open?


We have a different climate, but after drying and popping paint bubbles we ran dehumidifers on 2 levels


I have hired a cleaning lady to come do a basic clean of my house, floors / surfaces / bathrooms.

She is self employed, not working for an overseeing corp.

I’m pretty sure she’s under the table, but that’s really none of my business.

Do I tip? Or do I pay what she asks?