Random Questions

This is the situation I am in. I just pay exactly what she said the cost was ($150 per cleaning).


My friend runs a small cleaning business. Some people tip, some do an annual bonus around Christmas, and some don’t tip at all. There isn’t a set way to do it.


My understanding is that for self-employed you pay what they ask (since presumably they’re charging what’s appropriate for their services) unless you’re asking for something special, but if they’re employed by a company you tip. But that’s just based on what friends/coworkers have said.


This was what I felt, but I wanted … confirmation? If she was working for Molly Maid or something then I’d probably tip


I don’t tip, but after a few visits when I knew we wanted to keep having this person come on a regular basis instead of I could pay her $150 instead of the $120 she had quoted me. I had asked around and most other people in my area were paying even more. She said yes so I guess it’s kind of like a tip? I am budgeting to do a end of year bonus as well.


Same - I don’t tip but I give her an extra payment around the holidays.


We tip 20% per cleaning in a similar situation. When it’s the business owner + other cleaners, we try to get them the cash separately if possible.


It’s harder when they are self-employed.

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How do I get red curry out of white carpet?



I have a friend who multiple times has borrowed something and returned it in bad shape, or broken it in such a way that it’s fixable and expected us to fix it. Most recently he broke the car jack we have and bought the replacement part, but just gave it to GM to fix.

What’s a good way of approaching this and saying “hey, either fix the thing yourself or get it repaired or replace the whole thing”? Is it worth doing so delicately or …?


Gosh. I think in that situation I would just say “sorry, we don’t feel comfortable lending you things anymore since x, y, z were returned broken”.


I would just stop lending to this friend. If asked, I’d explain why. Don’t be accusative, just matter of fact.


Sounds like someone I would not let borrow things in the future.

Next time they ask to borrow something you could take a couple of approaches.

1- if you want to let them keep borrowing things. “We can let you borrow X thing, just remember, please return it in the condition we give it to you in or replace it completely”. If they return it broken then say “hey, this isn’t the state we let you borrow it in, when can we expect it to be fixed or replaced?”
2- just say no next time the ask, no reason needs to be given unless you want to.

Idk how close you are with this friend and how important the relationship is. There are some friends I would say “hey, I love you and I’m happy to share, but you keep bringing things back broken and making it more work for me” other friends I wouldn’t feel comfortable with the confrontation so I would just say no next time.


“Hey X, About that car jack you borrowed and broke. Would you prefer to fix it, or replace it?”

I’m concerned this approach is going to leave you stranded on the side of the road without a car jack when you need one.


Where are my insurance-knowledgeable folks?
Is “reciprocal exchange” insurance a huge scam? It sounds like a health sharing ministry except for your house. One quote is this kind of insurance and seems quite low. I have an email in to the other quote (which is higher but better coverage) asking whether it is a reciprocal exchange because it doesn’t say.

Here's what the insurance company sent me



I’ve been simmering a pot of vegetable soup this morning and it’s almost time to add a starch – I’ve been eating a lot of rice lately and want to change it up, which one do y’all think I should add?

The broth/soup base is celery, carrots, peas, cauliflower, broccoli, butternut squash, onion, and herbs.




+1 for gnocchi! Since you don’t have potato in there yet, this is a good sub


I also vote gnocchi :slight_smile: