Random Questions, Parenting Edition

Yep I’d give meds and expect to see a new child in about 30 min :sweat_smile: :crossed_fingers:


Can a 3 week old sleep while nursing? Like if she’s eating and looks like she’s sleeping should I assume she is?


It’s probably very inefficient feeding if she’s sleeping. Look and listen for the swallows, they’re a better indicator than mouth movement. Because they easily suckle while sleeping, but it’s harder for them to do big good transfer work.

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Hm, so more like assume she’s sleeping and not eating?

My ears are garbage and I cannot hear swallowing, I have to go by whether my boobs are getting squishier.

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You can see the swallows, too. Lmk if you want me to try and find a video

This is still the case for my almost 4 year old if she had a fever that even hits 99 degrees.

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My baby just had a mild fever for 36 hours followed by congestion for 2 days (pediatrician was unimpressed, recommended Tylenol if fussy.) It turned out to be covid. There’s a mild surge going on, worth testing your fam perhaps.

Tylenol definitely perked him back up in 20 minutes, and then saline sprays / steamy showers for congestion.


How are you doing this morning?

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A little better! She didn’t want to sleep after her 7 am wakeup when it was bright out. Definitely seems to be something to the light issue.


Toddler teething, is this a thing? Spore is 1 month shy of his 3rs birthday and is complaining about pain in his mouth.


I think so - if they agree, you can get in there to check

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Tiny complaint - after 2 night of little to no sleep, 15 mo might finally be night weaned. And therefore I have been awake for no reason because my body and nervous system aren’t adapted


Second molars come close to 3? But usually all teeth are in by 3. But you can get cysts on roots at any age, stuff like that. Latte currently is having a lot of mouth pain from a small canker sore on her gum line.


Hooray! But also, how rude, body!


Fever and vomiting too. Google tells me maybe herpangina? His regular checkup is tomorrow morning so unless the fever gets really bad we’ll hopefully have some answers then.


I always get mouth/teeth aches woth a bad fever! Hope checkip is reassuring

Hey smart parents!

Meowlet has mentioned wanting a party with his daycare friends for his birthday.

I am not a good planner.

I’ve seen people rent out big indoor play spaces. We’re looking at late October so that might be the move but sounds honestly awful.

Friends of mine swear by park with coffee and donuts and an open invite. Low key. I’m most drawn to this but what I’d weather is truly god awful? New England.

There’s always of course the option of the family house with parents but that’s an hour away so daycare people r not coming and it would just be people older than him who adore him and love a themed party. But also maybe not his vibe.

Pls offer guidance. Class size is like 25 kids + parents. God in heaven. Also friends in the area would stop by.


Clarify: is he asking for the entire class or a smaller circle of friends? I invited the three daycare friends that Larva talked about most and then the little social butterfly invited her teacher unprompted so a total of four daycare kids and four non-daycare friends. I would absolutely only do a donuts and coffee in the park for 25+ kids. Is there a pavilion next to a playground you can rent? Do that.


He said “I want a party with my daycare friends” and did not specify. He’s extremely spacey about school. Like truly says almost nothing based in reality tho by all accounts he’s quite thoughtful and adept at social interaction as far as a 4yr old goes.

Ughhh. Okay there’s a playground nearby with a boss pavilion maybe I just do it.


Perfect! Anyone willing to plan to go to an outside birthday party in New England will probably also be equipped to go in any weather. Activity: hot cocoa bar. Whipped cream, mini-marshmallows, and various sprinkles for decorating, now take your donut hole and go to the playground.