Random Questions, Parenting Edition

My personal feeling was (still is!) that if I thought my kid was in pain, I give them the Tylenol, even if I’m on the fence. I take it when I have a headache myself, so I think it’s only fair. There were stretches as teething babies when I gave it to my kids every day for a week or two, and long stretches where they had none. No judgment whatever you decide - it’s really hard to tell when they can’t tell you.


That makes sense! That’s how I am with myself too. I know the universe also gave me a mellower than average baby, so it’s easier to know that he’s unhappy because he doesn’t feel well then it might be for another baby.


For about a week before she turned two, I wondered if I wasn’t just medicating Larva’s personality. But she would wake up a total bear (unlike her usual) have a dose of Tylenol, and be her normal sunny self in 20-30 min. Then one day she woke up happy again, coincidentally when her last molars had broken through.

I always medicate based on how she is acting. Lower fever but acting fine? Meh. Grumpy for absolutely no reason with her fingers stuck in her mouth? Tylenol. The proof is usually in how she does as soon as it kicks in.


My only teething baby has been a very non mellow baby. So less clear when she was actually uncomfortable and not clear when she was teething anyway. I’d give it a try if inconsolable and if it helped night 1, I’d be more prone to try again night 2 if that makes sense. Given my own overall caution with it I personally opted never to give it more than a couple doses per day, a couple days in a row, before taking a day off to see how we did. With Latte, almost always when I thought she was teething she wasn’t and when she actually had a tooth pop it happened with minimal fanfare. Idk if that helps at all, maybe just showing why it could be more controversial- there are def babies where it’s clear as a mud puddle what’s going on, lol, and that’s where you can end up giving 3x nightly Tylenol for 2 months. Anyway, with a more clearly “this baby is in pain, this pain is from teething” I feel like it’s more clearly a good idea to give it versus not.


Yep this is me. I’ll try if I can’t find a different answer and have a hunch. If it helps, I’ll keep trying. :woman_shrugging:

But I def have ended up just medicating Latte’s personality as far as I can tell :joy: perfect way of phrasing it.


This is really helpful! Thanks.


I also had a cranky baby and my approach was exactly the same as brackenjoys.

Also, teeth usually come in twos, so one one pokes through if they are still cranky then there’s usually a second close behind. As soon as the tooth breaks through it doesn’t usually hurt as much.

I’m additional to Tylenol, we would get those tiny baby washcloths damp and roll them up into a log and freeze them. Then let baby chew on them. They didn’t hold enough water to freeze hard and Pipsqueak seemes to like the texture.


This is how I felt as well! I take ibuprofen when I have a headache or other pain why shouldn’t I do the same for my baby. My kids are out of the teething stage and other can talk now which makes the whole should I give medicine to them easier. But when they were teething if it seemed to help I would give it. Especially when it’s the middle of the night and I don’t know what to do.


I am pro drugs for suspected baby pain


So often

Every half hour and not in a normal way is usually my sign. If I am coherent enough to think of it. Desperately wanting a nap and not being able to has happened a few times with #2. But would not be a tell with his big brother


Yeah I probably should have given drugs last night but by my shift insomnia had me in it’s grips for like five hours and I had just accepted lack of sleep anyway.

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Oh this brings up another good point to add on to my comment - I’m generally a once per day doser - I would give it to them in the night or before bed, several days in a row, but not multiple doses. YMMV


Yep! That’s why the nap ones threw me with B2.

I don’t know if I’ve ever given B1 day tylenol.

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My kids never seemed to have any correlation between teething and sleeping and crankiness, but also the had teeth come through by 4 months, so maybe they were always teething?

I gave Tylenol for fever or if they seemed especially grizzly for no clear reason. I don’t personally find Tylenol all that effective.


Instagram served me an add for this today and I’m intrigued! Has anyone heard of this or used it to learn a language?

I am trying to learn Spanish (…and have been for many years now lol…but am still very much a beginner)

I have made more progress in the last 6 months than anytime before after hanging up some Spanish posters to promote incorporating some things into my daily life and buying Spanish song cards for my kid’s yoto so we’re hearing it over and over again even if we don’t understand most of it (yet).

Anyway, I will probably sign up for their free promotional materials. It’s $90/box (and/or $35 for the book that can be used along with it or on the side) so I’m not quite ready to commit yet.

@Economista since I know you also are trying to incorporate Spanish into your lives


Interesting! I think things like this might help more when my girls are old enough to read. I’m mostly functionally fluent, and DH is trying to learn but he wouldn’t be able to read anything. I just try to use it all the time at home with the girls.


Would love to know what you think! I see that mandarin is one of their languages, and would love for Bernito to be more exposed to it.


Ah, I didn’t realize you already speak Spanish. That’s awesome!

I just downloaded the free trial and it’s pretty cute/easy. It’s a “game challenge” with three phrases (hand me/give me the ball, roll the ball, throw the ball) that you are supposed to spend 5-10 minutes playing with your kid. First you introduce just one of the phrases along with the action, then when you get to all three phrases everyone in the family can ask for any of those options. They also included the word for “gently” haha.


Add me to the “i give panadol if they’re up every half hour” club. I also just had to give it once a day, usually at bedtime and if they still seemed cranky at bedtime the following day.

Currently dosing my nearly-3yo around the clock with ibuprofen and paracetamol staggered for a nasty virus. Waking her for this in 45 minutes to keep ahead of the pain and fever and am already dreading the refusal of meds.


Kiddo has become interested in swear words lately and what is and isn’t appropriate to say. Some are easier - shit, damn, fuck, etc. will get him in trouble at school and he shouldn’t say them around grandparents either.

Some are harder to explain, so if someone has tips please share - shut up, someone saying Jesus Christ when they’re frustrated. Especially hard when Shut Up And Dance is a popular song that’s on the radio constantly and has a great beat. We’ve tried saying that it’s rude but then it’ll be said on a PG kids show, one kid saying it to another and no one calls out the rude kid or even reacts to it. I guess maybe I say that there’s levels of rude? Or it can be said among friends jokingly except then he would definitely immediately say it at school in the wrong context.

For Jesus Christ, we’ve been talking about religion recently so I can explain it in that context but it’s one of his dad’s go to unconscious phrases when he’s annoyed.

Any tips or suggestions? I tried asking the internet and it thought I meant telling my kid to shut up. :roll_eyes: