Random questions, postpartum edition

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I started reading the book. It says that you should prepare your bed for co sleeping even though co sleeping is dangerous and even if you don’t plan to do it… By removing all pillows and blankets from your bed :laughing:. She’s funny and I’m sure there will be useful tidbits, but that’s a no for me!


That was also a no from me. #2 has never slept in our bed in her 13 months of life. This is mostly because her big sister comes in our bed almost every night… The nested bean zen sack has really helped us for getting the little one to sleep. The older one seems to be ruined with coming in our bed though.


Any thoughts, ideas etc for travel with a baby under four months? A relative overseas is now receiving palliative care and we will probably go in 2 weeks or so math is hard. Based on 3h drives turning into 6h nightmares I assume it will just be a disaster?

But any thoughts are good thoughts. We can pump and bring a bottle for takeoff and maybe landing (8h flight).

And car seats… what have others done? I suspect that amazon’s cheapest might be better than bringing both seats?


I took B on 6 flights before she turned 4 months old. We also took B + L on a trip when L was 4 months old. We got this carseat from amazon. It is SUPER lightweight and all car seats have to meet the same safety standards so it is still safe, just super minimal and lightweight. I always made sure to try and time nursing sessions so I would be nursing during takeoff. I also checked the carseats at the check in desk and wore the baby through the airport and during most of the flights. One flight out of 8 wouldn’t let me wear the baby during takeoff and I had to take a completely asleep baby out and it woke her up and then she screamed for the next hour, but on all of the other flights it worked out well.

ETA - I’m also very sorry for your family member. That is always a tough situation to deal with. :heart:


Your older kid can sit in their car seat on the plane if that’s easier (assuming his seat is airplane approved), but I’ve never tried it myself(the baby can as well but I don’t know if you are buying him a seat). I once had a horrific flight where my 3yo was ACROSS THE AISLE from me because it was only 2 seats on each side and I was with the 2yo. A flight attendant had to loan my kid his personal iPad so that he would stay buckled and the plane could, you know, land. 0 stars, do not recommend. A 5 point harness would have saved me!

You might want to check car seat laws for your destination to make sure you can legally use an American seat… Although it’s hard to imagine someone would ticket you for it…

Cosco seats like @Economista is recommending seem popular for traveling in my car seat safety FB group and those people are kind of intense.

Good luck, and my best wishes for a smooth and meaningful trip. Thinking of you and your family.


I’m so sorry about your relative.

I thought 4 month old travel wasn’t too bad actually. Once they want to get down (but aren’t yet old enough to understand bribes) it gets kind of sucky. The carrier was key for me, I fed baby in the carrier and kept her strapped to me all through the airport and always except for takeoff and landing. When we had two, we brought the double stroller and strapped the two car seats on top. Then we gate checked the stroller and car seats (or you could bring one/both on), and picked them up on the other end. Bigger kid walked (and whined yay!). DH and I each carried backpacks with toys, snacks, and diapers (along with outfit changes for everyone).


We took both car seats (several years ago), we were able to check them at no cost, or, sometimes put the children in them on the plane, using the plane belt to attach the car seat. We had our toddler strapped in, but he enjoyed travel and that way I knew he wasn’t going anywhere. I was happier with my own seats that I knew and trusted.

We also gate-checked the stroller on the same trip, so took the toddler to the waiting area in the buggy, down the ramp, lifted him out, and the attendant swooped in and stowed the stroller. After landing, the stroller and the booster seat for the pre-schooler were waiting for us at the plane door when we got off. It was like magic. There was a small pile of car seats and buggies all waiting for their occupants before we even went down the ramp and into the terminal.

I am so sorry to hear about your family member. That is so hard to deal with, especially with such distance.

Okay, I did the DR check. I had pain and coning and thought I had pretty bad separation. But when I did the check, I only had 1 finger of separation. Does that mean I don’t have much DR and can do regular ab work instead of special DR exercises? (7 weeks pp)

I watched Expecting and Empowered about c section scar mobilization but I’m not sure I really can picture what they’re talking about. Advice from people who have tried it would be appreciated.


DR isn’t just about the gap width but also depth. And be sure to check above and below the belly button. It can be very uneven.


Hmmm. It’s hard to judge the depth because the gap is so narrow, I can’t really get a finger down there.


I’ll tag in @ElleP since she knows so much about this.


Hmmm, the DR stuff I am actually not great on - can you get a nurse or physio to check?

The scar I am ALL about!!! Different movements will have different effects, but unless you are viciously attacking yourself, all movements are pretty safe and helpful at 7 weeks.

Frictions - pretending that your fingers are an eraser and you are erasing a pencil line (the scar) on your tummy will get things loosened up, you will feel warmth in the area - you are breaking down scar tissue to set your body up to lay down regular tissue 1-3 minutes per site, up to 3x per day

Effleurage and petrissage/swedish massage including stroking, gliding, kneading and scooping will increase circulation and help the underlying muscle tissue which also got cut. Don’t go deep until closer to 12-16 weeks, but going deep would hurt so you wouldn’t unless you are a sadist.

C and S bending the scar will help with mobility for sure and with the fascia (stuff between muscle and skin, the white stuff coating meat)

Manual lymph drainage- reduces inflamation increases circulation helps with a smaller healthier scar, mobilizes fascia pain free - more gentle than petting a cat, just enough pressure to move the skin. Little shaving, petting or thinb circle motions that move and release the skin rhythmically - this one is probably most important to avoid neuropathy

I don’t know anyone who does all the ideal postpartum self care! Hi, there is a baby to take care of and no sleep! Last time I don’t remember any specifics, this time I was reading post partum insteuctions 2-3 weeks later and apparently I was supposed to have a daily shower :face_with_peeking_eye:


Does anyone want to come check me for DR and tell me of I should be avoiding certain things


I definitely have not done my scar massage but its not as convenient as my belly. OTOH its not going to be as annoyed by most things as much as if it were on my belly. Sigh.


SERIOUSLY! I also have plantar fasciitis, mother’s wrist and iliotibial band syndrome. There is only so much tending I can do! Excuse me while I attack my outer thigh with a rolling pin until the baby wakes up.


So I think my plan is to work on my scar every day for a few minutes before I get in the shower. If I have other chances, great, but shower time is the main one. That’s when I had already built a habit of doing desensitization exercises, which I think helped.

Then when I do Jazzercise, I will skip the abs and instead do DR exercises during those songs. Most people have DR and it’s not like it will hurt me. Jazzercise does too many crunches anyway, which isn’t good for anyone.

That seems like enough effort to yield benefits while being sustainable. Oh, and I also got silicone scar sheets, the fancy Frida ones that are the right size.

ETA, under cut for body feelings:


It’s hard to access my scar because it’s under a pretty heavy flap of flesh. I have feelings about this. I don’t know if scar mobilization will change this situation, but at least I am no longer married to the guy who told me after my first two sections that it just wasn’t going to work for him.


I will fight him.


Theres a line.


I can wait!! Lol