Random questions, postpartum edition

I’m sorry. Pumpkin did this for ages, she was just an early waking baby. Lots of empathy.

We swapped morning shifts so we each got a nap and popped her in a safe baby space and then took a nap next to it (e.g. baby cage in loungeroom, i would nap on couch).


It worked out for us with #1 when we moved. We cuddled him to sleep in his room and he just walked to our room in the middle of the night without us needing to stand.


We put the baby to bed at 6:45. Honestly he was really asking for it and has always been cranky after about 6:30 anyway, but usually distracted by dinner and bath? Not this week. If we can fix this ish by moving bedtime up, so be it. If this doesn’t work we will ask the nanny to either shorten naps or drop one, her choice, I don’t care, I just need to try things because 3am is absolutely not good!!


Shopify has a program (Shop Cash) with 1% rewards on payments made through their platform. The notifications are annoying as heck. Just take my money and leave me alone, right?

Well, yesterday curiosity got the better of me and I downloaded their app. I learned that you can redeem the rewards at a few different online stores, including one that sells fancy European organic baby formula (Hipp, Holle, etc.). So now I have a free box of formula coming my way.


Am I allowed to ask questions here until my child is 18?? Or is there another better thread?

This week we decided to have Ravioli transition to 1 nap. He has been consistently waking up at 3am for weeks on end. He is also teething–getting both top middle teeth at once. The nanny was a little resistant, saying it’s too early, but you know what is also too early? 3am! We were at a loss and needed to try something. Finally she agreed (that is another issue that I think is related to my husband saying things that are parenting decisions but sound like suggestions).

Yesterday and today, she’s sent us videos of him crying. (This is distressing to me and my gut reaction is how the hell can you whip out your phone right now, please comfort my child, but I think it’s a communication break down and possibly a cultural difference happening in tandem.) DH was supposed to talk to her about it this AM and ask her not to do that/figure out why she sent the first one, but he didn’t, he put it off to pick up and now we have gotten another one.

If she is indeed trying to communicate that the new nap schedule isn’t working, what the fuck do we do here. For additional context, he slept til 5:45 today, which is so so so much better than 3. Is he just going to cry while his body adjusts? Or is it a signal that we’re trying to do something he’s not ready for? I’m feeling like a bad mom

Addressing DH’s need to be direct and clear with him separately, don’t need advice about that


He used to take naps at 9:30-11:30 (this one went fine, as you can imagine he was fucking wiped after waking up at 3) and 2:30-4:30 (he would fall asleep eventually but it had started taking longer and he would babble to himself for like 45 min first).

The nanny is trying to align his schedule with the other kid that’s part of the nannyshare, a 2yo who naps from 1:30-4:30. I get that she doesn’t want to have a separate lunch time for two kids but I also don’t think it was realistic to try to get him to go from an AM nap at 9:30 to suddenly not napping til 1:30. I thought DH had communicated it should be a gradual adjustment but I don’t think that’s what he actually asked her to do, and also doesn’t seem to be her style!!!


Yeah…. He needs 2-3 naps at his age.

See if you can find a nap schedule to provide that overlaps with the 2yo nap. But no way can Ravi wait that long. Unless I very much forget how old he is!

There is also a random questions parenting edition.

You can also look at daycare nap schedules. When L was in daycare at 18mo it started at 1130 after an 11am lunch.

Nanny can be playing with snacks vs lunch times to get their eating aligned.


How old is Ravi now?

My first needed to go down to 1 nap at about 11 months and it was a huge game changer, but I think he was very much on the early end (low sleep needs kid).

Naptimes were one of the criteria we had for picking daycare. I think 1:30 is very late for a newly 1 year old or close. Our daycare did naps at ~11:30-12 at that age.


I also think that 2nd nap is way too late, especially when it’s the only one. It is all so dependent upon the kid though and their overall schedule. Both of my kids went down to one nap between 12-18 months old, but that one nap is 12:30-2:30. They are both (at 4 and almost 3) just barely functional still by 12:30 and definitely need their nap no later than that. We also wake them up at 3 if still asleep and have never let them sleep past 3 because that means not going down easily at bedtime (7/7:30). Then wake up time is 6:30.


Ravioli is 14 months


dang i forgot about that one

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Hmmm if he is ready for one nap it needs to be earlier. And he might need a second mini nap some days


Not sure what your holiday schedule is with the nanny share, but if you have a break coming up, I would not push the nap issue right now, get Ravi solidly on the 1 nap schedule on break and hopefully fix the 3 am wake up issue, and then present nanny with the new 1 nap schedule when you return.

I’ve found with other caregivers (even my parents!) it’s hard to be wishy-washy on the schedule because, for example, what does gradual shift mean?


It does seem like it’s time to go down to 1 nap, and that’s really awkward at first because 2 is too many and 1 is not enough for a while. But for a while it also needs to be earlier.


Yeah, I think if anything he just needs two shorter naps that are capped in length.


We do already cap the first nap and the second he’s sort of…self-capping lol


Yes. Totally, also having an issue where level of clarity needed is not agreed upon even though I thought it was ugh


Yeah so after this, more questions go in the other parenting thread Elle mentioned


Dropping the morning nap would have been a MAJOR issue for either of my kids. When they went to 1 nap, BOTH of them kept the morning nap and dropped the afternoon one. Definitely agree with this:


I cannot find this for the life of me and search is failing. Help!!


Also Bracken bat signalled you :grin: