Random questions, postpartum edition

It’s probably this. :grimacing: Anywhere in the window of 12-18 months is when all my friends’ kids starting transitioning.


I asked the nanny about dropping a nap and she swore it’s too early. Idk how to make that call :weary: He “slept in” til 5:30 today, so maybe it was a growth spurt? We put him down a half hour earlier to start working towards DST ending, otherwise no changes


I always vote giving stuff a week or two before making a big change. How long has it been?


Good advice.

As for ‘how to make that call,’ with my kids, I typically always go by: this is not working for me anymore, time to try something different. The good news is you can try it for a week and if it makes any or all of you miserable you can go right back.


It had been like a week? But also I’m bad at remembering. Because tired lol


This is also true. I always figure basically, stuff being hard as shit is the right time to do something that might make things hard as shit, because that’s a lateral change with a potential for improvement lol.


Haha yes, exactly!

Sometimes in the throes of no sleep it feels like any change will be permanent. It’s hard to remember that you can just try shit and see how it goes.


I thought cuckoo was dropping a nap around like 11 months but she re-started doing two consistently until… I dunno, 13 or 14 months.


So, this has only gotten worse, lolsob, as kind of expected with the time change. We even did prep and no dice. So he’s been up at 3 every night except Tuesday he did 4. UGH


I meant 3 every morning, but is 3 even morning? I think no.


Sorry you’re not getting good sleep. It’s worth trying things like people suggest, but I just wanted to chime in and say if nothing works it’s not your fault. Some kids are bad sleepers.


How long has this been going on? If it’s less than a week, is he ready to drop a nap or gaining new skills?

I found that even after we sleep trained there were months when he just had a different agenda that started at an unacceptable dark o’olock. It sucked and I drove a lot of laps around an empty park in winter to try to put him back to sleep. This time around I’m choosing to cosleep and even if he wakes up at 4 or be 5 we can pretty reliably get him back to sleep for another 2 hours so it’s working for us :person_shrugging:


I kinda want to try this now that he’s bigger, but when he was little he did not tolerate cosleeping at all. I’ll talk to DH about it.


To be fair, I have some sort of Armageddon coming when it’s time to transition him to his own bed. Right now husband and I mostly sleep in separate rooms and I don’t love that. But we’re moving in 2-3 months so I’m just burying my head in the sand until then and choosing to pay for it later.


Hard to think about the future at 3am lol!!


I started the night having baby sleep in baby’s own bed then move baby into our bed to cosleep at whatever time o clock they first woke up in the night. Then as she started sporadically sleeping through the night around 18 months she would already be in her bed which was nice. I felt like that set up improved me and husbands overall hours of sleep

But yea it all seems to be a crapshoot generally


We did a similar thing with both of our kids. Now they still sometimes come in our bed in the middle of the night but they at least always start in their own beds.


Also, another thing I’ve experienced is the early wakeup BUT tiring themselves out after a short interval (20-40 minutes). I used to just get up for the day when the baby woke. But last week I realized that if I wait it out with calming interactions (babbling back but half the volume, nursing/feeding if he seems hungry, soft toys, leave sound machine on — avoid stimulating things like going downstairs, turning on the overhead light, etc.) sometimes he will put himself back to sleep. Yesterday I’d actually given up and went to wash my face and change, and when I came back to the bed, I found TR asleep again. Is he in a good enough mood when he wakes up that maybe you could try waiting him out?


Oh yes, we usually do this and it helps make the first stretch of sleep more comfortable.

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I wish he would go back to sleep, but he’s truly up for the day. Today I waited til 5AM (he woke up at 3:15) to go in and get him. I just feel so cruel waiting that long

I haven’t tried feeding him and then putting him back in the crib but that seems like a bad pattern to start up again