Random Questions

Haha I wonder if we both found that recc on the same recipe blog years ago? :sweat_smile: definitely agree it’s annoying. I’ve always wanted to replace them, but I’m too cheap lmao. I can always just take it off and use tinfoil.

Mmmmm now I want Dutch oven ribs…


So yesterday I applied for a university administration job (for a music department). Today that same music department posted another job that also fits my qualifications well. Is it weird to apply to two jobs at the same time in the same university department?


I don’t think so? I’ve applied at one company for two different jobs at the same time, because I didn’t know which would best suit me.


I’m a natural ginger/blond. I have an interest in dying my hair black. Is there any way to do this in such a way that I can eventually revert back to natural without too much pain?

My bestie thinks I’m crazy and says I can only pull it off if I do a goth-ish/punk style but I kind of want to?


I’m in the process of making lentil soup and its time to add the lentils. It turns out I only have half the desired amount of brown lentils. I also have the following in my pantry: red lentils, pearled barley, bulgur. What should I do?

I have yet to find one that reverts easily. Black dye is a real dickface to get rid of; in my experience, getting rid of all evidence of black dye involves scissors.

Tbf, though, I’ve never dyed my own black because of this – just helped with friends. So some folks might have a different experience.

Stylistically – do what you want! It’s not like people with dark hair only wear goth/punk clothes (see: our dear founder).

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I was thinking over time, when my roots grow in I could dye them gradually lighter colors, so it wasn’t such a stark black-to-blond transition. But that would involve $$$ over time, and as you know… I’m fucking CHEAP.

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When I’ve seen folks transition it usually involves a sort of low-light process.

There are temporary dyes you might try that seem to wash out well that could give you a sense of whether you liked the black hair look to begin with.

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I’d use the red lentils

EDIT for clarity: I’d use all the brown lentils and then the red lentils to make up the difference.

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Thanks. This is my plan. The red lentils cook down to mush, so I think I’m going to add them much later.

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A true black dye is a nightmare as a blonde haired person. It won’t come out completely without growing out and being cut off. But it loses depth over time, and becomes this terrible brassy undertone dark brown- very unflattering on most people. So you have to keep redying to keep the color robust. There’s not really a good ombré grow out option in this case without going to a really good stylist.


That’s too bad. Maybe I should just get a black wig… Might be cheaper than the amount I would spend on hair dye over time. Unless I become really confident and get over my pixie-cut trauma.


Does anyone have a corn tortilla recipe they recommend? I will be picking up masa harina tomorrow so want to try out corn tortillas with my tortilla press!


We go classic. Masa and water. https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/how_to_make_corn_tortillas/


If you buy/have Maseca there is a recipe right on the bag!


Yes. I go to smackys house and read the instructions on the bag.


@HaH should come read the recipe on my maseca bag.


Favorite recipe/method for crepes? I want to try a new method. Okay with them being on the thicker side, I grew up with crepes that were essentially “roll-up pancakes”.


If you want the recipe for French crêpes (not sure if what we call crêpes is the same thing or not), I made these yesterday with the following ingredients:

  • 1/2L cow milk
  • 250g wheat flour
  • 3 eggs
  • a pinch of salt
  • a drop (?) vegetable oil (I don’t know how to say “a little bit”)

Whisk everything together (be careful not to let any lump).
Let it set 1h in the fridge (optional).
Heat your pans (we have special pans called “crêpières” or “poêles à crêpes”) on medium(*) and put a little bit of vegetable oil before each crêpe and spread it with a brush or half potato but remove the excess.
Pour just the needed amount of batter and move quickly the pan in your hand to spread it across the whole surface (some people use a wooden tool for that but I have never tried).
When the first side is cooked, make the crêpe “jump” to cook the other side.

(*) if the temperature is too high the crêpes will have lots of brown spots or burn, if it is too low the texture will become cardboard-like

I hope it makes sense despite my broken English ^^


Thanks Bracken Joy!

Unfortunately the bulk food shop did not have masa harina after all. So I guess I have to fly to North America to make my corn tortillas?