Random Questions, Parenting Edition

My cat is like that :sweat_smile:

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We struggle with this. Like the veggies in general.

Canned peas/green beans mashed a little?

We try shredding zucchini but Mo hasn’t been a fan.

Nope. Goo everywhere.

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Luna seems to think the spout is a nipple to twiddle. :melting_face: and then gets it on her hands and rubs it everywhere. Etc etc

following up on this: 4.5 minutes of Peppa Pig well spent. Got ALL the nails and it’s like she barely noticed :open_mouth:


Literally the biggest argument against a lot of screen time in our family is retaining its sedating effects :joy:


My one year old isn’t sufficiently entertained by shows to cut nails but is by videos of herself or her older brother on my phone :joy:.


Thank you for this idea, we got all 10 nails cut today!!


Question for the group - DH saw a TikTok that said peppa pig is really bad and teaches kids to be rude and do things like laugh when others get hurt. So he has decided it’s banned in our house. But the girls have full reign to watch anything on Disney plus and I feel like that’s not any better?

Is peppa pig actually bad? Are there certain cartoons on Disney that are bad? They have kindle fire tablets and we let them watch in their rooms for screen time so we are not monitoring the shows they watch. This is because the 1 hour of screen time they get each day is our only relax/decompress time during the day. Peppa pig is on amazon prime so they somehow keep watching it even after I remove it from the tablets and DH is taking away screen time if he catches them doing it. I’m just not sure if it’s actually bad? I myself haven’t noticed anything alarming but I also haven’t really spent any time watching it.


Peppa pig has an English style of humour with lots of teasing. Newer episodes less than the old. When people are silly they say silly so and so instead of so and so did a silly thing. I am completely fine with it. Older Disney things would worry me more but every family is different.

There isn’t much Disney I’d outright ban, but unless I’ve seen it before, I would watch it with them. Peppa pig I 100% turn on and nap. Silly and naughty are part of our vocab. Older Peppa Pig they are mean to Daddy Pig. We talk about it.

Our screen use is different though. We watch shows/movies on the big TV and they can ask for things but have no power to put it on themselves.

One thing we decided pretty early was that each parent gets to decide when they are supervising.

Yours seems trickier because the 1h is time off for both of you. I also wonder about giving them a tool that allows x behaviour when they have lower than average impulse control. I do this with B1 all the time. Then I need to breathe and realize it’s on me. Like our art supplies have to still be locked up because they will be used in bad ways if there is no grown up. I turn my back on a sensory bin and it’s dumped.