You find a loved one with a facebook account and offer either food, drink, or a % of profits.
Aw man, I don’t know. Just solidarity. I think of it as a wave and you just have to ride the wave (at the risk of sounding like a stoned surfer). A while ago I read the “how to talk so kids will listen” book and it was helpful, but IDK if toddlers this young are really receptive to the ways of speaking that the book suggests
Oof, they are so hard in the moment! The two slightly contradictory things that helped me a lot were (1) tantrums are their little immature brains short-circuiting, it is not personal to you at all, and (2) the extent to which their little minds have schemes and goals and feelings to express but their language skills can’t keep up yet is astonishing.
You can help #1 with food, water, sunlight, and heavy work
We put books in a laundry basket and let him drag it around, encouraged picking up big rocks at the riverfront, etc. Spouse also started bringing snacks to daycare pickup for the ride home which helped a lot.
We could help #2 by previewing plans, budgeting in time to not rush (super hard when your day starts so early), and offering artificial choice. So much of what they want control over seems unique to each kid - Spore could leave anywhere calmly if we just let him say goodbye first. Our toddler is currently having a language growth spurt so slowing down to guess what he’s trying to say has helped him be less frustrated, I think. Observing and discussing the unique little triggers/untriggers with spouse has been pretty helpful.too.
I liked the Big Little Feelings approach lot, but just did their IG which had quick tidbits and didn’t do the full course.
Now does anyone have antidotes to preschooler whining…
I liked that book a lot. The authors also followed up with “How To Talk So Little Kids Will Listen” geared to ages 2-7. I actually can’t remember the specific differences so maybe it’s time for a re-read.
On that note, I’m also gonna give a shout out to “Siblings Without Rivalry”.
Ooh that’s right! I should look into that version. I read the original book before I had kids so it was all in the abstract at the time
Me too AND Julie King does a virtual course which DH and I took and it was pretty rad. Pricey but great.
Only semi help with preschool whining I’ve had is saying “I can’t understand you with that voice. Can you try again so I can understand?” It works about 50% of the time. My first grader will now sometimes yell at me when I way that telling me I wasn’t listening…
I second the advice for bringing a snack to pick up. We went through a spurt like that and snacks on the way home helped. Sometimes they are going through a growth spurt and just need that extra boost.
I’ll give that a try!
I try to think of what’s under it. Is he not feeling seen/heard/cared about? Does he think that’s the only way to get attention? I’d try, if possible, to stop everything and say, You sound like you need a hug. And get down at his level and give him a big hug, a moment of connection, and then see if his tone changes.
Something silly we have success with (at times) is turning whining into a song. When Pipsqueak whines now I sing back “ooooh! You arrrre whiiiining! Try siiiiiinging instead!” And it works sometimes! More often than I expected she will sing “I want more waaaaaaater!” And we all feel a bit happier.
And other days she whines “I need water! and I’m not going to survive!” (Because apparently when she’s whining I frequently say “oh no that sounds serious! Are you going to survive?!” So now she preemptively throws it back on my face.)
This entire post is delightful, please share more Pipsqueak stories on here hahaha. Also if I sang to Meowlet I think he’d KO me with some emotional damage in response (this is a joke ofc).
Our kids are so much cut from the same cloth. I was thinking, “well if this ain’t proof that kids are all different” ha ha. Latte gets actively rage filled if you try to be silly with her in situations like that. which honestly really sucks, because my pediatric nursing persona hinged on being high energy and silly with kids and getting buy in that way. And then lo and behold, it doesn’t work with my own kid.
Mostly Facebook, though I usually also cross post to Craigslist. I don’t get a lot of hits for kids stuff off Craigslist, unfortunately, though when I’ve sold household or yard stuff I still do. Seems like maybe mostly men are checking Craigslist?
PSA for all Colorado parents, the CollegeInvest 529 Matching Grant Program application for 2025 closes soon.
The program matches contributions up to $500/kid if you meet the income requirements (at/below the eligible AGI in the below chart)
App recommendations for entertaining a two year old on an airplane?
Not an app, but ummm if you’ll have internet, the longest miss Rachel video playlists on YouTube
Painters tape. Air squats. So many random snacks.
I have all the other non screen pieces planned. It’s a four hour flight so I am pulling out all the stops! I don’t have Internet on the plane so I can’t show videos and the launch pads from the library seem mostly too difficult. Although I didn’t think of air squats! Like, in the aisle or standing on the seat?
We don’t have internet on the plane typically but we download a movie or season of something. What device are you talking about?