I have a Tuft and Needle mattress that I love. I also got them for my guest rooms and all of my guests have commented on how comfortable they are.
Depends on the type you like. We opted for the Frugalwoods special (amazon, memory foam, less than $200) and have been thrilled with it.
I got frustrated with this same question and ended up having my aunt ship me a Japanese futon and now sleep on the floor.
Online foam ship-in-box mattresses are very hit and miss-- some people like them (see above!), some people have pretty meh experiences and quality issues and I wasn’t able to get over the total overwhelm of the whole process. I have sympathy for you.
I went to Ikea with a book and lounged in the mattress department. I was there all afternoon. I like my mattress.
The type of mattress that suits your body is such a personal preference thing, but to answer the bit about online mattresses being a good deal - I agree that they are. I’ve had mine for over ten years - I don’t sleep on it anymore but i cut it in half and part of it’s used as a couch and a guest bed regularly. It hasn’t compressed at all.
This was the approach we took when we finally got our new mattress.
If I have access to both a 403(b) and a 457 and can conceivably only max out one, which one should I focus on? Just realized we have 457s through work (and I’ve only been here how long?) and am curious about the advantages of one over the other.
I heard from someone This week that you could max both. Also, that you may have an option to “catch up” if you are at the same employer and have not maxed out an account.
I don’t know enough to be really certain about the above, but it is worth checking further (HR?).
Are the investment options similar between the two? And the expense ratios? If they are, then I’d say the 457b as you can access it when you leave your job (even if before retirement age) if you’re a governmental employee (and maybe if you are not, I’m not sure).
@Gdogg I am in a financial position to only max out one, although the other would likely be used for some overflow of savings. My HR is fundamentally useless when it comes to anything like this so I might have to buck up and make an appointment with my retirement provider adviser person.
@LifeInBalance I honestly have no idea! I just realized we had them and have never looked into it further. The concept of being able to access it pre-retirement age seems amazing, especially since we are hoping to retire early. There seems like there has to be a catch there.
I have (only) used Pocket Casts for podcasts… I think it was $2 but it’s a pretty good app, no complaints. Although I’m also not a super frequent podcast listener. I have five that I really enjoy following and listen to maybe 1-2 episodes a week.
Thank you!
I’m max the 457 before touching the 403b because of the ability to withdraw before retirement age. But most people only advise putting money in a 457 if you work for a government employer. Private 457s somehow belong to the employer until you leave, and you could lose them if they go bankrupt. That doesn’t apply to government ones.
I know my IRA balances for 2018 and 2019. Do I deduct the contributions from that to get the growth?
Ok, I do work for a government employer. Looks like I’m about to make some changes to my savings.
Thanks everyone!
Has anyone used face products from The Ordinary? It seems to get good reviews, but I have a hard time believing something that inexpensive can also work well. I suppose I could make this a twofer and ask what brands people love and get good results with? I’ve been using the same brand for 20 years now, and am wondering if I should switch things up. I am willing to spend the money if the products are helpful, but also… spending less would be nice!
To find out what your growth would be for a particular year, you’d want:
- Your ending balance
- Your starting balance
- Your contributions
1 - 2 - 3 = your growth.
Yes. I believe @Elle loves them. I have used them and not really had results (using primarily for acne), but I’ve also bought many more expensive products that did not give me results.
Thanks! 19% for the year then, which seems like the only good thing to come out of having the president we do.