Random Questions, Parenting Edition

How does one teach a growing child to not stand in front of people anymore?

J2 has always been small, to the point where he was nicknamed “Little J2” years ago.

But he is not so small anymore, and it was obvious this morning when we were seeing J1 off and he kept standing in front of me, that he didn’t realize it? And I think he’s always stood in front of me, because he was spacey so that way I could kinda lightly hold onto him so that he didn’t wander off etc. ie, I used to put him there. But now, he will probably be taller than me by Christmas, and the top of his head comes up above my eyeballs. You know when people stand around in a circle so as not to exclude? He stands in front of me. Cause he was always kinda in the middle of the circle.

So how do I un-program 12 years of standing in front of mom? (literally, it is always me, not Dad, but I think that that is where he has always been, in front of mom)


Not the best way - but my mom got really upset with me when we were on a family trip and in the pictures she was behind me and couldn’t see.

My dad told her “you know, you chose to stand behind her too, lol”

Now we laugh about it. If there is a family picture can you use that to show him he is tall now? Is there a gentle comedic phrase you can use in the moment “J2, you make a better door than a window I can’t see!” (in a loving and light hearted way).

So I would say - have a conversation to get it started to tell him what you want, and then have a reminder phrase to use in the moment.


It wasn’t until we were in the car on the way home that I clued in that he wasn’t being a jerk - but rather, he’d gotten tall.

oh maybe this is the way to go. He both loves attention (ie, he’ll step in front of me to make me give him full attention?) so that is a piece of it (and he’s getting big, and I have started responding to this with ‘women do not like it when you block them!’ but without the context of why. He’s still a kid, but one day he won’t be and it’ll appear to be threatening whether it’s intended that way or not), but this? I think this is subconscious. or maybe a combination of ‘I love attention and I stand in front of mom?’


Maybe just do what you did before in reverse. You’ve steered him in front of you- start cueing him beside you. Especially since it’s just you. Do the shoulder steer regularly.


You know I never thought of that, because I used to ‘steer’ my small children but I don’t when they get older, so it never crossed my mind.

Maybe I steer along with the door / window comment


The helpful thing with the door/window comment is eventually you can just say “door” as a reminder instead of the whole phrase.


My mom still does with all of us :joy: I’m sure that’s part of why lol.


I know Ravioli will eat solids eventually. But I would appreciate hearing from parents with lils who didn’t ingest much for a while. I know all I can do is keep offering! He is thankfully exploring and putting it in his mouth, but 99% of it is coming right back out :confused:


J2 hated baby food, baby cereal, all meat, etc.

He hated all purees

It was quite jarring after J1 ate everything.

We went straight to finger foods, like individual baby pasta and peas etc. We found a few preferred foods and went with it. He’d always eat yogurt, so the Dr said to get Astro Yogurt, because it is high milk fat, and treat that as the protein. He’d also eat Mac n Cheese (homemade), so the cheese was the protein. He ate a lot of cottage cheese mixed with applesauce. I also added a liquid vitamin because I was afraid he wasn’t getting enough variety

At 12, he’ll now eat everything, but he still eats slower than slow.

editing - I realize I mention ‘protein’ a few times - he absolutely hated the texture of all meat, and we are very much omnivores in our house. I had no clue how to feed a baby who appeared to be heading vegetarian, and the protein was where my stress was.


Latte’s tongue thrust stayed intact a good long while. Idk how long you’ve been at it but I would say maybe 5% stayed in her mouth the first couple weeks we did solids. It was a gradual improvement from there. But also? It’s totally fine! With Latte it was stressful because of her weight issues, we were hoping solids would stop her percentile decline, but for kids who are staying on their weight curve they’re just learning flavors, mouth movements, etc anyway at this point. Smushing food and smelling it and tasting it IS learning solids even if none goes down. Every bit of exposure counts as food learning.

If you like courses and/or have a lot of anxiety around it, I found the feeding little infant feeding course SO helpful. Also for getting Husband and I on the same page around everything.


Duckling wasn’t really interested in food and preferred breastfeeding. He gagged a lot of anything like steamed broccoli, and preferred soft pancakes, fritters and purees to dip in. Sometime between 9-15 months he got interested, in stages, and put his eating skills together.


Hello, hi! My first one ate nothing and did it verrrrrry slowly (still does!) and the second one vacuums the tray.

The pediatrician said about my first (probably closer to a year), “Sometimes with toddlers at the end of the day you’ll realize that they ingested only a single goldfish, and other days they will have eaten twice what you did that day. The trick is to look at the whole week’s consumption and never get concerned over a single meal, or even a specific day. A generally healthy kid (barring allergies/other health concerns) will always make up for it.”

Tough to implement/recall when your Kid. Wont. Eat. but it was good advice and DH and I repeat it to each other often. “I guess today is a single goldfish kind of day.” :roll_eyes:


My oldest did not like food, plus was very thin, which made the pediatrician offer a whole lot of useless suggestions. Luckily she was robustly healthy plus very, very energetic.

She only ate about 5 things for years, and not a lot of those, either.

Next kid up ate everything. It just is what it is.


I don’t remember the infant phase of food any more but -

This is still true with an eight year old. We started giving him smoothies in the morning after his breakfast cereal due to appetite suppressing medication, ice cream is a main ingredient in the smoothie just to get calories into him.


I seem to recall buying J2 high quality (ie, made with real cream, as opposed to ‘frozen product’) vanilla ice cream to get calories into him also


Does anyone have a Graco modes stroller and know if the toddler seat/pramette is usually a bit wobbly or if I installed it wrong?

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I don’t, but I have the maxi cosi Zelia, which gets the same complaint (not from me anymore though)

First, for bassinet, flip to parent-facing, then you can play with angle slightly or if there is a weird cord clip behind thingy you can adjust that, if anything aim for head a bit higher than feet. Also it feels more sturdy with a 12 pound baby than empty or with a 5 pound baby.

(They seem almost the same in store but I am not sure if the adjustment thingies are the exact same)


We are in the process of getting a new car, and are asking ourselves… what should we look for when it comes to a car for new parents? So far we’re thinking:

  • Good safety rankings
  • Car seat fits, easy to get in and out
  • Good in snow/ice (important here)

What else do we not know yet? What are trustworthy resources we should consult?


Trunk area fits strollers and wagons? I dunno, we have an Impreza hatchback and have survived just fine but it can be a tight squeeze when traveling.


Leather instead of upholstery is nice for clean up. Kids are messy for a long time.