Pregnancy is weird

Relax. Don’t panic. Check your BP and take measures to make it normal as possible.

I can totally understand this…you wanted the choice to be voluntary and if it’s pushed then maybe there are scary reasons or things that come with it!

This is a great time to reach out to your doula to talk things through.

Also a great opportunity to practice asking the key medical questions: Are you mentioning this as an option, or strongly recommending it based on your medical experience? What’s the main reason you are recommending this? What are the risks with doing it? What are the risks with NOT doing it? How soon do I need to decide?

Followed up by: Thanks for explaining everything, I need X time to think it over and discuss with my support team.

You’ve got this!!!

ETA: I wish I had written down these questions/scripts for myself and my partner for all medical visits


Excellent steps to take and questions to ask.

Also, people in medicine often forget risk = hazard X likelihood, so push back on “how LIKELY is it” for each thing that could go wrong. “Suspects big baby, pushes for induction” gets a little side-eye from me without “regular US to monitor size clearly show large baby” because it is one of the things i hear being incorrect the most. My OB and US dr both said t they are a hand wave, especially if they’re once-offs.

I also cried and stressed a LOT over my induction and that one was my own choice (no choice from my brain, though, it wasnt a happy choice).


Happy 36 weeks to me. The last few days have been a physical and emotional shit show, but I talked with my doula and husband about induction and I’m feeling more positive about it between that conversation and just the suck that third trimester is.

Today I went to pee just before leaving the house, sneezed on the way out of the house and somehow peed myself anyway, then went to change and put on my maternity jeans which are apparently very nearly too small.

I want baby to stay in at least one more week, but I’m pretty sure I’m ready to serve an eviction notice for 3 weeks from now.

Edit 36 weeks not 26 damn what is time


I laughed for like five minutes because seriously like every freaking day


I have entered “My belly is SO STRETCHED and it FUCKING ITCHES.”


Lotion lotion lotion! I slathered on SO MUCH LOTION during that phase.


Sooo much lotion. But then later it’s like tacky and sticky?

I was so jealous of the people in my birth class wearing like crop tops with not a one stretch mark? They are like oh we have them on our boobs.

You guys are getting boobs?

My belly is angry itchy red lines and maybe my boobs are marginally bigger but they are definitely overshadowed by the belly.


I got all of mine on my butt and top of my thighs. Bodies be weird.


My boobs grew the most when my milk came in. There is still time for you lol.

Loved the Palmers lotion after a shower but recommend it just at night so it has time to really sink in. I didn’t like the tacky feeling either.


I got measured for a new bra to get me through social events, and I went up two band sizes. Bodies are wild!


I also developed a slight allergy to a soap that was fine pre-pregnancy. Could that be part of this issue? Maybe switch to something gentler/fragrance free for a bit and see if it helps?


Saaaaaame. My thighs looked like tigers :tiger2:


Another one is that I get contact dermatitis to the pressure of the seams on my clothes, particularly while pregnant :melting_face:


Yeah your ribs will like, expand!! It’s crazy! I’m pretty sure I have some extra breast tissue but my cup size may actually be the same or smaller due to cup size being based on the difference between rib and bust measurement.

Not that my cup size matters much because I’m wearing almost exclusively nursing bras that are measured in XL sizes which cover like 36 DD to 42 A or something.


I switched to California Baby super sensitive lotion around that point… It’s a bit pricey but I love it. It doesn’t leave a residue, has no scent, actually moisturizes.

ETA: (No Fragrance) Super Sensitive™ Everyday Lotion


Yeah I think this is happening with the top seam of my maternity jeans. My belly is too big for it so it’s pressing in. Never realized I would get too big so I have to retire my maternity wear, even though I feel like not much has changed other than my belly. Ok and my feet/ankles.


Hugs. I went through multiple sizes of maternity clothes in my last pregnancy, and by the end basically had some old basketball shorts of my husbands and a tent dress that fit me. Misery.


I am close to exclusively wearing aline dresses, possibly commando because waistbands are the devil. But then when I sneeze and pee I’ll just be peeing directly on the floor…


Less laundry that way!!