Random Questions

Oh yes. It’s worth noting I’m allergic to like, 100% of dry shampoo. Even the shake on kind. Sensitive skin sucks.


No, just chronic migraines.

This is a possibility. Since don’t wash my hair often it takes me 6+ months to get through even small bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I’ll buy a new set this weekend to try and see if it helps. Are there any brands that you gravitate toward for your hair?


It’s really common with migraine havers, chronic pain and chronic fatigue conditions - named ones and unnamed ones. Since your scalp is healthy, I’d check in with your neuro if you see one or your GP to see if they want to rule anything out.

I know it is going to be a bad day if my hair is hurting me.

If that’s what is going on for you, then you want to work on pain disruption, circulation, overall rest and stress reduction (:sob::joy::flushed:). Most of those aren’t going to happen right now.

So home exercises you can try… scrunching your hair like you are putting in product in the year 2000. It basically gives a little tug and release signal to those nerves

Gentle self massage or spritzing with topicals that have pain disruptors - saje has a pain release and a migraine relied formula, peppermint and lavender highly diluted are great. I used to keep a separate shampoo with enough of those oils added. Later you can try a scalp massager or finger massage but those will probably hurt until you get stuff calmed down. Neck massage. Let me check those dermatones…so neck massage or tapping where your head meets your neck through to half way down, and tapping at the temples, eyebrows and jaw bone. People seem to be able to tap more gently than they can massage. You can try tapping over the scalp too

The massage techniques like hair scrunching, massaging and tapping will aggravate in the first 15 seconds and relax after 30 seconds. Vibration is good too if you can make your hands vibrate. If you have two external vibrating massagers you can put one at the base of the neck and one at the sacrum and hold them there 1-5 minutes.


This is super helpful. Thank you!! :raised_hands::clap:


Question for people who know about frequent flyer miles:

Got an email from AA saying that I have some asston of miles that I totally forgot about, from pre-pandemic, and they’re about to expire. I have no plans to get on a plane any time soon.

BUT, a friend and I ARE driving to Houston next month and staying in a hotel. It looks like I can use miles for a hotel and get it for free. I already booked the hotel but can cancel and rebook thru AA’s frequent flyer site.

I have heard though that it’s always best to book rooms directly with the hotel because if you use a third party (like an airline) if something goes wrong you have no recourse. But I also know this is a thing people do all the time.

Can anyone explain like I’m 5 how it even works? Is it just like booking on Expedia or whatever, except your points are charged? Any pitfalls I should be aware of?


I have no thoughts on your actual questions, but additional ideas which may or may not be relevant for AA points. Our main airline points has an option to donate a smallish number of miles to different charitable organizations, and that keeps our status active. We can also apparently buy small electronics (like new headphones) through a certain link on amazon that would maybe keep things active - we always leave it to the last minute and just do the donation option.

the points are from our flights to NZ, so it is an infrequent but big hit.


One thing you can do is sign up for their dining program and use a credit card that’s registered there to eat at one of the restaurants that participates in the program. I rotate different dining programs to keep my points active with different airlines.

Regarding the hotel, yeah it would pretty much be like booking through Expedia but paying with points. In fact, their software might actually be run by Expedia.


Huh, I’ll look into that, there are multiple participating restaurants that I already eat at.

Though, I was more looking for a way to spend my existing points (67,000) than to keep them active. Since I don’t see myself getting on a plane any time soon because covid.


Hm, I’ll look into donating! Thanks.


Wait though, I converted my AA miles card to a credit card that’s cash back instead. So I can’t earn miles thru paying with it. Hm.

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You can earn miles through any registered credit card for the dining program! And then you can keep the miles active and use them for hotels :slight_smile:

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I COULD use it for the hotel next month though…
I’m just worried about something going awry since it’d be a 3rd-party booking.

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You should do both, unless the hotel booking uses up all your points! Honestly I wouldn’t worry about the 3rd party booking. I think it’s pretty likely that they use a major company like Expedia as the back end. I wouldn’t book through a sketchy unknown third party company but I book through Expedia regularly. They have good customer service and if there’s some miscommunication they’ll take care of you.


I wouldn’t worry too much about it being 3rd party either. I feel like most of the advice about booking directly is much more important for flights rather than hotels, since there a lot more potential for things to get complicated with a 3rd party involved in situations like flight delays/cancellations/etc. I wouldn’t book a flight with a 3rd party site but I do for hotels pretty often.


I’ve recently started watching some YouTube videos. What are some things you all recommend?


What are you into? It’s a WIDE world. Some of my favorite weird niches-
Clean with me videos (Jamie’s journey)
Economics and news type videos (CNBC, business insider, economics explained, DW news)
Cooking videos (binging with Babish, Epicurious, Claire saffitz, sorted foods)
Coffee stuff (James Hoffman)


“Living Lchaim” is pretty good, although you should be aware that it is from a particular point of view (Orthodox Jewish)

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I probably won’t know until I watch some? I have found some flower gardeners that I like. I am not religious, not into hunting/fishing/outdoor stuff.

I will look for what you mentioned, thanks!

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I recently started watching Technology Connections, and it is SO interesting! Basically, how things work, with a dose of snark. And ~20 minute episodes, not too long, not too short.

I also really like some video essayists, like Movies with Mikey, and some others, that talk about film, filmmaking, etc. I don’t know really anything about filmmaking or film history, so it’s very interesting. He recently went to patron, but I think everything is still up on YouTube (multiple years) and I think the patreon stuff will go to YouTube in time as well.


I do mostly knit, crochet, and vanlife videos, so probably not what you are after. I also like the ‘eat all week on $10 with groceries from Dollar tree’ type videos. I find some hacks since I live alone. If you are interested in any of these, I can provide a list. Or, just do a search on YouTube for those topics.