was the highlight of getting a public policy degree getting to follow all the niche local government drama? Who can say!
What I want is someone who will take my damn sharps containers away. I live in a multi-family with a dumpster and therefore cannot request my hauler to take them away and none of my local pharmacies take them (there’s 4 in this neighborhood!) So my option is biking out to freaking the metro dump and paying them $5? silly. I heard that Fred Meyer’s takes them though so I’m going to try.
(I used to have a mail in sharps thing through my co-pay assistance but they don’t anymore)
I need to do this too I have 3 old containers from IVF.
Colorado says I can throw mine in my household trash if they are sealed but I guess different places have different rules.
That was a Read. Wow.
The fish rots from the head down has a whole new meaning when the subject is trash and literal rot.
Kiddo was two or three years old and with me in the backseat when I drove to a fire station that took sharps containers. Probably more like three and a half actually.
That’s really interesting! A lot of people in my BN group have Ridwell and are willing to share space!
Must be, because in CT apparently I can put Ginny’s used insulin needles (of which there are a lot) in a sturdy plastic container that can be securely taped shut and with “NOT FOR RECYCLING” (or something like that) written on it, and throw it in the regular trash. I don’t have garbage pickup and have to take it to the transfer station, where you throw your garbage into big shipping containers that get compacted and eventually hauled away. They are completely closed up when no one is there (and the facility is locked with a big gate as well), and I don’t think there is any point the process where someone could get into the garbage to get at them. Up until now I have been using the special containers (which cost $$) and sending them back to the vet office, but this is way easier if true, and cheaper, because I could use sturdy gallon milk jugs…
I don’t know if it is related to the fact that all of our non-recyclable garbage goes to trash-to-energy plants in this state, there are no longer any active landfills!
Yep, when I visited my mom back in VA I put my sharps in an old vitamin bottle and duct taped it closed!
Oh now that’s an idea. I know at least 2 people have them in my area since I’ve seen them doing pickups. I guess I could ask on there.
I’ve been thinking about getting a Ridwell once we’re no longer in an apartment building.
What’s the best way to do taxes electronically? I’ve done turbo tax before which was fine, so maybe that again? I’m reading that it’s going to take a long time to get refunds back again this year so don’t want to do it by paper/snail mail like I often do.
Credit Karma used to be excellent but they have turned into Cash App taxes this year, which makes me worried.
TurboTax tries all sorts of tricks to get you to sign up for the free version and then sneakily upgrade you to paid version and not let you downgrade without talking to a human on the phone. So I have declared war on them. If you make less than $60k ish, you can follow a specific link from the IRS website that doesn’t upsell you, but you can’t just log in to the website and start from their homepage.
TurboTax announced they aren’t even participating in IRS free file this year.
They are the reason I learned about dark patterns
Thanks. I am over 60k this year for the first time. The last time I did Turbo Tax I did pay like $50 for the cd which is still lots less than having a local accountant do them.
I have bought a couple of greenpans, used. They worked fine, but for some reason I don’t remember, we didn’t keep them. They were lighter than my previous skillets, which has become a consideration here as we age.
We bought Calaphon skillets to replace them, which I still have.
Any recs on electronic recycling? I usually just give to Best Buy.
I don’t have recommendations, but resources if you want those. I haven’t used any of these, but found them when I was researching such things.