Random Questions

Is there a better or worse place to buy RAM for a computer upgrade?

Bear in mind that I’m Canadian so many of you will have specific suggestions that don’t work for me.

Local computer place or amazon or ebay or…?


I have ordered electronics and components from newegg.com before. It looks like they have many countries you can order from. I don’t know if it is “better” than Amazon or whatever… :woman_shrugging:


SO says Amazon because they have the best selection, a good return policy and it’s easy to compare prices, and of course delivery to your home.


I also like Newegg.


Do you have Canada Computers? I think new egg too… I can have an answer from someone who knows later.

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I ordered from Amazon. The point about easy returns got me. Well done, evil empire. You win again.


Too bad. The correct answer was Canada Computers and they are quite good about returns.

Also my last 2 Amazon things I needed to return they would not.

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They have better prices!
And refuse to ship to me. All the cheaper stuff is pick up only.


This is what paying 4-10x more than you for our house gets us!


It was 10x.
I feel better about the additional $10 I spent on computer parts, thank you.


I keep getting ads for The Hypoclorous Company. They claim to have a relatively shelf stable solution that is better than bleach yet safe for humans skin, breathing, etc. We are currently dealing with an overwhelming personal situation with a loved one that requires multiple times daily sanitizing and disinfecting. The product claims to have applications for things like dental offices and other places that require legit sanitation practices so if this is for real, I think it would be a nice option for home use.

ETA does anyone know if this seems legit?


I haven’t heard of it, but my google searching makes it seem legit. Cleveland Clinic says that it’s an effective disinfectant. Apparently they recently figured out to make it shelf stable, which would explain why it’s not a common cleaner (yet).


Just coming back with an update on my car loan question from about a month ago.

You all were right: the dealerships did have the best rates (for new cars only), followed by local credit unions. We ended up with a 2023 Subaru Forrester and put 2/3 of the cost down, and ended up with a manageable monthly payment through the dealership.

We have been driving old paid off cars for a long time, so it’s been an adjustment but has been a good one so far. We love the car!


The Suburu Forrestor had a fantastic review recently. Better than the new model of my RAV4.


My wife gets all the credit, she did all the research! We were also interested in the electric Honda CRV, but the 3-4 month wait was too long for us.


Does anyone have experience with a sensitive scalp? Over the past year mine has gotten worse and worse. My scalp hurts all the time, and if I do anything that puts pressure on my hair it becomes excruciating. I can’t pull it back anymore because if the hair tire is tight enough to stay in, it is pulling on individual hairs and it hurts too much. It’s so damn annoying. I just want to be able to pull it back! I cut a few inches off about a month ago and that didn’t help at all. I like how it looks right now and I don’t want to cut it for aesthetic reasons, but I’m so annoyed with it that every day I think about cutting it all off. Probably chin length. But would that help?

I don’t use any products or anything special with it. Cheap shampoo and conditioner, air dry only. Wash it 2-3 times per week. I get dandruff all the time too so I’ve been alternating with using husband’s head and shoulders shampoo lately.

Pic of current length


My guess would be a fungal/ yeast type infection? It can manifest that way. Or if you’re prone to eczema? Can you see anything visually going on like redness or mottled skin on the scalp?

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Nope. It looks normal and every time I get my hair cut they always comment that my scalp looks so healthy :woman_shrugging:


HMM. Any other nerve pain or numbness type stuff going on? (I of course look to medical first, when you’re a hammer etc etc, this is all obviously “just rule it out” type stuff not deep concern!)


I’m allergic to many hair products and my scalp hurts when I use the wrong thing. Most often I just rinse my hair instead of using shampoo, to avoid a bad reaction. Finding things that I don’t react to is difficult.