Random Questions

What else should I serve with dinner tomorrow? My cousin is here from California so we’re having a few people over. I have honey lime sriracha chicken marinating, and I have a bunch of corn on the cob. Daughter said please no salad because she doesn’t like to eat things like lettuce and vegetables, ew! But I could make a salad. Live-in cousin said, “something starchy” and I said we’re having corn and he said, "but it’s a vegetable.’ Which I’m not sure is accurate, but whatever. Anyway, it can’t be too time-consuming because I’m making it all after work and I still need to make dessert. I wanted to make ice cream tonight but we’re out of sugar!!! And there’s not enough time to make it after work tomorrow. The mix, sure, easy peasy. But not enough time to freeze. So I need easy sides.


Potato salad or pasta salad?


Dragon noodles is my favorite side.*VIRAL* 15-Minute Spicy Sriracha Noodles - Budget Bytes I often skip the green onions if I don’t have them, and lower the sriracha if people don’t like spice, but darnnnn they are tasty.


Good bread from a local bakery and butter, + easy salad?


I think this will go perfectly with the grilled chicken, thanks!


How do I get something out of therapy? How do I decide what that “something” is, beyond like, wanting to be more positive and present in my own life? I’ve been going on and off for 10+ years so I’ve seen a lot of the same suggestions and I try them for a while but so far nothing’s really worked long term. Am I somehow doing therapy wrong?


You might be doing the wrong kind of therapy for you… or you might not need therapy. I don’t think life coaches are good for mental illness, but they can be good with mindset and goal setting. Plus a bunch have workbooks and stuff.


People who weightlift: @Bracken_Joy @madgeylou @Economista

How critical is it to do a lot of stretching before you begin? At CrossFit we used to do a whole routine with spidermans and inchworms, with 10 minutes of active stretches. Now that I’m trying to get back into weightlifting (by myself at home) I’m walking 5K on a trail loop with hills first and I’m wondering if that’s enough. But I don’t want to injure myself if I need to do more!


I’ve actually run across a lot of trainers and PTs (in IG type spaces, bloggers, etc) who think you should NOT stretch prior to lifting especially because it’ll increase injury risk. You should warm up and not start cold, but not stretch especially not deep holds and relaxing into them. Stretching should be after you’re done for cool down work. That’s what I follow now although that’s as much for time efficiency as anything lol.


Cool, that’s what I like to hear! I always stretch afterward anyway because otherwise I’ll be sore. Thank you! Just wanted to confirm that I would not hurt myself. I think the active stretching in CrossFit was to warm up the muscles, we were in motion most of the time.


Definitely recommend non-stretching warmups like walking, jogging or rowing over stretching. If you feel compelled to stretch, look into dynamic stretches rather than static stretches. You want blood flowing to all your muscles but you don’t really want them or your ligaments stretched and (for lack of a better word) relaxed - you want them mobile yet with a lot of stability when you start your lift.


I think it also depends. In general the rule of thumb I learned when I was certified as a personal trainer was to do standing stretches after warm ups, and wait for deep, laying down stretches for after the workout. FWIW, if I don’t do really good stretching before any kind of leg exercising my left hamstring will seize up and I won’t be able to continue. They did harvest a piece of my hamstring tendon though to make a new ligament for my knee, so I’m assuming that’s why.


@Greyweld @Economista thanks! It sounds like I definitely need to warm up my muscles but not necessary to stretch. Which is perfect for what I want to do, because stretching is an extra step and the easier it is for me the more likely I am to be consistent.

I did 125 lb deadlifts today after a very long break from weightlifting, so I’m feeling good about it!


we do a short warmup sequence when i go see my trainer – they have me swing around some clubs and a weight on a stick and do some squats and then we get into the lifting. i do more stretching on days i don’t go to see them.


That’s a great number! There was a lady at Little League talking about deadlifting and it made me so homesick for the gym. (I might think about joining one after the cuckoo is down to one nap a day.) Congrats on being back in the game and putting up three digits right away!

I used to do dynamic stretches and things like clamshells and hip bridges. I had a whole warmup routine thingy. But walking should be just fine! What I tend to do now is mini-workouts (ie, a couple of sets of a couple things) and I just do those any time I have been up and moving around. But not with a lot of weight. And I do make sure to make time for things like clamshells and hip bridges because they are good for injury prevention and I’m over 40.


I also do clamshells and bridges and some pigeon before deadlifts, lol, otherwise I hurt my back because apparently I’m older than I used to be? It’s a bunch of crap, for sure.


Thank you!!

Oh gosh, I guess I should do them too since I’m the same age.


Also, clamshells and/or side walks with the miniband around my ankles have been prescribed to me THREE TIMES by physical therapists for wildly different conditions (ankle pain, iliotibial band pain, and peeing when I sneeze). Recommend!


I may start doing those again (but usually the band is right below my knees?). Maybe when I’m watching TV and not doing anything useful!

Or maybe right above my knees. I don’t remember!

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oh, I’m supposed to do those for my knees. I suppose I should do that while I’m being stressed and not doing anything useful about it