Random Questions, Parenting Edition

I finally started the book last night but fell asleep a chapter in. I’ll have to check out her podcast. Thanks!


I have the book on hold! I only listen to semi frivolous podcasts, mostly the You’re Wrong About cinematic universe.


@ElleP is the muddy buddy instead of or in addition to a snow suit? We do not get a lot of rain in Colorado, but the park nearest tends to have big puddles and cuckoo wants to play in them.


I know I’m not ElleP, but if it is like the one we have (Tuffo brand) it would definitely be in addition to. It is super thin plastic and doesn’t provide any warmth at all. We have the girls put on their winter coats and then put it on top when it is cold out. In the summer they put it on over their shorts and tshirts and don’t get too hot.


Definitely as well as
Summer wind or rain - muddy buddy
Fall nice - fleece or wool suit
Fall/spring wind or rain - fleece then rainsuit
Mild winter - snow suit
Cold winter - fleece suit then snow suit
Cold cold cold winter - long underwear, thick layers, fleece, snow suit, avoid prolonged exposure

I throw them on for wet but not actively raining ad long as they won’t overheat


Yes, this is exactly the explanation I was looking for! For my first few years in Colorado, I used to wear rain pants over top of warm pants. I will shop for all the things!


I cant remember where we were discussing Dr Becky BUT I want to Very Highly recommend Mr Chazz. I prefer his methods of explaining things, he has a IG and youtube and such, he talks more about how to parent in your own way and does some breakdowns on why stuff worked and also that you dont have to be the clever silly singing parent to get through to your kids every time, seems to do more work with Black families/ more culturally versatile (he is a Black man, primary school teacher).


Latte caught sight of his “breathe” song as I was scrolling on angry face, and I was worried she’d be upset (she’s a very, very sensitive kid, doesn’t want me to read a page of a book if a porcupine in a bush scares someone) but she LOVED it and wanted to watch it infinitely and asked for it again yesterday.

Last slide of this-


Anyone have this and have opinions on it? Fisher price nap dome?


Nope but if that dome closes completely that seems pretty genius


Yes! Bug shield and it folds down in half to transport.

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If it’s a newish product to the market you can probably resell it for a decent % of what you paid for it when you’re done. My only problem with the product is it gets used for such a brief time.


I’m thinking two key use cases- 1, right now we have a bouncer in our big kitchen/living area so we can set her while we’re cleaning eating etc when she tolerates it. But I don’t like her being in an inclined “container” if there’s a lie flat option, you know? But just a blanket doesn’t work because that’s a site of bug incursion and sibling/dog traffic and the bouncer feels more protective. And 2- spot to put her when visiting relatives or something like that, possibly yard toy containment next spring because the dog is a jerk about o balls etc. I just need to decide if it’s worth… whatever 15% off of $75ish is.


The resale is a good point.


Ugh yes the incline problem. That stressed me out quite a bit when I was considering bassinet/containment options for both my kids. 15% off $75 is $64, you can probably resell conservatively for $30 so yeah, sounds like it would fulfill a couple needs.

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Hey remember this? I just picked an ant off my newborns forehead and want to cry now. Definitely putting in my target order.


Do you have a pack n play? We’re using that as our “set baby down in a safe spot” option. Maybe it’s the picture but that particular bassinet looks sooo small and like a big 3 month old would be hitting the sides lol

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We do, but the problem is it can’t be in that central part of the room. Picture a long skinny room where our whole life occurs lol. Pack n play with changing pad is on the far end and doesn’t put her close enough to kitchen/eating.

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My kiddo is experiencing bullying on the bus. This is bringing up a lot of feels for me because I was also bullied as a kid. And of course, I’m concerned about DS and the effects this will have on him.

Does anyone have any books or other reads about how to deal with bullying and talk to kids about bullying?

We have talked to the school counselor and hope that things will improve. If not, he’ll be no longer riding the bus. We’ve offered for him to stop riding the bus, but for now, DS wants to keep riding. But the kid doing the bullying lives across the street and is in kiddo’s grade, so complete avoidance is impossible.


How old is the kid? I liked 14 Talks by Age 14 but it’s mostly geared at like ages 10-13.