Random Questions

Architect, developer. Administrator, but only if the position fits.

ETA officer, but again only if the position fits (i.e.: is security).


I shared this with Spouse. But then he said “but women do this too!” (Anti-mask rants). I told him to stop diminishing the point being made (men policing women’s bodies), and noted women also carry the patriarchy’s (or other groups’) gauntlet because we have been socialized with those same “rules” and norms.

I become remarkably inarticulate when he makes these comments. Anyone have some clearer language to make the point / counter the “but X does that too”?


Internalized misogyny doesn’t just go away with new scenarios.

While some women help to enforce and perpetuate the policing of women’s bodies, they are still at the same disadvantage as women who don’t willingly participate. Who do these rules benefit? Men. What can we hope to gain by acknowledging these things? Empathy and change.

I don’t know if that’s helpful, but internalized misogyny is a bitch and isn’t an excuse for ignoring the systems that keep people down.


Oh yes - I have been realizing what I have internalized. While I shunned some things, and even stood up against others, most of it is just the baseline background that came in so early that I never thought to question it. Ugh. Still unpacking that stuff.

Spouse is liberal, but still doesn’t quite realize the privilege handed to him as a heteronormative white guy. Some of that privilege has eroded (upward mobility for low income folks, even with university degrees; access to education), but he’s already got his…


I’m often not the most eloquent when it comes to arguments like this because I don’t believe they need a lot of explanation, just a dragging of one’s head out of various orifices. The first thing I ask is “Does that make it right?” If they can’t answer that question, I can’t go much further.

Of course, I can’t hear that “but they’re doing it too” without thinking of a whiny child saying “But, moooom! Everyone else is doing it!”

If they do think that actions by a similar class make it ok to act that way, then there’s more to talk about on that side. Same with if they don’t. But for me that’s the base question that needs answered before going further.


I will admit I sometimes have the whiny toddler response too (but you did it!). We are all a work in progress.

Recent NPR survey found that about 50% of Republicans won’t get a COVID vaccine when available. (!!!). This when not even 50% have a favorable view of DJT.


I will admit to being hesitant about getting a covid vaccine when it first comes out, but that’s more due to concern that Trump will try to pressure the FDA to approve something before it should be approved due to political concerns than anything about the vaccine itself.


I can’t help but think this will make it more likely the vaccine will make it to rural areas faster, and then I won’t have too much competition for mine.


Oh, I understand that! Waiting for better data isn’t refusing vaccine in general.


Depending on how that survey was worded they might not be able to differentiate between the two cause for refusal. There was that talk of Russia having a full vaccine come out this week and I would give major side-eye to anyone taking it right away.


“Women can also be sexist” would be my short phrase.

“Women can also be sexist – the whole point of looking at patriarchy as an institution, as a system, is that we’re all caught up in it and taught certain things. We live in a sexist society. Therefore women are also taught to be sexist, and most people do what they are taught to do and think what they’re taught to think.”


Or you can go really melodramatic; “people are often complicit in their own destruction”


That’s for when you move on from Slightly Longer Phrase to Impassioned Appeal™. :wink:


This is a more elegant way of saying one of the points I tried to make. Thanks.


I am eternally trying to figure out how to make this stuff catchy and soundbite-y so that I’m prepared for the exact same conversation you had. Sometimes I even manage to remember my soundbites.

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It Is not easy. I know I have seen some things online where something was explained in such a way that it finally really clicked for me. Things that I sort of understood, but still lack that real “aha” moment.


I’ve been seeing stories about the USPS problems with sorting machines and mailboxes being removed because the head honcho is a Trump supporter. This is supposed to cause problems with voting by mail and cause delays in getting votes returned in time to be counted.

My question is: approximately how far ahead of the election do people receive their ballots? I applied to vote by mail for the first time this year.

ETA: I just saw that Washington state mails ballots out 18 days before the election, I assume all states are similar.

ETA 2: I also just saw that the removal of the mailboxes nationwide has been stopped until after the election because they got caught doing it and people screamed loudly enough. :clap:


Can I freeze extra cream cheese frosting?




I kind of love frozen cream cheese frosting on fresh muffins.