Random Questions, Parenting Edition

That you don’t have to cook it is kind of the point! It’s great for that stage when they need solids but can’t eat people food so you have to make all their meals separately.


Oh, and of course another source of iron is neat. You might have already thought of that, but the baby food meat looks so gross that you might have not considered it. But the cuckoo really liked baby food meat, the kind that comes in tiny glass jars. We went through a shocking amount of it that we had gotten from buy nothing.


Huh. I thought I remembered my mom making it with hot water or cooking it for like a min (and then cooling, obv). :woman_shrugging: May have been older/diff stuff though.


My B1 did not like oats. So I did rice, and a multigrain one or a few multigrain ones. Our walmart is the best for baby cereal variety, I found grocery store selection varied widely and we do not have target.

Baby cereal is great to keep on hand even as they get past 1 because if you are eating out baby can have cereal or a pouch first then the out food that is full of yummy salt. If baby is a cruncher, plain rice cakes are good too. And our European shops have plain corn puffs (think plain cheesies) that adults and children alike love.


I’m at the point where I give the baby (8.5 months) a few bites from every meal that I’ve pre-chewed. I did this at a restaurant last night and remembered that it’s actually kind of disgusting. Oops. Big second baby energy over here (along with holes in the toes in all of his footies).


Parents who’ve had to do the miralax thing - we are finally there. My doc was with us on magnesium, but it was not accepted consistently/ problems persist. How long did you end up using it? Did it cause problems like rebound issues?


Ok trying again in the right place:

What kid of towel racks are working well for people with kiddos? We kept the horizontal bars that were here when we bought the place but Pipsqueak couldn’t resist their allure for hanging last night. Oops. So now I’m in the market for something that won’t get pulled out of the wall.

(I also have lots of existential parenting questions like how to support a 3 year old in the throws of being 3 and how do you know when they need outside support for dealing with transitions and things not going exactly the same way every time vs it’s just the age, but today I’m focused on an easy win so…towel hooks!!)


We started it a month ago and are still using it. I give 1/2 a cap normally at dinnertime and then the next day if she has diarrhea I give a little less the next time, or if she doesn’t go at all I give a little more. I’ve been told by 2 doctors now that she should be using it for years. The paperwork from the doctor last month said absolutely don’t try to stop taking it for at least 6 months, and then gradually wean off over a month when you do decide to stop using it.


Do you have a yes spot for hanging and inverting and swinging indoors? That was the only solution that worked for us lol. :smiling_face_with_tear: sorry. Redirects and outlets for the desired motor output and sensory input


We use these for their towels. My girls pull too hard on the bar type or command hooks, but these with drywall anchors are holding up very well. Amazon.com


No…she’s at school most days or the park on the weekend with hanging opportunities and we just started a weekly gym class…

I almost bought a swedish ladder with hanging accessories for Christmas but we don’t have a safe spot for it or any other big swings. My parents are coming this weekend so maybe we can figure out a way to put some hanging things in some studs while we have extra adults on hand…


Those are cute!

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Yeah unfortunately the answer for my particular sensory seeker is, the input will be sought out, it can only be channeled not extinguished. She generally doesn’t try to hang from this style of hook because it hurts her hands to do so, so we use them a lot-

(Not this exact one, but closest I saw with a quick search)

Ikea also sells washblithws and so forth with loops on them so they’re easy to hang that way


I use bathroom command hooks to hang pur towels off.

We gave our babies rice cereal because they had so much variety of stuff to try and it made a great thickener. I would have thought about it more if it had been the only thing or the main thing i was going to feed them for a few weeks or months.

My kids, between the three of them, didn’t finish off a box of rice cereal. Lol I don’t think it tastes that great. They move on to cheerios prett fast.


Mine used it kind of off and on between 2-2.5 into every day use from 2.5 to almost 3. No rebound issues. She was on about 2/3 of an adult dose for 4-5 months, then once she potty trained right before 3 I was able to taper it out and do a magnesium chewable every few days.

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Oooh, if I can find a magnesium chewable for his dosage that would be better! The magnesium drink powder was only going in occasionally.

Not sure if country-specific, but: Pedia-Lax® Chewable Magnesium Tablets for Kids | Constipation Relief

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Larva calls them poo-poo candy and requests them when she is feeling constipation symptoms.