Pregnancy is weird

Waiting on a call back from the nurse. I hate waitiiing


Personal experience with right-side under rib pain during pregnancy:


My eldest is 15 and this was with him, so it was not recent.

I experienced pain under my ribs through most of the second and third trimester with J1. I was sent for a gallbladder ultrasound, since that’s where the gallbladder is, and it came back clear, so I was told not tor worry about it. It went away after the baby was born, it was low-level uncomfortable though. Taking tums kinda helped it, along with drinking milk.

About a year ago, not pregnant, the same pain came back. I started chugging milk, and went to the Dr to ask about the gallbladder, since that was what the concern had been previously. The Dr sent me for chest xrays (came back fine) and ultrasound (gallbladder came back fine) but it turned out I had a fatty liver - was told to eat lots of greens and walk more. If I eat greasy food, it flares, but if not, it is generally under control. Gummy candies (which are my favourite) unfortunately seem to be a personal trigger for it.


Yeah part of why I wasn’t too concerned is I’ve had shit like this before but with the fun addition of burning lower intestinal pain and changing up my food intake fixed it. So I figured it was just all the takeout egg rolls.


I’m going in tomorrow afternoon.


Well my blood pressure is fine :woman_shrugging: just waiting on my pee analysis.


Normal blood pressure is good! I hope your pee was exactly what pee should be!

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I have no idea still! They will call me with results when they come through.

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Oh good, they would def. have kept you if they were worried!


My various fluids were everything they should be. I don’t have an explanation for why after getting this news my feet started to swell (other than just being 33 weeks pregnant) but I’m glad.


I was under the impression that my birthing class would include hypno birthing instruction, but that seems not to be the case. Trying to decide if it’s worth pursuing it on my own with an app or some such.

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I survived my 2 hour, 75mg glucose tolerance test! I had a horrible headache and got super sleepy the second hour but I made it through. :crossed_fingers: and now we wait for results. They were way strict though, it was a full on fast as in, not even clear liquids, small water sips only, and then once the test started I couldn’t even sip water, only rinse my mouth once.


Yay for making it through!

I am VERY skeptical of the no water thing because they said I could have small sips and I finished most of a refillable water bottle and I still flunked :sweat_smile:

Good luck with the results! The 2 hour is diagnostic, right? Like you either pass or fail and there is no second test?


Yep, diagnostic thank goodness.





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Wow. Bubs is only 33%! Those who follow at home may remember that Latte was born at damn near 10lbs (99+%), so size checks are quite quite indicated here. Small, but not so small they had any concerns. :tada:


My blood pressure has been great throughout pregnancy until today. They triple checked it and it’s hovering around 138/80. So going in for an extra check next week.

My fundal height is also 2 weeks ahead so they are going to do a growth scan at 36 to see what’s going on.

If things keep going this way I may end up getting nudged towards the 39 week induction I’ve been waffling about doing electively.


Not having sausage-feet was nice while it lasted.


The person due one day before me on my pregnancy discord server is delivering today due to high BP and I’m kind of freaking out. Like oh. Oh that could happen. Yikes.


My BP is down!

But the NP I’m seeing while my OB is on vacation is pushing for a 39 week induction because she suspects my baby is big. Weird how something I was considering doing electively I cry about as soon as someone tries to push for it.