Pregnancy is weird

How nice of them to document the sugar crash that resulted in me skipping work to sleep all afternoon.


After some consideration I put in my request to start leave at week 37. No one has objected so I think I’m officially on the countdown until leave.


Congrats! How far away is that?

Right around 8 weeks - start leave July 21.

I was getting anxious and feeling like I was likely to ask for an induction ASAP just to start leave. And then I’m like… I could just ask to start leave. It’s out of vacation so I don’t even have to have it be medically necessary right off the bat.

feeling nervous

I may go and get checked out at L&D this evening. Normally very active baby has been very quiet the last couple days, and I could barely get her to wiggle with cold water and a snack today. I’m going to see if playing drums or eating dinner does the trick, because she usually has a party with those, but if she’s still seeming sleepy I think I’m gonna get checked.

I’ve just been so busy the last few days that I’m not totally sure how much I’ve just been less aware, but also being busy has somewhat dissuaded me from going in until now when I’m getting like legit concerned.


As I told someone else here recently, there’s no downside to getting checked out. I hope it’s all ok and that baby just moved somewhere harder to feel.


Yeah it’s also almost 30 weeks so she may just have less space to wind up a good wallop. But even just yesterday there was a lot more, so I’d rather check. I just have a little nerves about going into hospitals unexpected due to history reasons. But at least it’s not the e room?


Yeah a couple hours chillin in L&D triage is really different than the ER. I have whiled away several evenings that way. If you go I suggest bringing a snack and phone charger and be aware you might not be able to get out of the bed without the nurse.


So my hospital was old and shitty but the early checks were all SUPER worth it. And never any nonsense from nurses like why are you here


Another vote to go! I was getting a lot of X and was told to go for Y or Z, or I would have gone this weekend.

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Seems all is good with baby at the moment! As is to be expected, she started squirming around like crazy once they started monitoring. Thanks kid.


Babys are trolls even before they are born. I’m glad everything is ok!


Within the course of 24 hours I was told I was “carrying tiny” and also “it must be any day now”. (For reference- I’m 26 weeks, fundal height is measuring right on expected right now). I was wearing the same outfit (different identical shirts lol) for both interactions. Both were older women around the same ages. (One at a coffee shop, one at a grocery store).

Anyway, belly size perception is all made up and put no stock in what people say because everyone is bonkers :joy: that’s my take away.


No one knows what a pregnant belly is supposed to look like at a certain week. No one.

Waffling about it/when to go in for a concern

I’ve been having pain under my ribs, especially on the right side and a lot more at night when I’m sleeping on my right.

I assumed this was just baby putting pressure on that side/kicking but I read today it could be a sign of HELLP syndrome which sounds pretty serious. But also it could just be getting kicked in the ribs. Or my gallbladder acting up.

Trying to decide whether to call the on call doc tonight, call the nurse line tomorrow AM and assume I may be asked to go in or wait it out until Friday.


I’d call now, and be seen as soon as possible. Better to rule things out than wait and wonder?


This has been ongoing for a while? Unless it suddenly worsened or is extremely painful, personally I would just call in the morning.

It’s been kind of low level mostly an annoyance at night for some time now. Not really a severe uptick?

Ehhh I’ll call L&D because they said they are there at all times for questions.



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They weren’t too concerned yet since I only have the rib-area pain symptom and nothing else. Told me to call my OB when they open and see if they want me in a few days early or to just check me out Friday, so I’m waiting for them to open in about 45 minutes.