Pregnancy is weird

Hi Greyweld and sweet baby bump!


Lmao. If you’re not pregnant, you need your ascites checked asap :upside_down_face: that person was an idiot.


googles ascites


Ah yeah. I’m like there is either a baby or a LOT of poop and liquids and gas in there.


Maybe it’s just people being dumb and thinking if they imply I don’t have a belly that’s automatically a compliment regardless of context?

Don’t comment on people’s bodies unless you know that they do want them commented on and how, dude.


Yeah I think some people think that’s what people WANT to hear? I had a (non parent) friend tell me like 6 weeks post partum I had “bounced back”. And I was like- 1, objectively untrue and I can barely walk. 2, who the fuck cares. 3, please don’t comment on my body at all. Ever, but especially not right now. Like so much else, I think sometimes people have no idea what to say so they say some super dumb shit.


I’ve got a lawyer if you want a recommendation. For what it is worth - he is advising us to not fully update and sign things until after the baby is born so the baby can be named directly. Full transparency - we are updating wills, POA’s, and getting the paperwork in place so when we die a trust is established in the name of this child and all future children equally and it is going to be $2900 total. I think you can do it for much cheaper if you are not doing the trust part.

The baby will go on whoever’s insurance that has an earlier birthday in the year (forums taught me this) if you are on separate plans.

MOST IMPORTANTLY!!! I think that in your bit of feeling good that you should do something fun and frivolous and not baby related (unless fun baby related like picking clothes or something). Go for a walk. Listen to music/book/podcast. Do a fancy face mask. Do anything you want!!! LIVE YOUR RICH LIFE NAN!!!


That’s interesting! We updated before I got pregnant and the estate attorney kept referring to “child C” :laughing:. We set up 1 trust for the two older boys and a separate one for the baby so that everyone can access money at an appropriate age.

You probably need life insurance but when deciding how much, remember that Social Security survivor benefits can be surprisingly generous. My brother spent most of his adult life delivering pizza for a living (when he was able to work at all) and his baby mama gets a life-changing $900 a month for their one child. I think the Boy or I would be more like a couple grand a month.


It’s the worst!

Last pregnancy people kept telling me how small I was as if it were a compliment when I was stressed out about my monthly growth ultrasounds and we were at risk of IUGR.


@greyweld your bump is gorgeous

Have absolutely had people say the most surprising stupid stuff to me. theyre trying so hard to be helpful and nice and failing so, so hard :roll_eyes::face_with_raised_eyebrow::upside_down_face:


Call me weird but I’m getting excited for labor. Idk why I’m not scared right now but I’ll take it!

Everything on the internet says “that symptom means you could start labor in 24 hours or a few weeks, GOOD LUCK!” Lol.


-2cm dilated (will find out an updated measurement tomorrow)
-lost the mucus plug
-some small and irregular contractions
-more lower back pain than normal

Hospital bags are packed, all of the must do items are taken care of for home, plan for pupper is in place. Idk what else to do other than enjoy the last bit of time getting to feel him move around in my belly, getting some sunshine and puppy snuggles, and trying to be patient for the unknowns to come.

We tried on the baby wraps last night too!


It sounds like it is almost time!! I’m thinking good thoughts for you! Good Luck!


Sounds like everything is ready! Having your brain ready is the most important!


Sooooo pumped for you!!! My body was too…busy? To be scared lol


Sending you all the good thoughts!

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I love food. So much. But I am legit tired of eating and being hungry.


Omg week 10ish (12? Idk) for me was absolutely crying because I just didn’t want to make food again


I was not warned how much work it would be to think of different foods to eat every 3 hours and how bad the consequences were if I didn’t eat constantly (I was, you all warned me).


It’s exhausting too, because it’s not just EAT. It’s like. “Eat Z. But that doesn’t sound good. Okay what about X? No, I don’t have that and now I’m IRRATIONALLY ANGRY about that. Hmm I could eat C? Ighhh that requires so much chewing” :weary:

I know I’m telling people who know this. But what the fuck. No one should have to think about food this hard every second of every day. There are chefs who think less about food than I do right now.


Which is why I’m eating peanut butter out of the jar with a spoon at the moment - like a savage :joy::joy:.

It is so much easier for me to manage on weekdays at my cushy desk job than on weekends where I have to share all my expensive GD diet approved snacks with a 3-year-old.