Random Questions, Parenting Edition

girl this is the first time i even remembered that kids give shit out on valentines day


I’m gonna figure out who Jaxon’s parents are and stink eye them hardcore. GLITTER SLIME. Who does that to other parents. Inhumane.

We sent local wildflower seeds. Because of course we did. #feralchild


We gave them stickers of elements from the periodic table. Hope Zealand loves her sticker of Berkelium and Wyatt loves Cobalt Magnets.


Love this. Where did you find them?


Haha yeah I don’t think we did anything last year. I’m surprised we were the only kid in her class giving out that particular card because it was the only thing in stock Tues night at the closest Target :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


lmao amazon. but its shady because they don’t exist anymore. ooooops.


If it wasn’t scented then ya’ll don’t even know. SCENTED. WTAF, who buys this shit??


Okay TRUTH I would prefer the slime again than the scented playdoh my in laws got her last year.


The little boy distributed pencils (and tootsie roll pops) and I bought those pencils on clearance the day after LAST VD, and then remembered where I put them! Hah!

Next year we might look at Etsy. Target’s selection was pretty meh.


I got Spider-Man cards with pencils from target.

When I was in elementary school everybody did cards and that’s it. Maybe the occasional chocolate kiss. Grump grump at the pile of choking hazards in my living room.


I am so old that we made construction paper envelopes in school, and you didn’t have to give everyone a Valentine. I think there were cupcakes or something to make up for it, though.

I was befuddled when my oldest kid was told to bring a Valentine Box to school, which turned out to be a highly decorated shoebox. I don’t know when that was invented.

The little boy had koolaid for the first time at the class party, and was extremely impressed. I have promised that we’ll get the tropical punch flavor this summer when it’s nice enough for the park…,


We got a donut scented scratch off from some kid. Meowlet liked the scracthing but did not think it smelled at all like a donut.


Ever thankful that Australia lies low on these sorts of things.


I am still just completely flabbergasted at the fact that other parents do not not know what choking hazards are?! Like, the children in D1’s class are a mix of 3-5 year olds. The safe food lists and choking hazard guidelines are UNTIL THEY TURN 4! So, maybe don’t give a bunch of 3 year olds choking hazards!

Also, we went to a birthday party a few weeks ago for a boy from D1’s class who turned 4 and the host gave out gift bags and there were a number of kids in the 1-3 age range who each got one too, that was chock full of choking hazards. I found both of my girls with rubber super balls, around 1inch in diameter, in their mouths :rage: Those went straight in the trash can at bedtime. Why do parents do stupid things like that?


Yikes. I am not that bad, but I have to admit that I am not good about this. My kids don’t put shit in their mouths, they just never have, and because of it I’ve grown lax. My baby niece was over last weekend and I was terrified chasing her around digging stuff out of her mouth all day wondering how the F parents do it.


I like the idea of wildflower seeds!

What suggestions do you all have for the balance of wanting to provide something but wanting it to be sustainable? It seems like there are alot of bad ideas sitting on your counters/in your trash.

The minimalist/environmentalist in me is really dreading the valentines day/party gift bags/etc as my kid gets older. I know socially it is important but I also want to give something useful and wont just go straight into the garbage.

Why is my first thought bananas??? lol I would love to get a banana as a party gift :sweat_smile:


I like pencils because as a teacher, the lack of pencils drove me crazy!

Bamboo tooth brushes? Tiny blank books?

Or maybe we just normalize not giving out a bunch of stuff at parties that is just going to get thrown out?


This is my preference. But I don’t want to make things tough for my kiddo either. Maybe I will just start with giving nothing until it doesn’t work anymore.


I think the original intent behind party bags was that the little kids saw some other kid getting a bunch of presents and then they had to leave this fun thing with nothing, so this helped smooth out the “See you got something!” and also “It’s time to leave fun thing, but you can take this physical thing with you as we go!”

But in reality my kid has left parties without anything in hand and has been fine. That’s an example of one kid, but I’m sure he’s not the only one.


Bananas would be hilarious, maybe tied with a red and pink bow, and you have to fit in a pun or two. Something like, Be My Valentine or Split My Heart!! Idk I need to workshop this