Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Bummed that I can’t manage to buy one of these mofos.

That’s why you can’t. They halted production until the battery issues are sorted out.


I’m glad that they’re getting better batteries!

I mean, ones that don’t overcharge and start fires at any rate :smiling_face_with_tear: is the hope. Lol.



They gotta find a better run Chinese factory I guess. Here’s to hoping for better wages and living conditions!


I bought one when @Meowkins mentioned it over a year ago. Meow, do you have the bigger one and are looking for the Mini? Spore wasn’t interested in it until just this year, but now he’s really into it. I never would have seen this recall anywhere else so thank you for the heads up @Bracken_Joy.

I got rid of the cable it came with and just charge it with the charger that came with my Macbook which is presumably smart in some way. Do you know what the replacement smart charger cable does? Does it just cut power at a certain temp?


We have the bigger one! I’m on the hunt for a mini. But guess waiting for this new gen.

Looks like they will send it to you free. The cable I mean.


It’s lucky timing for you! You don’t need TWO lava lamps. For now.

Re: the cable replacement, I have 2 grumps:

  1. I don’t have a cable that I could cut to show them photo evidence (I mean, I guess I could take a photo of another cable?)
  2. Even if I get them to send me a replacement, I don’t trust my household to not plug the Yoto Mini into a different USB-C charger, so I want them to understand what the actual problem is in the charger/battery. I would think that they’d replace the battery or the whole unit, not just the cable.


Thanks! I’m not on Facebook and didn’t have time to look into this yesterday after I saw the post. We have the larger yoto and I’m glad it sounds like they are taking this so seriously! We will continue to use ours without worry.


Help! My 4-year old only wants to build complicated railroad tracks or magnatile structures, and my nearly 1 year old only wants to tear them down. She will scoot her way across the room to access her brother’s creations.

I try to separate them but both of them also want to be within 2 feet of me. Preferably with one hand on me, at all times.

Now my 4 year old keeps saying “bad sister’s name”, “sister is bad”. This is not the sibling relationship I wanted to foster :sob::sob:.


Would building on a train table or similar help? Maybe like an actual kitchen table since a train table is probably within little one’s reach?


Hello, yes, this is a nightmare.

My 4yo has a space guaranteed toddler free except if hw leaves the gate open, and we have tried many tables and height separation and it turns out he does not want that. He wants to be on the floor with brother. So I narrate and will attempt to protect 1 and only 1 project from baby brother. He chooses to build 17 projects and cry when an early one is touched.

My narration includes repeating positive stuff about both of them. There is also a Daniel Tigee episode about this. The somg for that one is not catchy so we go with :notes: sonetimes we do things a different way and thaats okay​:notes:. Today B1 was singing it to himself which was maybe a win


We cut our loungeroom in half to achieve separation. Opened the baby fence to be through the loungeroom and used furniture to make it stay there. This works with our long fairly large rectangular room but might not for smaller spaces.


We have almost the same age gap and this sounds very familiar. We have a couple of bookshelves and counters around 30 inches high so I tell the older one to put anything he wants to save atop one of those. I have a huge easily collapsible playpen[1] that we deploy occasionally. One goes in, the other stays out. Or we stick it around the protected creation.

Another thing that seems to help right now is if I frantically build something for the baby to smash instead. Bigger kid now does that too, sometimes he builds something and says “That’s for TR to crash”.

It’s all pretty hands on, unfortunately. Several friends says 2yo is when they can play well together unsupervised. I’ll be excited for that!

We’re also teaching “gentle hands” right now. The baby has stopped grabbing the dog but seems to have switched to patting peoples heads with too much force. Hopefully it sticks soon.

The Baby Is Here and Daniel Goes to the Playground are a couple of the helpful episodes.

(1) Open Playpen of Wood and Cotton - Etsy


How would you collect a saliva sample from an infant? Just like, catch the drool when they seem very drooly?

Second question, at what age do you just let them lick grass/eat dirt/etc?


(1) It depends on why you need the sample. Is it a swab or something more? I might use a medicine dropper but for suction.

(2) Never.

It’s a genetic test, I was expecting a cheek swab but it’s a saliva collection instead. I tried a suction thingy but got like nothing, but I tried to do it when she was in her back so maybe that’s the issue?

Follow up question, HOW DO YOU GO OUTSIDE AND KEEP THEM FROM LICKING THE GRASS WHILE THEY ARE CRAWLING? I figured once they are walking maybe you get warning but crawling while in everything goes in the mouth age it’s just… Constantly having my hand hovering at her face


This. That’s why this year of the first time I can actually take my eyes off them while outside, so the first year I’m trying to do something garden related. I STILL caught D2 with a rock in her mouth today and had to yell at her. At 3 :roll_eyes: