Random Questions, Parenting Edition

All of it. Entirely ok is the answer, 100%.


Entirely fine. If you’re feeling guilty anyway, you can occasionally swap out what random teething toy she has to pass hand to hand, or set her in different window spots/stations if you have those. (For me this is just muslins on the floor in different parts of the house). If she’s happy chillin, you’re respecting her development of attention by letting her focus #montessoriparentingwin


Absolutely ok. In fact, I would say that letting them amuse themselves is a good skill to build


Okay and I’m jealous :joy:.

Though yesterday I took a nap with the 4 year old while he watched an hour of paw patrol on his tablet right next to me. Yes, apparently I can sleep through paw patrol no problem.


I’m grateful she was willing to chill for like 45 minutes. Not a common occurrence


It is absolutely okay for as long as she is happy with it, and even if she’s not when you are sick in bed. We’ve all gotta give a little.

Truly, it seems like you play with her more than I played with my babies. I tossed them in the sling and washed dishes and did stuff.


I do play with her a lot. I’ve actually been wondering if I am doing something wrong by running to help her every time she starts to make little frustrated noises. Like I know you can’t spoil a baby but at what point do you just go :person_shrugging:t3: you’re upset and it’s fine for you to be that way without me getting involved.

I realize my style might be super attachment parent-y


Really thoughtful question. Will be thinking about this for a bit.


I figured out I accidentally muted this thread which is why I wasn’t seeing it when I searched that one time lol. Great job at forum, noodle

Today my question is about shoes. Ravioli is pulling up, crawling super well/fast, cruising along furniture and all that pre-walking jazz. I was waiting to ask a PT this but the caseworker is having a tough time finding a provider for us. We’ve been mostly doing barefoot at home so he doesn’t slide around on socks (wood floors and rugs in our place). He’s not playing outside much lately because Chicago is Chicagoing. When do you switch to shoes and which shoes do you like for new walkers?


I am a big, big fan of going to the Stride Rite store, where they have people who are actually trained to fit shoes on little people who can’t explain how they feel.

They also have nice soft shoes for new walkers.


They don’t seem to have any Chicago stores :frowning_face:

We loved Stride Rite and See Kai Run. I would get them when they had a big sale or from Amazon and I felt they were worth the price.


That’s terrible! You may have to drive up here…

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Carrara Children’s Shoes seems to have them…

I liked stride rite, but also, plain Robeez for in the house. I’d paint the bottoms with the raised paint that came in the tube so that they would have grip (I painted the bottoms of some socks too).

(you know your baby best and don’t modify baby clothing etc if it’s not right for you etc etc etc)


I have one (northern baby) that did the zutano booties inside when too cold to be barefoot, and one (southern baby) who only went barefoot. For shoes we just did stride rites for both, which I got on clearance whenever I could snag them. I took the top of a shoebox (mine), and printed out a kid foot measuring thing from the internet like this: https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0304/1922/2660/t/13/assets/kid-shoe-size-chart.pdf and taped it inside the lid. I put them up against the wall and measure - still use it.


Interesting! My sister is almost five years older than me and we’ve been super close since I was maybe 11. Jury is out on my boys, who are 16 months apart.


Do shoes when you have to :joy:

But for real this post was helpful-


Encourage this! Good job playing independently, Mo!

ETA I don’t think you can spoil your baby but I’ve definitely noticed my friends with more independent children also don’t go running to them whenever they have a problem - eg for a preschooler stuck on a climbing structure they’ll say “what happens if you try a different foot?”. Hard saying whether it’s chicken or egg, but I want to work on this with my kids more!


Agreed! Both of mine are still barefoot 80% of the time. One won’t go outside barefoot but will wear water shoes (the sock type) which I figure is the next best thing.