Random questions, postpartum edition

The spray decongestant, first dose as suggested then I use a neti pot, extra vitamin c, mucinex if we have it and teas. I space any other doses I need over more time or one side at a time. If I end up really sick I take a 36h break from it snd then another dose.

Oh! And flonase once I’m open too.

I had never tried spray decongestant until pregnancy because of fears about dependency and rebound but it is a fucking miracle


Random tip - if around 8 or 12 or a mystery time baby has like a week of being weirdly hungry and mad at you, your period could be coming and supply drops and may taste funny.


Baby takes second nap just fine at the Nannyshare, but at home he almost always refuses. Same schedule and he’s really not old enough to drop a nap. He’s miserable (and so are we) when he skips it. The environment is the same as first nap and night sleep. I don’t know what could be causing this. Any ideas?


What’s he doing between first nap and second nap? Is it possible he is getting different physical, social, or mental stimulation?

Also don’t underestimate the power of baby to just be a baby.


Unless it’s the exact same room and the exact same room… Its not the exact same environment and some babies will just not be helpful.


He’s eating lunch, going on errands with us, sometimes a walk, playing. Normal stuff??

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Other kids can be exhausting haha. Maybe try to amp up the wear him out? I’m of course always a fan of outdoor time doing the work here for me, nothing like a little weather intensity and no walls to make for an exhausted little :joy: but I hear rumor that’s not the only way to make tired children.


When B1 was in daycare he would nap there and not at home. Daytime bath as well as outside time helped. Rocking to sleep, stroller. We did lying down together quiet time like with a disney storyteller book playing

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Baby decided to nap today. I had given him some Tylenol earlier—I think, now that he’s like 380 days old, he might be getting some teeth??? He’s been so unbelievably cranky, not his normal mood, so maybe he’s just going through it. Oh, I also put socks on him. I personally can’t sleep if my feet are cold. Maybe the new sleep sack is breathing more.


Am I doomed to wake up at 4:30AM for the rest of my life? He had gotten to like 5/5:30 and now it’s snapped back earlier. I can’t do it!! And the time change is coming up! I’m going to die!


Have you been prepping for the time change? When the girls were smaller we would head them up by changing their schedule by 15 minutes per week, for the 3 weeks leading up to the change and then the time change didn’t result in any impact to them at all. You could still do it by 15 minutes every few days to help with the transition on Sunday.


Latte was like this, and it got much better some time around 3 when we introduced the okay to wake clock. Before that it was 4:30-5:30am every single day. Then it became the clock changed at 6, then 6:30, now she wakes up at around 6:15 but stays quietly in her room until 7 and it’s awesome.

It’s not forever. It just feels like it.


I don’t think I could make it two more years of 4:30


I’m sorry. :grimacing: Latte takes literally everything to the extreme FWIW. But just letting you know that even on the extreme, it doesn’t mean it’s forever forever :melting_face:


We were also on 4:30-5am wakeups for years. D1 still wakes up between 5 and 6 and most days stays in bed until the sound machine tells her she can get up, but we are about 50/50 on her not waking us up early. We just totally changed the adult schedules so we go to bed between 8:30 and 9 every night to make up for the early wake ups.


Yeah we’re already early risers so we’ve coped. It was rough on the 4:30 days, but 5:30 is about what I do naturally anyway. I’m just a boring old person and go to bed super early :joy:


We were on 4:30am for a few months with Spore. 4:30 is just so much more rude than 5:01 (or better yet, 6:00 or 7:00). I remember driving laps around a local park in the dead of winter to put him back to sleep :joy:. If/when you really can’t take it anymore, I have an online sleep coach reco that might help.


Uh… So Pumpkin was also a 4-something riser. Now she’s doing it just once or twice a week. I am sorry. She’s 2.5 exactly and grew out of it over the past 6 months, so I’m only really offering a slightly earlier ray of hope than @Bracken_Joy


Isn’t he about 1 now? Both my kids gave up their second nap right around 1 and just switched to one long nap. 12-3 or something like that.


Ooh yeah this could be part of your 4-something am wake ups too