Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Super adorable!

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Re: Spanish books
My go to place for book lists is homeschool curriculums! The preschool/ toddler ones are great because even though I took years of it, I’m still pretty much a beginner.

Beautiful Mundo:

Llamitas Spanish:

I really prefer ones that are bilingual so it’s easier for me to read and learn at the same time.

We still read some of these at home. At some point I’ll find more lists and get more from the library again!


So so smart!


Awesome! It didn’t occur to me to look on Etsy for valentines… just found some really cool space ones!


This isn’t a question but I felt the need to share here

poop story - you have been warned

Last night the 4 year old was in the bath and said he needed to poop. Got out of the bath and on the toilet, said he didn’t need to poop. Husband said okay but don’t poop in the bath. 3 minutes later Child poops in the bath but it’s okay because he “caught” the poop, and proceeds to hand the poop to Husband. Who takes it because what else do you do?

Husband raised his voice saying “we don’t poop in the bathtub!”

Child: “but daddy, accidents happen!”

We laughed and laughed about it after the kids went to bed.


Hilarious and gross. Thank you for sharing

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:sweat_smile::rofl: very much a parenting story

Visual chore charts - have you had any luck?


Does anyone or anywhere have a flow chart for every possible bathroom need, action, mistake and instruction? With scripts?

I feel like someone does, but where is it hiding? Right now I am in catchup mode scripting and explaining so many things. But that thing, I know someone has already done that thing.


For the smaller one or the bigger one?

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Go to toilet
Find an accident
Remove clothes
Try to wipe
Call for help
If help doesn’t come
Find mama- tell mama (he knows scripting and what happens here)
If can’t find mama
Find Atai
Say I pooped and I need help cleaning up

But even this has many many missing steps. I need to find all the missing steps.

Because if he knows all the steps, he can do the right thing. But if something is broken in the steps he knows, he gives up on solving the problem (because he knows he did something wrong but no idea what because no one told him what to do if x) and the problem probably escalates.

So while I am doing that for EVERYTHING (including teaching the skill of doing it for himself), I need to find the person who had already done this one because it is more universal. And THEN someone needs to hire me for 300k in 4 years because these skills are very valuable and transferrable.

This is probably also why visual schedules anger him. They miss too much. At first they help because they show the outline. And then the outline is known but the rest is missing. I dropped math and science as soon as I could because they wanted me to work with assumptions


I’m not sure about your specific ask, but this account on Instagram has tons of good content about toilet training for neurodivergent kids: https://www.instagram.com/toileting101?igsh=b25oMnNsanVlODZl

She might have what you’re looking for if you scroll back far enough.


Thank you! Her insta looks great

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I did a consultation with them at one point if you’re interested. It was perhaps a bit premature on my end, but helpful anyway since we were dealing with constipation factors.


I do, at work. I’ll see what I can access for you from home.


Thank you! I am 100% sure I am still going to need it when you are in person too. So if it isn’t available at home I would still love this help!

And thank you @frogger it is reassuring that you got the help. I think we all need more help then is discussed. Which makes me wonder why we often only discuss the basics


I’m not sure this is the right place for this question since I know many are lacking in family help…but I’m trying to wrap my head around letting my kid sleep over at my parents house later this month.

She’s super comfortable with both my parents, they see her at least a couple times month and have done the bedtime routine with her multiple times when babysitting at our house or when we visit them for holidays. (Actually, I’m typing this from my mom’s house outside the bedroom door after my mom put her down for a nap. I forgot we took the extra baby monitor with us for a vacation and we can’t hear her from the rest of the house…but we would make sure they had the monitor around).

I think she would have a good time and my mom is really excited about it. I just have terrible anxiety (with probably a smidge of undiagnosed OCD) and I’m having a really hard time with it. I just keep thinking about everything that could go wrong.

The only real hazard I can identify is a deep trough fountain that they’ve already agreed to fully drain if she’s here without us and to anchor a few more things to the wall that are probably not really a hazard but I still worry about. My mom also said she’ll sleep in the other upstairs bedroom so she’s close by if anything is needed. They are stocked with kids medicine already since we visit frequently.

I trust my mom to take good care of her, but I already have a hard time sleeping some nights when she’s right next door (why yes, I do need to find a professional to discuss this with!). My dad is… really good with her but much more distracted so I make sure I’m within hearing distance when he’s the only one with her. Every once in a while he forgets that you can’t just run out to the shed to get something for a few minutes without notifying another adult that kiddo will then be alone in the living room. My mom knows this and wouldn’t leave her alone with my dad.

So, do I need to just get over this? Use the time she’s gone to book a therapy appointment? Or is there a reason I’m hesitant to let my 3 year old, rule-following kid stay with beloved grandparents for a night?


Maybe there are in between steps you can try like having them watch her overnight at your house, which you know is childproofed? Or having her stay there for increasingly long periods like a half-day or all day, and add the overnight later?

In my mind, my mom raised us and so many other cousins without incident. Brains are all different though.

If you can make this a regular thing while being comfortable to you, it will be SUCH a gift all around. …Typed from my birthday hotel room while my parents watch both kids.


The situation you describe sounds safe to me. For comparison, I would hesitate to leave a young child with my parents, whom I love dearly- their home is poorly childproofed and my father is a licensed armorer (ie, he has SO MANY guns, albeit secured in a safe) who has instances of confusion in previous years.

Also for comparison, my first husband talked me into leaving our children, who were 2 1/2 and eleven months at the time, with his mother, who he doesn’t even like, for three whole days. They appear to have had a delightful time.


That’s a good idea. They love an hour away from us, out in a very rural area so it’s hard to get here for a few hours without staying.

Although thinking about it, they pick her up from daycare at least once a month and watch her for several hours, and have come to watch her all day at my house when for sick days or school vacaidays when we have to work.

So they have tons of experience with each other, it’s just hard to think about being an hour away from her if anything does happen (I’ve gone on business trips but she’s always been home with her dad).

…which means this sounds like mostly anxiety talking…sigh…