Pregnancy is weird

3cm dilated and he is -1cm from my cervix :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

Idk if the snow tonight will put us into labor but I’m thinking it’s going to be quite soon that we meet this little dude.


Also, where is my degree or certificate that allows us to do this? “They” just let me create life and raise it without a test or anything to prove we can do this??? Seems suspicious.


OK glad I’m not alone in that one. Ravi doesn’t like cosleeping, just kicks me forever lol


AHHHHH so excited! I think my certificate of Being Allowed to Have a Baby got lost.


When I had my daughter (at 18) I was like “um you mean I can just take her home by myself!!! That can’t be right”


Things change really often in the 1.5 yrs, so being prepared to keep adjusting sounds like just the ticket.

We moved Spore into his own room around 4 months but our rooms are small and walls were thin. Even in his own room, his crib was 10’ away from my head and we could easily hear anything important.

One thing I appreciated a ton was the much improved sleep (due to less sound travelling) of occasionally sleeping on a different floor than the baby. For us this was a crappy foldout in our attic office that one parent could occasionally escape to. Something in the basement could serve that purpose for you, maybe.


Aaaaah so excited for you! Good luck, whenever lil babe decides to come.

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:crossed_fingers: good luck!

And yes, flexibility is key, actual layout irrelevant. We bought a cosleeper bassinet at 4 weeks old because we had a snuggler and couldnt cosleep because we didnt have any way to set it up or brainpower to work it out. Didnt have another place in the house for another adult to sleep, nope. It was a shitshow. I slept on the yoga mat on the floor a couple times I think


Me waiting for clear fetal movement like

download (4)


My kid is (more or less) potty trained now but we’re still having to clean up accidents… because of pregnant me :grimacing:


Good scan today! We’re officially graduated from the fertility clinic and have the first OB appointment next week. Baby is still in there, it’s exactly as long as it should be for 8 weeks and 2 days, and heartbeat was 169. Grow little buddy grow


Yay! Grow baby grow!


IME you get too busy to think about this all the time, but when you DO think about it…the feeling never really goes away. Who the fuck am I trying to tell a toddler to be nice?! Luckily she can’t read the jerky work email I dashed off to someone yesterday. They deserved it, but yikes. I am not qualified for this.


Excellent heartbeat!!

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I have really liked having a captain’s bed in the nursery. Our baby is soooo easy. We never needed to cosleep and she was easy to move into the crib, which we did maybe around five months? Our room is really small and it felt like we were disturbing her too much coming in and out of our bedroom when she was sleeping in there. I think the US recommendation might also be 12 months in parents’ room but the evidence for that one isn’t as convincing IMO as other recommendations, and it just wasn’t practical for us because our room is so tiny.

But I had thought someone would want to take the baby into the nursery and sleep in the twin bed so the other parent could sleep. The cuckoo sleeps so well that this was not necessary, but it can be a lifesaver in other situations.

The advantage of the captain’s bed in particular is that it has giant drawers where I can shove all the clothes that don’t fit me/meet my needs at this time, outgrown baby clothes, crib sheets, etc. Very useful. But that’s just the extra bed we happened to have- it used to be BB’s but we bought him a loft. I stayed it in it when the boys had covid, too, because the Boy wasn’t isolating from him.

We don’t have a guest room so that was also where our moms stayed when they came to help, when cuckoo was still in our room.


Tweaked my shoulder taking off my bra, after recently tweaking it by showering. It hurts really bad. Not sure if pregnancy caused or getting older caused.

Also getting some really bad acid in my throat after evening meals and it’s grosssss


I think one of the things I don’t like about, I don’t know, the culture of pregnancy? Is a lack of clarity between what you should be feeling and what you might be feeling. Like, my list of “symptoms” for this week on what to expect I have 1/6. I cannot feel my uterus like one source says I “should” (there’s some padding in the way). I’m not convinced I’ve felt any movement.

All of these shoulds that I don’t experience, or only experience to a small degree, constantly make me worried something is wrong when so far, every check has had normal results.


I think I’m my head I just changed all of the “shoulds” to “coulds”. I see how that can be super stressful! We all carry babies differently and will have different symptoms.

I have really tried to take everything on the internet with a grain of salt because experiences are so different.

I would talk to your Dr about any worries. Don’t be afraid to call the after hours line either if you have any concerns.


Bummer. Even if I have a repeat c/s, I can’t get a hernia repair at the same time.

OB leans toward waiting and seeing how my pregnancy factors shape up- BP, baby size- and deciding from there is we go for TOLAC or repeat c/s. So that’s tentatively the plan right now.

Got another u/s at the appointment and bub was doing well, good size and HR. It was super short but yet again didn’t really see her move. Long wait for my NT scan at the end of the month. At least the OB was super nice and made clear if I ever get anxious that I can come in and get a scan to reassure me. She’s also had a surprise mega baby herself so that was a nice surprise camaraderie moment.


Good appointment with OB this am! I really liked everyone I interacted with at the practice and feel like it’s the right fit for me. They’re having me start on baby aspirin for preeclampsia prevention, and are switching me from Diclegis to Zofran. Man, if I could get past this nausea, I’d be unstoppable.

They also gave me the blessing to eat sushi from reputable sources and to go on my wife’s fancy Mexico work trip in two weeks, so I’m ready to party.


Being the traveling spouse on a work trip is GREAT!

SO MUCH GOOD NEWS! Very happy for you and wife.